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Logo game2 - Bible Black The Infection

An H-game that was first released in 2008, a sequel to Bible Black: La Noche de Walpurgis. Released in English as Bible Black 2.

One month after the first game, the protagonist Taki Minase is having vivid dreams involving an orgy in the basement of the school and the antagonist of the first game, Reika Kitami. To make matters worse, the art teacher who helped him in defeating Kitami, Hiroko Takashiro, is away from the school in a trip. Minase's paranoia only grows as weird things begin to happen around him.

Tropes used in Bible Black: The Infection include:
  • Ascended Extra: Mika Ito is more involved in the second game, being one of the prime suspects of reperforming black magic similar to the previous game.
  • Big Bad: As it turns out, Kitami was the one behind everything beyond the grave, her will spreading from Minase to other students through sex.
  • Dragon Ascendant: Minase suspects Saeki has become one of these. He's wrong, though he seems to have made Saeki recuperates her memories of the incident of the last game.
  • Dreaming of Things to Come: The orgy at the basement Minase dreams at the intro happens for real, except without Kitami because she is really dead.
  • Multiple Endings: A total of five, branched out from whether Minase decides to involve Imari, gives in to Murai's seduction (to a lesser extent) and has been able to sleep well since his nightmare.
  • Red Herring: Minase's suspicion that Itou or Saeki were the ones behind the spell cast on Imari or the orgies was unfounded. As it turns out, it was Imari himself that gave "the infection" to them, and they were acting normally until that point.
  • Revenge by Proxy: Minase suspects Itou put Imari in a spell similar to the one who Minase put on Itou at the first game to get revenge on him.
  • Tomato in the Mirror: In Ending 2, Takashiro deduces nothing weird was really happening until Minase had sex with Itou and confronted Saeki, and presumes the other weird incidents like the spell on Imari and the fake grimoire were made by Minase himself under the influence of Kitami.
  • Your Cheating Heart: Minase cheats on his girlfriend with Itou, but apologizes after.