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Yoko gurrenlagann

Crack shot, good enough to take out a giant mecha. Friend to All Children. But this is what people remember Yoko for.

Examples of Best Known for the Fanservice in Anime and Manga include:

  • Despite Divergence Eve delivering a serious plot, it's only remembered for the female characters' impressive chest.
  • Elfen Lied is probably best known as that manga with huge amounts of nudity and gore, though most of the nudity is in the context of Mind Rape and abuse.
  • Nisemonogatari, the sequel to Bakemonogatari, has several interesting characters with very witty fast cut dialogue, amazing visuals and Akiyuki Shinbo's unique directing style, not to mention the subtext of the meaning of original and imitation regarding everyday life. But you will all fondly recall the moment where you nearly died of laughter or shame when Koyomi brushed Karen's teeth and it was supposed to remind you of something.
  • Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha only had one fanservice episode, very early in the series, but it's the reason most commonly cited (right before the Transformation Sequence) by people who don't want to watch it.
  • Mention Mahou Sensei Negima and most people will inevitably think of Fanservice or Clothing Damage. Yes, the manga has a lot of fanservice, but it also has a ton of Character Development, an epic plot, and a ton of awesome fights. Still doesn't keep the fanservice from overshadowing just about everything else in the popular perception of the series, even though the fanservice is just the frosting on the (very awesome) cake.
    • As with the previous example, it doesn't help that the early volumes were more Fan Service-heavy than later ones.
      • It definitely doesn't help that a lot of people's only exposure is the first anime, which is severely lacking in a lot of the more combat oriented storylines. Ironically, the second anime lacks any fanservice what-so-ever.
    • In-universe, Takane D. Goodman is remembered by others for getting naked a lot (although never by her own choice) and little else, except for her co-workers, who try to console her about that.
    • In fact, Takane is so used to it that, When she challenges Negi (and loses in chapter 345, when she ISN'T stripped of her clothes (which is how Negi usually and accidentily wins against her a lot), she's insulted, and DEMANDS that he undress her.
  • In Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, we have Yoko, the postergirl for Ms. Fanservice. All she's ever seen wearing [1] is a bikini top, short shorts, pink boots and a BFG. On the male side of things, everyone remembers Kamina being the the king of all hams and, aside from his Cool Shades and Badass Cape, wearing nothing above the waist.
  • Eden of the East is an Ontological Mystery story that revolves around a man who wakes up with eight-billion yen and no memory as he seeks to find out who he is, why he erased his own memory, and just what the secret organization that gave him all that money expects him to do with it. You would probably not know this from talking to its fans, however, because they're all too busy giggling over this.
  • Urotsukidouji consists of Naughty Tentacles and... what else? (It's the Trope Maker and Codifier for a reason.)
  • There's a scene in Darker than Black where November 11 lounges around Amber's headquarters buck-naked. Naturally, fan tributes kind of fixate on it.
  • Queen's Blade is an anime with a lot sex fetish material in a medieval setting that is basically borderline hentai. It does have a plot, but most people remember it for sex fetish content.
  • Ask the majority of the Ikki Tousen fandom what they remember the most - chances are panty shots, boobs and the yuri (explicit or subtext) will be regular answers over anything remotely to do with The Romance Of The Three Kingdoms.
  • With Simoun, everyone remembers the underaged lesbian powered airplanes.
  • Cannon God Exaxxion is a near-Eva-level deconstruction of Super Robot stories, particularly of the "aliens invade, teenager's scientist grandfather gives him a robot to fight them with" variety and has a lot to say about the nature of heroism and the truth. Ask people about it on the Internet, though, and all you'll hear is talk, often derisive, about certain scenes with Lolicon undertones (and, uh, one with possible overtones, but still).
  • Spice and Wolf prominently features the female lead stark naked in the first episode. (She's not human, but that can lead people to the wrong conclusions easily enough.)
  • Magical Pokaan was a Cute Monster Girl version of Galaxy Angel, but what everyone seems to remember most is Darkskinned Blonde Stripperific wolfgirl Liru, who went on to become a Memetic Sex God Breakout Character.
  • Blatantly exploited in Seikon no Qwaser: even once the quality of animation, illustration and story begins to decline in later episodes, loyal viewers keep watching just for that breast-feeding scene.
  • Witchblade is the story of a woman trying to make a life for herself and her 6 year-old daughter after a massive disaster takes away everything from her, including her memories; all while dodging Child Protective Services and getting caught up in a corporate power struggle. It's also the story of said woman turning into superpowered warrior with a ridiculously Stripperific outfit and getting into fights that are the very definition of Orgasmic Combat. Guess which part people remember more (hell, guess which part is used to market the show?)
  • Street Fighter II the Animated Movie had a prominently large proportion of male viewers watching it only for Chun-Li's Shower Scene. Apparently Fan Service-loving Masami Ohbari noticed and provided respective shower scenes as well on the fighting game spin offs he directed.
  • Strike Witches is ostensibly about an elite flying unit battling an alien invasion with magic, but apparently the only people possessing the right kind of magical powers are pre-teen girls willing to fight aerial battles in their underwear.
  • Parodied in Sayonara, Zetsubou-sensei in an episode about how people will easily get distracted by something and completely ignore the more important issue. A straight example is when Chiri battled aliens but nobody remembers her deed as the sole witness was completely fixated on her bizarre underwear. Another straight example that lampshades the entire episode was when Nozomu was lamenting over how the viewer survey answered that they were more interested in the fanservice segment where Komori was flirting with Majiru over the alien invasion plot.

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  1. at least in the first arc