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DAIGO BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAM! —The voice that haunts the nightmares of millions (just kidding)
A doujin fighting game, commonly known as BBB, made by the company known as NRF, based on the Strategy RPG/H-Game Daibanchou/Big Bang Age by Alicesoft. It was mildly popular in early-mid 2007 when it was first released, but gradually encountered issues when the updates would completely overpower some characters rather than balancing gameplay, and the team eventually broke up.
Despite that, it maintains a cult following in some online fighting game circles, and a sequel, Big Bang Beat Revolve, or BBBR, has been made by Frontier Aja, who took over production from NRF and periodically released alpha versions of the game prior to its debut at Comiket 80.
Unrelated to Big Bang Mini.
- Allergic to Love: Burai is extremely shy around girls in Big Bang Age. Referenced in Big Bang Beat/Big Bang Beat Revolve by his intro against any girl:
Burai: * grunts* O-Onna ga aite to wa? ("I'm fighting a girl?") |
- The Archer: Kendo's sister Kyudo fights with a bow, and since she's controlled by the player, it's possible to nail the opponent with two specials at once, one from Kendo and the other from Kyudo. Plus, the ability to move Kyudo and intercept enemy attacks makes her arrows fairly dangerous if you're not attentive in blocking.
- Assist Character: In Big Bang Beat Revolve, Erika Miyazato is assisted by her two friends/subordinates, Saki and Shouko, as part of some of her special attacks.
- Badass Biker: Ren.
- Blood Knight: Rouga, most definitely; Kendo is close, but fits more under the idea of a Spirited Competitor.
- Bruce Lee Clone: Daigo uses moves that are associated with the Great One, and has similar loud battle cries. He also wears a tracksuit, albeit a blue one.
- Calling Your Attacks: Played with: some characters' voice clips do not name the attacks specifically, though exceptions are usually made for super moves. Daigo and Heita, however, take great pleasure in announcing their attacks whenever possible, even the regular ones.
- Combo Breaker: Available in Big Bang Beat Revolve by pressing all three buttons with 3 super meter stocks. There is also a less expensive, but smaller-scaled variation, which requires you to block a move first and press two buttons while in blockstun.
- Cute Chick With a Sword: Senna, who also happens to wear a seifuku.
- Dangerous Forbidden Technique: Heita's Decade Knuckle, though he's not aware of it; true to its name, it shaves 10 years off his life every time he uses it. While this isn't mentioned in Big Bang Beat or Big Bang Beat Revolve, it is referenced by the fact that Heita (and Super Heita)'s Big Bang Break reduces his health to one point, and that Big Bang Beat's Super Heita loses health whenever he attacks.
- Delinquents: Ren, Sanzou, Agito and Rouga, though only the first two have the 'look' of the Japanese variety. They are joined in the second game by the Miyazato Gundan.
- Dual-Wielding: As the best fighter in the kendo club, Kendo Nakanishi uses not one, but TWO shinai.
- Early-Bird Cameo: In the first game, Erika, Saki and Shouko appeared on Heita's stage in the background. Come Big Bang Beat Revolve, and Erika is fully playable with her friends as strikers.
- Extremity Extremist: Burai, being a boxer, relies solely on punches.
- Eye Beams: Devil Daigo has these in the form of the (Devil) Daigo Beam.
- Eyes Always Shut: Burai, which is the source of Rouga's nickname for him ("the fine-eyed baron").
- Fragile Speedster: Kunagi barely has more health than the weakest characters in the game, Hanny and Manbou, but has a number of teleportation and ranged abilities to compensate for her hit-and-run type gameplay.
- Genki Girl: Kendo combines this with a ridiculous level of brashness and a love of fighting, which embarrasses her quieter sister Kyudo.
- Glass Cannon: In Big Bang Beat, Super Heita's defensive skills are fairly low compared to his damage output because he loses life as he attacks. Luckily, picking up B-Crystals helps to mitigate the health loss. In Big Bang Beat Revolve, Senna and Kunagi both can fit into this mold, since they have below average health and incredibly damaging setups.
- Hot-Blooded: Kendo, Daigo and Heita. All the time.
- Joke Character: Manbou (a sunfish). Heita bordered on this in Big Bang Beat, but has seen enough improvement in the second game that he isn't nearly as difficult to use as he was in the first game.
- Knife Nut: Agito, down to the insane laughter and general insanity that makes "Boxcutter" Kaede look like a saint.
- Lag Cancel: An integral system feature of Big Bang Beat: by pressing a button, your character could be sent into a forward or upward "B-Dash" to continue a long combo string. Only Rouga retains the B-Dash ability in Big Bang Beat Revolve, and it is limited by three slowly-recharging stocks.
- Large Ham: While their regular iterations have elements of this, Devil Daigo and Super Heita take this to an extreme.
- Lethal Joke Character: Despite an extremely small moveset, Hanny can be deadly in the right hands, since it's tricky to hit with its small size and has some pretty strong techniques of the melee and ranged variety due to its ability to switch between them on the fly.
- Life Meter: In the first game, one can actually empty the meter on purpose to increase their character's power, by mashing the left and right keys while powering up. Rouga is especially dangerous thanks to this feature: using his strength-enhancing taunt and this technique at the same time can boost his attack immensely.
- Lightning Bruiser: Rouga is a premiere example of this trope, with powerful close and mid-range techniques, decent health and speed, and as of Big Bang Beat Revolve, cancelable combo chains. Burai, though slightly slower, is a good example as well, since his basic textbook combos, in tandem with his stamina-meter dashes/combos, can do quite a bit of damage. If either man is attacked from outside of their effective range, however, they can be taken down pretty easily.
- Limit Break: Big Bang Breaks, present in both games. However, to use them in Big Bang Beat Revolve, Big Bang Mode must be activated. The mode itself already requires all three bars of your super meter, and using a Big Bang Break at any time will automatically end Big Bang Mode... and take all of your super bars with it, whether you hit or miss. Because the super meter doesn't fill up from hitting the enemy, but by collecting B-Crystals that scatter when either fighter is hit, wasting the Big Bang Break can leave you entirely without meter at an extremely crucial moment.
- Megaton Punch: Heita's Decade Knuckle; Burai's Freedom Punch and Fist of Freedom.
- Mighty Glacier: Sanzou, who is also the largest fighter in the game. While he is easy to score combos on when he's open, he has the most health out of any of the other playable characters in Big Bang Beat Revolve and can deal a very appropriate amount of damage. Ren is a slightly more mobile version of this trope, with the second-largest amount of health and extremely frightening damage potential in Big Bang Mode thanks to his super moves.
- Mirror Match: When these occur, they are lampshaded by every character in their post-battle win quotes (Big Bang Beat only).
- Molotov Cocktail: Ren throws these out as one of his special moves, causing a multi-hit fire on the spot where it lands. He can hit them with his wooden sword as well, smashing them into the opponent, and his super move causes him to throw several of them at once. Along with several empty soda cans and a concrete block or two.
- Montages: Comically used in Heita/Super Heita's Decade Knuckle technique, and includes the "Falling in Love" Montage (Heita's dates and marriage to Sanae, the class representative and tutorial girl), a variation on the Contrast Montage (showing Heita as the main character instead of Rouga, who becomes a trivialized chibi), and a scene of him dying peacefully of old age with Sanae at his side.
- Secret Character: Played straight in a somewhat unusual way: Devil Daigo, Super Heita, Hanny and Manbou are available from the start of Big Bang Beat, as are their stages, but you can only select the characters by using a method that is not mentioned at any point in the game.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Heita's surname is spelled as Jinnai in Big Bang Age and as Zinnai in Big Bang Beat. It's understandable, as "z" sounds in Japanese are sometimes represented with "j" sounds. A similar misspelling/phonetic shift has made Akito of the Dark into Agito of the Dark.
- The Stoic: Kunagi Tenrou, even in regards to her childhood friend Rouga (though she is awfully partial to cute things, and she does care about him in her own cool-as-a-cucumber manner).
- Super Mode: Big Bang Mode effectively counts as this for every character in the second game. Though it lasts for an extremely short time, it gives unlimited super meter for the duration of the mode, and greatly boosts the combo potential of every character while active.
- Token Mini-Moe: In the first game, Kunagi; in the second, she's joined by Kinako Tsukuyomi. However, Kunagi is actually around the age of the rest of the cast. She was turned into a giant wolf, and she reverted into a child-like body when she regained her human form.
- Use Your Head: Ren's regular grab, and one of his super moves, involves a nasty headbutt. The latter, which is part of a close-range grab super, can be charged up with precise timing to do even more damage.
- Variable-Length Chain: Erika Miyazato uses one with barbs and spikes for long-range and ensnarement attacks.
- Wooden Katanas Are Even Better: Ren walks around with a hardwood bokuto.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Senna, thanks to her uniform.