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All anyone ever wants to do in this series is yell. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

The nooooooo!s in this series are[]

  • Smudge gives one after Rusty calls him the stupidest cat he's ever met.
    • Smudge gives a second one after Rusty is going to go to the forest forever because he's so annoying.
  • Darkstripe gives one after the news of Redtail's death.
  • Kestrelflight gives one after Lionblaze mortally wounds Barkface.
    • Kestrelflight gives a second one a minute later when Barkface dies.
  • Leopardstar gives one after Onestar announces that he's taking RiverClan's fish.
  • Yellowfang gives one after Jayfeather makes innuendo in front of Spottedleaf.
  • Foxleap gives one right when Firestar is dying.
    • Firestar gives his own after Hazeltail reads him New Moon.
  • Spottedleaf gives one when Dovekit makes an innuendo.
  • Cloudtail gives one after the Ship Sinking of JayXPoppy.
  • Lionblaze gives one when he hears about LionXLeaf.
  • Satanheart gives his own NOOOOOO! after Thornclaw takes the stick.
  • Jayfeather rolls off a Big No when Dream Hollyleaf breaks the stick.