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The Roommates[]

Meet the inhabitants of Boston's scariest houseshare.


A vampire who was a merciless killer for two hundred years before he decided to clean up his act.


Josh was a premedical student before getting turned into a werewolf.

Sally Malik[]

A young ghost who is dealing with abandonment issues.


Humans living in Boston who interact with the cast. They don't generally stay human very long.


A young boy from the neighborhood Aidan befriends. Killed when he walked into the street and was hit by a car. Rebecca turns him thinking it would make Aidan happy, but Aidan later kills him because he can't control himself.

Danny Angeli[]

Sally's fiancé (now ex, as their relationship was ended by her death) owns the house now rented by Josh and Aidan. Responsible for Sally's death.

  • The Atoner: he is substantially less evil after briefly coming back from Limbo
  • Back for the Dead: A twofer. We find out he's dead AND he gets reaped in the same episode.
  • Muggle
  • Crazy Jealous Guy: to the point where he assumes she's sleeping around after her ring falls down the drain. He then "accidentally" kills her.
  • Is That the Best You Can Do?: Towards Sally's ghost.
  • Jerkass: Wasn't very nice to Sally when she was alive, killed her, and when she tries to haunt him he taunts her about it
  • Took a Level in Badass: He picked up on a lot of ghost tricks more quickly than Sally did after he died. He says this was due to him dying in prison. It doesn't help him.
  • The Sociopath: How in the hell did he get married to Sally in the first place?


Josh's younger sister.


Josh's ex-fiancee, who he left at the altar when he became a werewolf.


The nurse Josh has a rather hot and cold relationship with.

Zoe Gonzales[]

A nurse who can see ghosts and is able to reincarnate them.

The Boston Family[]

A secret society of vampires active in Boston. Aidan is a high-ranking individual in the Family, but has been trying to distance himself from them since he decided to live like a human.


Aidan's sire.


A vampire that was created by Aidan.

  • Ambition Is Evil: What drives Henry. Even after an 80 year exile he desires power and status.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: He and Aidan have a tendency to screw each other over, and then save each other.
  • Flayed Alive: As retribution by Suren.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: As a human, Henry was rather timid and tame, if expressing curiosity and desire to experience being a soldier and killing. As a vampire, he's cocky, bold, and perfectly willing to act on his ambitions and killer instincts.
  • Handsome Lech
  • The Medic: Before he was turned.


Bishop's Dragon.


Head of the Vampire Council.

Rebecca Flynt[]

Turned by Bishop after a one-night stand with Aidan.


Mother's vampire daughter and in Season 2 the ruler of Boston

Other Monsters[]

Brynn and Connor McLean[]

Two purebred werewolf twins that offer to fund Josh's research.

  • And I Must Scream: They describe their human existence like this. Josh is uncomfortable with heightened senses and moods the few days before a full moon, they feel that way every moment they're not wolves.
  • Bullying A Vampire: Taunting Aidan was probably not the best move, Connor. Especially since he had a rifle loaded with silver bullets.
  • Corrupt the Cutie: They basically do this to Nora.
  • Jerkass: very much so.
  • Morality Chain: Nora suggests that Connor was this to Brynn, not the other way around. Of course, this is a relative chain since Connor's idea of a good time is torturing vampires and hunting them down for fun. One can only imagine what Nora might have seen Brynn do without Connor's influence.
  • Our Werewolves Are Different: They're pure-bred werewolves whose senses are constantly heightened, not just a day or two before the full moon.
  • Puny Humans: What they think of everyone else.
  • Rich Idiot With No Day Job

Josh: I'm pretty sure she had a pony when she was a little girl... right until the day she ATE it...



The werewolf that turned Josh.

  • Broken Pedestal
  • Fantastic Racism: Against vampires. Although considering how vampires treat his kind, it's somewhat understandable.
  • I Have a Family: When Josh has him at gunpoint, Ray references this.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: He tracks down Josh because he wants a measure of normalcy that he used to have before he became a werewolf.
    • The second season reveals that he went back to his wife and son.

The Reaper/"Scott"[]

A powerful ghost that appears to Sally in a dream. He's actually a part of Sally's subconsciousness.

  • Grim Reaper
  • Jekyll and Hyde: The Reaper is actually a split personality of Sally's, and represents an imbalance in her psyche
  • Professional Killer: He claims that it's his job to maintain balance in the afterlife by destroying ghosts that have gone bad or refuse to move on.

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