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This a Just For Fun page

Lego star wars II-box art 3474

You'd be surprised how fun it is to run around as a LEGO Boba Fett blowing stuff up.

A wise man once said, "Any story, no matter how good, will sound really, really dumb when you shorten it to a few sentences."
Alcatraz Versus The Knights Of Crystallia

So you love a series. You own all the volumes, have various merchandise, can quote characters off the top of your head, and know every plot twist by heart.

However, one day someone asks the dreaded question "What's this about?" And suddenly it hits you—trying to sum it up in only a few sentences makes it sound really really ridiculous, and though the show itself may take itself entirely seriously, suddenly all the random parts, nonsensical aspects and just plain weirdness are laid bare before you.

But really, it's Better Than It Sounds once you actually see it in action.

This is the place to record those descriptions—the random, the understated, and the WTF.[1] This isn't "Sum up your favorite movie in one sentence!" (We've already got each movie's respective Laconic page for that), rather it is for the summaries that would make a person say "This would never sell!". This is not They Fight Crime, since those shows have an inherently ridiculous concept as part of the catch—these are only made ridiculous by us mentioning things out of context.

To keep it interesting, put the name of the series in spoiler tags, disable autospoiler when visiting, and keep this from becoming Complaining About Shows You Don't Like; it's actually Making Fun Of Things You Do Like. And most of all, have fun.

Important Note: This is a game, not a proper trope. Please don't use it as an entry on a work page.

Contrast Worse Than It Sounds.

This Game Contains Spoilers By Necessity. Read At Your Own Risk.

  1. Obviously not the only such place; this is just one of many interpretations of the same theme that exist. But that's never stopped us before.