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  • George's showdown with Herrick, with George embracing his wolf side to frightening effect to tear a defiant Herrick to pieces

George "You shouldn't have gone after Mitchell. It got my... attention."

    • Pretty much all of George's action in that episode, manipulating both Herrick and Mitchell and by extension all of the other Vampires in Bristol. He finally matures and puts aside his Non-Action Guy demeanor for long enough to kill Herrick and save Mitchell and Annie. Sometimes I wonder why people assume Mitchell is the true hero in this show...
  • The McNairs' and Mitchell successfully taking on a room full of vampires
  • In a similar vein Annie, George and Lauren in the funeral parlour
  • Annie's Not Afraid of You Anymore moment with Owen
  • Mitchell charging into the gates of Hell ready to fight God and Satan at once to save Annie.
  • Arguably Lia's What the Hell, Hero? rant to Mitchell, when she calls him out on murdering herself and the train full of people, and then trying to just ignore or make up for it with good deeds.
  • Nina bailing George out of prison, right as they both are transforming. The fact that she more or less keeps a straight face and gets them both out of there while beginning to suffer a heart attack, kidney failure, and other forms of Body Horror is impressive.
  • Facing half a dozen policeman armed with assault rifles in his kitchen, Mitchell brandishes a jagged bottle handle at them and tells the police they have one chance to leave, or he'll kill every one of them. Since Mitchell's not given to empty threats, you start to suspect he could actually do this.
  • George saving Mitchell at the end of Season 3 by killing him. Doubles as Tear Jerker His Badass Boast To a freaking Old One! is also pretty awesome

George: It looks like you've got a fight on your hands

  • George saving his daughter Eve from vampires by willingly inducing a partial transformation by focusing on a picture of a full moon. He then goes on to slaughter a room full of vampires, helped by a stake-wielding Tom. His Heroic Sacrifice then makes this a Tear Jerker though.
  • Tom, Hal and Annie working together to take down a room full of vampire in Season 4, Episode 3. It's the moment they really become a team.
  • Annie returning after disintegration, eerily glowing with a blue light, and killing Kirby to protect her adoptive daughter.
  • Althought it's all just a dream, Hal shows in 2 seconds why people should fear the Old Ones when he effortlessly kills Tom with his own stake. The latter had been shown to be one of the most capable combatants on the show, but Hal offed him without breaking a sweat.
  • Annie taking on a room full of Old Ones effortlessly, then making the ultimate sacrifice to save the world. The look on Mr Snow's face when she storms in is priceless.


  • In a macabre way Cutler's Death. Throughout the series he had been either a Manipulative Bastard or a Smug Snake but when it came to His death, he was a pure Determinator. His Rasputinian Death was undeniably awesome: burning alive by walking into a house uninvited in order to kill Eve and wipe out his own species, and then being staked by a stake thrown telekinetically thrown by Annie.

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