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Jade Beyond Good and Evil 5503

The protagonist and main character of the game. She works as a photographer, and lives in a lighthouse on the planet Hillys with her uncle Pey'j, and a group of orphans. At first she just wants to make a little money to get out of Perpetual Poverty, but she quickly gets caught up in a resistance movement, a Government Conspiracy and an Alien Invasion.


J Beyond Good and Evil 4216

Jade's uncle, who's a Sus Sapien, an evolved pig. He works as a mechanic at the lighthouse, spending time repairing the hovercraft, or building things like his prized Jet Boots.

Double H[]

Double H Beyond Good and Evil 4862

An agent/reporter for the IRIS Network. Went missing in action a while back, but becomes one of Jade's allies after she saves his life.


Secundo Beyond Good and Evil 7260

Jade's little AI buddy who transfers money to her account, and digitalizes items for later use.


Hahn 1411

Member of the IRIS Network, and the one who contacts Jade. He is usually the one in charge, so he might be second in command after the chief.


Me 9158

Member of the IRIS Network, who Jade is constantly in contact with.


Another IRIS member, who is in charge of broadcasting the reports.


The front man for IRIS, who works in the Akuda Bar as the master of Three Shell Monty. However, he also spends his time scouting for new talent... and signaled out Jade.

  • Blind Seer: In a more modern version of this trope, he's the one who recognizes Jade's inherent talent and first realizes there's more to her than there is on the surface.
  • Cool Old Guy
  • Ironic Nickname: Although he's called "Peepers", he is, in fact, blind.

Hal, Issam and Babukar[]

Hal lo 9222

A group of (supposedly related) rhino people who work at Mammago's Garage, who all talk and act like Jamaican stereotypes. They are the only ones who accept pearls in the game, which you can use to upgrade your hovercraft.

The Governor of Hillys[]

Governor 1220

Helps out the IRIS Network, and gives out important information about the Alpha Section.

The Lighthouse Children[]

Fehn, Pablo, Oumi, Yoa, Kip and Zaza are a group of six children whom Jade watches over. They are all orphans of the war against the DomZ. Jade's desire to provide for them kickstarts the plot as she takes a risky job for the sake of helping them. They eventually get kidnapped by the Alpha Sections, which drives Jade to a Heroic BSOD before coming back around to save them.

  • Adorably Precocious Child: Kip, who takes a lot of responsibility for the other kids despite seemingly being one of the younger ones. Oumi is female, but has many of the same personality traits.
  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Yoa, who is, inexplicably, bright blue. She's supposedly a human, but that's up for debate.
  • Cool Big Sis: Fehn has an especially close relationship with Jade, so he views her in this light much more strongly than the other kids.
  • Facial Markings: Yoa has white ones on her cheeks, beneath her eyes.
  • Funny Animal: Fehn and Oumi are both goat people, or Capra sapiens.
  • The Heart: Oumi tries very hard to be this, and seems to worry about Jade a lot.
  • Heartwarming Orphan
  • Mr. Imagination: Fehn, who has a fondness for pretending to be a knight, and even wants to grow up to be a soldier.
    • Possibly Pablo as well, since he seems to enjoy telling stories of Woof doing impossible things.
  • Mysterious Waif: Yoa, in addition to being blue, speaks an unknown language and has been spying on Pey'j. Or she can see into the future. It's not clear which, but either way, she's mysterious.
  • Parent with New Paramour: Initially, Fehn seems to think this is the case between Jade and Double H. He seems... skeptical. However, the end credits Photo Montage shows that he eventually comes to like Double H a lot... and probably has Jade set him straight.
  • Shrinking Violet: Zaza. This is probably because her parents were only killed recently, so it's understandable that she's still in a state of shock.
  • Troubled Child: Poor Zaza...

General Kheck[]

General Kehk Beyond Good and Evil 4351

The Supreme Commander of the Alpha Section. Appears on televisions all across Hillys reassuring the population that everything is under control.

The Alpha Section[]

Alpha Section Beyond Good and Evil 6470

The Faceless Mooks under the command of General Kheck. They've recently converted the Nutripils factory and the Old Slaughter House into their military bases on Hillys.

  • Evil Makes You Ugly: Without their helmets on, the Alpha Section troops look downright grotesque.
  • Eye Beams: Though in this case they're for scanning the environment, and not igniting their enemies.
  • Gas Mask Mooks
  • Kick The Oxygen Tank: Kicking it once causes them to run around uncontrollably until they get it repaired. Kicking it twice causes the tank to fly into air, taking it with them higher and higher, unless they hit a ceiling or something else and explode.
  • Obviously Evil: That the Alpha Section doesn't mean well is really no big surprise. Beside the traits that General Kheck shows, the average soldiers never shows their faces, has glowing red visors, and wears black armor with skulls painted on them.
  • Powered Armor: It's even better than the regular army's laser proof armor.
  • Space Base: A base on the moon.

The DomZ Priest[]

Domz priest 6501

The apparent leader of the DomZ and the Final Boss of the game, who seems to have an interest in Jade. He appears as a strange squid-lobster hybrid... thing with a particularly screwed-up voice.

  • Big Bad
  • The Corruption: If the pod on Pey'j's hand and the grotesque faces of the Alpha Section soldiers are anything to go by, the DomZ Priest can cause something along the lines of this.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Isn't really one, but how he says "the pig" (referring to Pey'j) gives off vibes of this.
  • Death by Irony: Before she was "taken away" and turned into a human, Shauni (Jade) was the source of his powers, and he wants her back. She's the one that kills him. Ends up pulling double-duty as Hoist by His Own Petard, in that sense.
  • Eldritch Abomination: Yeah, it doesn't look all that threatening, but... seriously, what the hell is it? Where did it come from? How was it created? What the fuck is with the giant humanoid statue that it rests on? What's with the statue's deformed, almost holographic face? What's its gender? In what way is it a "priest"? Did it create the other DomZ? Are there more like it? Nobody knows, at least until we get some answers at the second game.
  • Evil Overlord: Subverted: he's secretly in command of an interstellar military force, not the planets' own security forces, he wants to drain the population of its life energy, not lord over it, and his existence is seemingly top-secret to all those that know, even enemies.
  • Fantastic Racism: He almost derisively refers to Pey'j as "the pig" at one point. Might've just been a jab at the individual in question, however, seeing as how Pey'j was apparently among those that took away the source of his powers; it's somewhat understandable that he might hold a grudge over that.
  • Flunky Boss: He primarily lets that giant statue spawn crystal shields to protect him from attacks by Jade. Said statue also captures Pey'j and Double H, projecting copies of them to attack her, after the regular DomZ minions are out of the way. The only time he's ever fought directly would be after he drowns the entire area (apart from the triple elevator platform), where he literally comes face-to-face with Jade, lunging his entire figure at her to literally throw her off her feet.
  • For the Evulz: He wants to live longer and restore his original level of power back. Okay, so maybe he wants to accomplish something important to him? ....nope, he just wants to live longer. Not a very good reason for him causing something along the lines of mass murder.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: When he attacks Jade by basically head-butting her, it almost looks like he's trying to eat her.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Tries to do this to Jade, more or less. He's killed in this way.
  • Interface Screw
  • The Man Behind the Man: The real leader of the Alpha Section.
  • Obviously Evil: Although introduced in the very last level of the game, the Priest makes its debut standing in front of the commander of the Alpha Section, who refers to the Priest as "Your Excellency". Hell, appearance notwithstanding, its echoing, almost sickly voice tone, on top of how he orders said commander to find Jade and bring her to it, clinches it.
  • Teleport Spam: Does this every time Jade attacks him.
  • Voice of the Legion: Very diseased-sounding voice, echoing each time it utters a phrase.
  • We Can Rule Together: A variation.
  • Xanatos Gambit