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  • The entire scene where they give the report. One of the great climaxes in film history.
    • The climax of the sequel also qualifies. "God Gave Rock and Roll To You", indeed.
      • Unfortunately, that version of the song (With Bill & Ted's guitar solos at the start)has never been commercially released, but Steve Vai's guitar solos & the KISS song have. Fans have managed to replicate the song as featured in the film with a little editing, and a little searching on the internet can bring up mp3s of the song with the solos at the start.
    • The time-travel causality battle between Bill and Ted and Chuck De Nomolos, too. Definitely shows that the boys are a pair of Genius Ditzes when it comes to time travel.
  • Bill charging the knight when he thinks he killed Ted.


  • The historical figures running amok in the mall.
  • The scene with the future council. Words cannot describe.
    • Sadly, the version of Robbi Robb's "In Time" that plays in this scene (with the awesome, awesome lead guitar) is commercially unavailable. It is up on YouTube, however, and with a little finesse one can easily create an .mp3 file from it.
  • The band's unofficial mantra "Be Excellent To Each Other And Party On" also qualifies. No matter how ditzy the guys are, it's hard to deny that it's a most excellent philosophy to live by.
  • That music playing after Napoleon got kicked out of the bowling alley and walks proudly while putting his hat back on.
  • In a shooting script (and comic adaptation) for Bogus Journey, the boys had to confront their fears when the Evil Robot Usses make them manifest in the real world-Bill accepts a kiss from Granny Preston, Ted apologizes to Deacon and returns the Easter Basket, and both of them invite Colonel Oates in for snacks. They also fought their evil doubles hand-to-hand until the Good Robot Usses could get to them.

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