Bill Plympton is an Acadamy Award-nominated animator and director whose work is known for being...somewhat unique. His films and shorts have featured everything from outlandish 1950s-style monsters to musicals about sexual fantasies to the truth about Santa's fascist past.
His animated films are:
- The Tune (1992)
- Mondo Plympton (1997 shorts compilation)
- I Married a Strange Person! (1997)
- Mutant Aliens (2001)
- Hair High (2004)
- Idiots and Angels (2008)
He also did the videos for "Weird Al" Yankovic's songs "Don't Download This Song" and "TMZ", and there is currently[when?] a documentary being made about him.
Bill Plympton provides examples of the following tropes:
- B-Movie- He likes to homage these
- Bad Santa- Santa: The Fascist Years
- Black Comedy
- Couch Gag: Did one for The Simpsons, featuring the love between Homer and... his couch. It's surprisingly sad.
- Deranged Animation
- Film Noir
- Heroic Dog- Well, a dog that wants to be one...
- High School Dance- In Hair High
- Naughty Nuns- In I Married a Strange Person
- Our Angels Are Different
- Seemingly-Wholesome Fifties Girl
- Take That - One of the shorts Bill did was a scathing parody of abstract animation called Spiral. Was actually controversial within the independent animation community and angered many abstract animators. One of them, Steven Woloshen, did a film rebutting called, well, Rebuttal.