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Session Series (Drum Mania, Guitar Freaks & Keyboardmania)

  • The Least 100sec, and its long version The Least 333sec by Hirofumi Sasaki, from Guitar Freaks 5th Mix & Drum Mania 4th Mix. The latter in particular contains some beautiful piano playing, while still retaining the epic main part from the shorter version.
  • Funky sonic World by Des-ROW feat. SHIGE, from Guitar Freaks 10th Mix & Drummania 9th Mix.
  • brave! by TERRA from ee'MALL 2nd Avenue. ee'MALL was a short-lived internet-link system capable of unlocking content for Konami arcade games. brave! appeared in pop'n music and Guitar Freaks+Drummania.
  • Midori no Kaze by Naya~n, from Keyboardmania 3rd Mix.
  • Midnight Sun by Mutsuhiko Izumi (who's done composition for Sunset Riders and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade games), from Guitar Freaks 6th Mix / Drummania 5th Mix.
  • Pink Rose, originally from Keyboardmania, and has since appeared in pop'n music, DDR, and IIDX. The full version is an even bigger dose of the same kind of awesome.
  • The Day Dream series in its entirety, but especially Model DD7, from Guitar Freaks and Drum Mania V2.
  • SENSATION (from SALAMANDER2) is a neat arrangement of the Stage 2 music from (as the title implies) Salamander 2.
  • Hana-Tsuki-Kiseki from ee'MALL 2nd Avenue. Appeared in Guitar Freaks + Drummania & pop'n music.
  • Any song by Asaki.
  • Little prayer
  • Einherjar, which so far is the only Bemani song to have the merit of being composed in part by Nobuo Uematsu himself.
