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- Anvilicious: The courtroom climax gets a bit preachy.
- Non Sequitur Scene: Sonny briefly hangs out with some of Julian's friends in the schoolyard, slyly questioning them to try to find out if they're "smoking dope" or "drinking rum." They aren't.
- Though that was less of a Non Sequitur Scene, and more of a punchline. In the previous scene, Layla mentionned that she heard one of the biggest influences on a child is who s/he hangs out with and the such, and then makes a joke about how she hopes Julian isn't hanging around with drugheads at school. She sees his reaction, assuming it's concern, but the ensuing BLAM reveals it might be shame.
- Designated Villain: Arthur Brooks. He's just doing his job - and is completely justified in doing so - but in the context of the film he comes off as somewhat mean.
- Funny Moments: Julian's kindergarten teacher gets one of the best lines. ("One of the children wore rollerblades for Show & Tell, and Julian tripped him with a stick!")
- This dialogue:
Vanessa: He has a 5-year plan. |
- "I watched Fantasia a lot. And one day it just clicked."
- "Lasagna? What the hell's the matter with you?"
- More hilarious dialogue:
Cashier: We stop serving breakfast at 10:30. |
- "What's your name? He'll write it on the wall!"
- The random goth dude:
Sonny: You're mad at your dad, not at me, I forgive you! |
- Heartwarming Moments: The climactic courtroom scene, where Sonny and his dad reconcile and everybody calls their papa.
- Moment of Awesome: Julian has a crippling phobia of strangers, so Sonny has the boy wear a pair of sunglasses that "turn him invisible" whenever he has to deal with a new person. At Sonny's trial, Julian at first has to wear the shades when he is called to the witness stand and questioned by Layla. However, he finally manages to gain so much confidence that he calmly reaches up and takes the shades off.
- Never Live It Down: Sonny gleefully brings up that Corinne used to work at Hooters whenever he's around her, much to her chagrin.
- Not limited to Sonny. One of their friends pretty much makes her (and needlessly so) admit in court, during testimony, that she used to work there while she was attending medical school.
Corrine: [under her breath] Asshole... |
- Straw Man Has a Point:
- Played straight with Arthur Brooks. The social services agent who brings suit against Sonny for fraudulence and kidnapping appears to be heartless when he drags a frightened, begging Julian out of Sonny's apartment. However, he sincerely has Julian's best interests at heart and was right to bring Sonny to trial. And when it appears that he is going to lose his case, instead of becoming bitter he is so moved by Sonny's testimony that he immediately takes out a cell phone and calls his own father (along with most of the rest of the cast).
- Subverted with Vanessa. She is correct (at first) when complaining that Sonny is lazy, irresponsible, and doesn't want to grow up - a fact that Sonny himself is willing to admit by the movie's climax. However, she loses any audience sympathy after lying to Sonny and then having a secret affair with Sid - and gets a subtle but undeniable Kick the Dog moment when, during an argument with Sonny in her apartment, she harshly tells Sid to be quiet so she can do the talking.
- She might have told Sid to be quiet because he and Sonny just traded hostile remarks, namely Sonny threatening Sid, who snarked out an 'I'd like to see him try.'
- Tear Jerker:"I want Sonny to be my daddy!" Dear God.
- And any sequence in the movie set to Sweet Child of Mine.
- "I won't play the Kangaroo Song anymore."
- Unfortunate Implications: Of all the kids in the school for Sonny to hound over smoking dope, what's the ethnicity of his victim?