Awesome Music: Dirge by Death In Vegas near the end of 3.5
Also Girlfriend In A Coma by The Smiths in 1x3 and Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlife and Too Sick To Pray by Alabama 3 in 1x4.
Johnny Cash's cover of Hurt at the end of the first series' Episode 1 is not only a fantastic song choice, it encapsulates the mood and tone of the episode, the characters and the entire series to come.
After being completely rejected by the Old Ones, Cutler heads to Honolulu Heights to kill Eve, breaking down the door and being burnt horrifically as he didn't receive an invitation. Before he can take this final chance to be a "history maker" by dooming his own species, incidentally saving the world at the same time, Annie stakes him.
Ass Pull: At the end of Season 2, Annie coming back briefly from the other side to save everyone from Kemp.
In Series 4, the fact that Werewolf blood is not only toxic, but highly corrosive to Vampires. At what point was this ever a concern before hand? How many Vampires threatened to drain George dry despite knowing he was a Werewolf? And if this really was a huge weakness, why didn't someone like McNair weaponise it?
By that logic, Tranquiliser Guns with Werewolf Blood would basically equate to the perfect vampire slaying weapon, so how are the people in 2037 losing the war?
Probably because they send 10,000 Vampires to wipe out a small handful of humans.
Also Kemp. Dead Little Sister notwithstanding, he casually watches as a werewolf dies in the most gory manner imaginable, and persuades his accomplices to carry on with the work. For the unconvinced, his second series finale murdering of the psychic, of Lucy and of Annie in absolutely ice cold blood tipped him head first across the Moral Event Horizon.
And then there's Herrick, who hasn't been shown as anything less than pure evil. Particularly so, as of episode 3.7; yes he killed MacNair in self defence, but he then proceeded to slaughter his way through an entire police armed response unit and terrorise Nina before brutally stabbing her in the kidney. His stated reason? People would say he'd gotten soft if he let them go.
Herrick deserves extra mention for having canonically been a monster before he was even a Vampire. He was turned into a Vampire by Hettie, while he was trying to sell her to a brothel. Hettie looks like a ten-year-old.
Despite these examples, due to the nature of the show, it's kind of hard to label anyone a complete monster. It's more Black and Gray Morality.
You'd have a hard time arguing that now we've seen Kirby.
Hal used to be one of these. He broke Cutler after turning him by asking him to kill his wife and, when Cutler refused, killing her himself and getting Cutler to drink her blood. In an alternate future, Hal is basically vampire Hitler.
Cutler does a similar trick to Hal involving Alex, helps in the plot to take over the world, threatens a woman's children to blackmail her, and rips her throat out when he finds her to be a nuisance.
The Old Ones. They want to take over the world and subjugate humanity for fun. Mr Snow is a clear cut irredeemable bastard.
Magnificent Bastard: Herrick, after he almost played all the housemates off against each other.
Kirby easily counts he manages to break up the friendship between Hal, Annie and Tom by turning them against one another, and then belittling them when they were alone. That's not even taking into account that he used to be a toy salesman who would sleep with and then kill the mothers of the children he sold his things to.
Tully attempted to attack Annie. Kemp forced her to go through the door.
To put his massacre in perspective the train alone would put him in the top ten of Real Life mass murderers of all time and there were plenty of other people in the institute that he murdered.
Cutler killing Alex and releasing a werewolf in a busy club.
Season 4 Episode 8 really drives the Horror Hunger vampires in this universe have to deal with when the normally Neat Freak Hal finds himself compelled to lap up congealed maggot ridden blood from the floor.
The Scrappy: Nina veers into this territory in Series 3.
Annie. Besides bouncing the idiot ball off her face, constantly, being Responsible for Mitchell's spiral of insanity and death doesn't do her any favours.
They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: George's death. They could easily have had George be stuck in werewolf form and chained him up in the basement, providing an impetus to finding out whether or not Eve had any special qualities that could fix the problem and allowing Russell Tovey to be largely absent. It would certainly have allowed the plot to give him a better send off instead of the abrupt end to his storyline which came across as a rather Stupid Sacrifice.
How is it a stupid sacrifice. He took down an entire club of Vampires, you think Tom could have done that all by himself? Or that the Recorder could have done more than delay the others?
If he could trick his body into beginning the transformation (and lets not get started on that, what is this, Fangface?), why couldn't George go all the way? From the way he phrased it, he actually intended to only partially transform, which is what makes it stupid as he knows this would have been lethal.
Most likely, he wanted to change enough that he was physically capable to take on all the vampires in the building, but retain enough humanity so that he wouldn't just target everyone indiscriminantly (like, say, Eve).
Wangst: Used for very comical effect over Mitchell and George's disproportionate reaction to the scheduling and missing of the latest episode of The Real Hustle. Perhaps a Take That Us by BBC Three?