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The Roommates[]
Meet the inhabitants of Boston's scariest houseshare.
A vampire who was a merciless killer for two hundred years before he decided to clean up his act.
- The Atoner
- Buried Alive: In season 2 finale.
- Cain and Abel: With Marcus sort of since they're vampiric "brothers".
- Cartwright Curse
- Chick Magnet
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Mr. Fanservice: Oh my, yes.
- Fascinating Eyebrow: His eyebrows are so expressive some fans call them the fourth roommate.
- Fate Worse Than Death: Mother claims the 'eternal madness' of being being buried alive is this. However Aidan considers her killing of Suren to be hers.
- Friendly Neighborhood Vampire
- Glamour Failure
- I Hate You, Vampire Dad: Towards Bishop.
- I Love You, Vampire Son: Towards Henry.
- Off the Wagon
- Our Vampires Are Different: Immortality and everlasting youth, sure, but Aidan and the other vampires can tolerate some sunlight if they have protection. They have reflections, too. The former may make sense since vampires didn't 'develop' the burst into sunlight aspect until the movie Nosferatu; thus in this universe, while people believe vampires are affected by sunlight, it may not be as bad as that. And as Aiden notes at one point, they simply must have developed a resistance.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Was turned during The American Revolution, so well over 200.
- Villain Ball Magnet
- Warm Bloodbags Are Everywhere
Josh was a premedical student before getting turned into a werewolf.
- Blatant Lies: But is terrible at it.
- Hand or Object Underwear
- Hollywood Nerd
- Fantastic Religious Weirdness: Josh is still Jewish, but no longer very observant, as he feels that Judaism would frown on the whole turning-into-a-wolf thing.
- I Just Want to Be Normal
- Informed Judaism
- I Hate You Werewolf Dad His relationship with Ray
- Mistaken for Gay: By Danny. And his parents, much to Aidan's amusement.
- Mysterious Animal Senses: Around his "time of the month".
- Non-Action Guy
- Only Sane Man
- Our Werewolves Are Different: Changes only during the full moon, is pure animal mentally, has no memory of his actions, and has heightened strength and senses—especially smell—for a few days before and after.
- The wolf, on the other hand, clearly has a memory of some sort since it's able to recognize Nora in some fashion. That said, since it only gets one day out of every month to eat and have a life, it doesn't exactly emerge in a very happy mood.
- Painful Transformation
- Viral Transformation
- Wolf Man
Sally Malik[]
A young ghost who is dealing with abandonment issues.
- Axe Crazy: after it's revealed that the Reaper is actually her
- Cute Ghost Girl
- Deadpan Snarker: she has her moments
- Ghost Amnesia: Sally is unclear on the circumstances of her death. Not anymore...
- Ghostly Goals
- Jacob Marley Apparel
- The Killer in Me: Though it's more like The Grim Reaper in me.
- Mind Over Matter: May depend on her stress level.
- Sanity Slippage: Season 2 reveals that she began going insane after missing her door.
- She Cleans Up Nicely: Her dream self certainly does.
- Who Dunnit to Me?
- You Can See Me?: In the pilot.
Humans living in Boston who interact with the cast. They don't generally stay human very long.
A young boy from the neighborhood Aidan befriends. Killed when he walked into the street and was hit by a car. Rebecca turns him thinking it would make Aidan happy, but Aidan later kills him because he can't control himself.
- Enfant Terrible: After he's turned.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: Not so innocent after Rebecca turns him.
- Shoot the Dog: What Aidan does to him after he turns.
- Undead Child
Danny Angeli[]
Sally's fiancé (now ex, as their relationship was ended by her death) owns the house now rented by Josh and Aidan. Responsible for Sally's death.
- The Atoner: he is substantially less evil after briefly coming back from Limbo
- Back for the Dead: A twofer. We find out he's dead AND he gets reaped in the same episode.
- Muggle
- Crazy Jealous Guy: to the point where he assumes she's sleeping around after her ring falls down the drain. He then "accidentally" kills her.
- Is That the Best You Can Do?: Towards Sally's ghost.
- Jerkass: Wasn't very nice to Sally when she was alive, killed her, and when she tries to haunt him he taunts her about it
- Took a Level in Badass: He picked up on a lot of ghost tricks more quickly than Sally did after he died. He says this was due to him dying in prison. It doesn't help him.
- The Sociopath: How in the hell did he get married to Sally in the first place?
Josh's younger sister.
- The Ladette: Man, can she pack away the booze.
- Lipstick Lesbian
- Muggle
Josh's ex-fiancee, who he left at the altar when he became a werewolf.
- High School Sweethearts: With Josh.
- Look Both Ways
- Muggle
- New Old Flame: For Josh.
The nurse Josh has a rather hot and cold relationship with.
- The Atoner: She is trying to make things right with Josh after running off with Brynn.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Josh
- Cursed with Awesome: How Nora views her lycanthropy.
- Dark and Troubled Past: She once had a boyfriend who mutilated her stomach. Then she ate him.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Lack of Empathy: Her "speech" to Josh in Season 2 Episode 7 she is not afraid that she killed her ex boyfriend but rather that she doesn't feel any remorse about it.
- Muggle: Not any more
- Scars Are Forever: They even appear on her werewolf form.
- Werewolf Infectee: as of the season finale.
- Not just an infectee anymore as of the Season 2 premiere.
Zoe Gonzales[]
A nurse who can see ghosts and is able to reincarnate them.
The Boston Family[]
A secret society of vampires active in Boston. Aidan is a high-ranking individual in the Family, but has been trying to distance himself from them since he decided to live like a human.
Aidan's sire.
- Affably Evil
- The Chessmaster: Bishop will always win in the end. It might take 50 years, but he'll get you if he wants you.
- Evil Mentor: Used to be this for Aidan.
- Humans Are the Real Monsters
- Last-Name Basis
- Nonhuman Lover Reveal: The episode "Dog Eat Dog" revealed that Bishop was once very much in love with a human nurse.
A vampire that was created by Aidan.
- Ambition Is Evil: What drives Henry. Even after an 80 year exile he desires power and status.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: He and Aidan have a tendency to screw each other over, and then save each other.
- Flayed Alive: As retribution by Suren.
- From Nobody to Nightmare: As a human, Henry was rather timid and tame, if expressing curiosity and desire to experience being a soldier and killing. As a vampire, he's cocky, bold, and perfectly willing to act on his ambitions and killer instincts.
- Handsome Lech
- The Medic: Before he was turned.
Bishop's Dragon.
- Cain and Abel: With Aidan.
- Dragon with an Agenda
- Evil Minion
- Killed Off for Real
- Super Loser
- The Starscream: To Bishop. It doesn't end well for him.
- The Unfavorite: Or as Bishop repeatedly refers to him as "the mistake".
- Would Hurt a Child: Marcus kills a pair of young boys on Bishop's orders.
Head of the Vampire Council.
- God Save Us From the Queen
- My Beloved Smother: To Suren.
- Offing the Offspring: Suren refuses to kill Aidan, so Mother stakes her.
- One Bad Mother
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: There's no telling how old she may be. Her "daughter" is at least 700, and Heggeman is supposedly over 1,000. Mother is said to be far older than both of them.
Rebecca Flynt[]
Turned by Bishop after a one-night stand with Aidan.
- The Atoner: She tries to be, and usually fails.
- Back from the Dead
- Heel Face Revolving Door: See The Atoner
- Psycho Ex-Girlfriend
- Redemption Equals Death
Mother's vampire daughter and in Season 2 the ruler of Boston
- Bodyguard Crush: She had this for Aidan. "You have no idea how long I've loved you, do you?"
- Buried Alive: As punishment for nearly breaking the Masquerade.
- The Corrupter: Is trying to get Aidan to go back to his old ways.
- Inadequate Inheritor: Generally regarded as this by Mother.
- It's Not You, It's Me: Left Aidan so Mother wouldn't have him killed.
- Mafia Princess: Well, sort of.
- Really 700 Years Old
- Woman Scorned: She's only willing to "forgive" Henry if he consents to being flayed alive.
Other Monsters[]
Brynn and Connor McLean[]
Two purebred werewolf twins that offer to fund Josh's research.
- And I Must Scream: They describe their human existence like this. Josh is uncomfortable with heightened senses and moods the few days before a full moon, they feel that way every moment they're not wolves.
- Bullying A Vampire: Taunting Aidan was probably not the best move, Connor. Especially since he had a rifle loaded with silver bullets.
- Corrupt the Cutie: They basically do this to Nora.
- Jerkass: very much so.
- Morality Chain: Nora suggests that Connor was this to Brynn, not the other way around. Of course, this is a relative chain since Connor's idea of a good time is torturing vampires and hunting them down for fun. One can only imagine what Nora might have seen Brynn do without Connor's influence.
- Our Werewolves Are Different: They're pure-bred werewolves whose senses are constantly heightened, not just a day or two before the full moon.
- Puny Humans: What they think of everyone else.
- Rich Idiot With No Day Job
Josh: I'm pretty sure she had a pony when she was a little girl... right until the day she ATE it... |
- This Was His True Form: Connor turns into a werewolf when he dies.
The werewolf that turned Josh.
- Broken Pedestal
- Fantastic Racism: Against vampires. Although considering how vampires treat his kind, it's somewhat understandable.
- I Have a Family: When Josh has him at gunpoint, Ray references this.
- I Just Want to Be Normal: He tracks down Josh because he wants a measure of normalcy that he used to have before he became a werewolf.
- The second season reveals that he went back to his wife and son.
The Reaper/"Scott"[]
A powerful ghost that appears to Sally in a dream. He's actually a part of Sally's subconsciousness.
- Grim Reaper
- Jekyll and Hyde: The Reaper is actually a split personality of Sally's, and represents an imbalance in her psyche
- Professional Killer: He claims that it's his job to maintain balance in the afterlife by destroying ghosts that have gone bad or refuse to move on.
- Back to Being Human (USA)