A web comic by Stella Cadente, Beyond Temptation revolves around Rachel, aka Reimee, who one day rescues Belial from a group of fanatics. Surprise! Belial turns out to be a demon and is required to pay her back for saving his life. She uses this gift to run away from her overbearing family to Rome. There she finds herself surrounded by Belial's life, the details of which are not so peaceful.
- Action Girl: Our heroine.
- All Myths Are True: "Every legend is based on real happenings."
- Almost Kiss: All over the place, really.
- Bodyguard Betrayal: Julius
- Combat Pragmatist: Belial
- Deliberately Monochrome: A Limited Palette of black, white and red
- Immortality: Demon masters are granted this in exchange for keeping their demons in check.
- No Immortal Inertia: Averted. Once a demon master's stored energy is used up, they age normally.
- If You Know What I Mean: Subverted, he meant something harmless.
- Lampshade Hanging: Either that or Bizarre Alien Biology
"How can I wear green clothes when I can only see red? |
Rei: I've never felt [love] and I don't want to. |
- Manipulative Bastard: Lilith
- Our Demons Are Different
- Private Detective: Hired by Rei's parents to track her down.
- Rage Against the Heavens: Satan once lead a revolution against heaven.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: After the war, Satan imprisioned all the deserters. In exchange for tempting souls, Lucifer would free them.
- Shapeshifting: A demon power
- Shapeshifter Default Form: Belial is very attached to his male form.
- Your Mind Makes It Real: Objects summoned by demons work this way.
- Win Your Freedom: Demons must tempt ten souls in a certain time or be imprisoned once again.