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Benoit Brisefer 4551

Benoît Brisefer is a Franco Belgian Comics created by Pierre Culliford a.k.a. Peyo (The Smurfs, Johan and Peewit), and drawn with the assistance of François Walthéry (author of Natacha) and scenaristic input from Ivan Delporte.

The comic, about the adventures of a young boy with super strength, ran from 1960 to 1978, with increasing schedule slips as time went on due to The Smurfs taking up most of Peyo's time. It was revived from 1993 to 2004 by Peyo's son.

Tropes used in Benoit Brisefer include:
  • Achilles' Heel: Benoit loses all his strength whenever he catches a cold. In "Le Fétiche", the villains are aware of his weakness and deliberately try to get him sick in order to abduct him safely.
  • Alliterative Name
  • Beard of Evil: The Big Bad of "Tonton Placide".
  • The Big Guy: Benoit's uncle is a bodyguard and has a frame to match.
  • Break Out the Museum Piece: Attempted by embattled gangsters in "Lady d'Olphine", who try to purchase a heavy WW 2-era howitzer from a local museum.
  • Car Chase: The climax of "Lady d'Olphine", complete with destroyed Fruit Cart.
  • Circus Brat: Mona Bodoni.
  • Conveniently an Orphan: Except when in school, Benoit's life is free of any adult supervision.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: The management of Big Petroleum Company.
  • Deceptively Human Robot: Madame Adolphine is a robot designed to look like an old lady.
  • Free Range Child
  • Limited Wardrobe: Black short pants, a white shirt, a red blazer, a blue scarf and a black beret are the only clothes Benoit is ever depicted in.
  • Meaningful Name: Brisefer means "ironbreaker".
  • Police Are Useless: Whenever Benoit tries to report wrongdoing to the local police precinct, he is ignored and escorted out.
  • Status Quo Is God: In "Le Cirque Bodoni", Benoit's super strength was disclosed to the media as a publicity stunt. In later adventures, it was once again a secret.
  • The Taxi: Benoit's best adult friend, M. Dussiflard, is a taxi driver, and his first adventure involved a criminal gang fronting as a taxi company.
  • Voodoo Doll: The title artefact in "Le Fétiche" is a magic doll from Africa which can be used to afflict people with an incurable disease.