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Fridge Brilliance[]
- This Troper loved the Belgariad, but the whole Wizards Live Longer thing never made any sense- then I read the page and another troper's explanation. "Magic" in that world is based directly on will, AND HUMANS HAVE WILL TO LIVE- a basic instinct that nobody has to think about.
Fridge Horror[]
- Merel gets forcibly married to Barak, and after getting raped by him multiple times and giving birth to three of his children, the Prophecy makes her fall in love with him.
- Though it's mainly Played for Laughs and not delved into further, the thunderstorm Garion summons in Guardians of the West affected weather globally and caused blizzards, hurricanes, droughts, and tornadoes across the world. Even though Belgarath and Beldin managed to prevent a permanent change in weather and avoid a complete disaster, it's pretty likely that people died as a result of Garion's negligence.
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