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Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure[]

  • The classroom session:

Bill: He's dead?
History teacher: So what you're telling me, essentially, is that Napoleon was a short, dead, dude?
Bill: Well, yeah.
Teacher: Ted, who was Joan of Arc?
Ted: Noah's wife?
Teacher: It seems to me the only thing you've learned is that Caesar is a "salad dressing dude."

  • All the historical figures cleaning house, especially Freud and the vacuum cleaner.
    • Not to mention the historical figures running amok at the mall, especially Joan of Arc's jazzercise session and Genghis Khan's sporting-goods rampage.
      • Socrates carries a lethal squirt gun.

Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey[]

  • Bill and Ted play Death and beat him, with surprising ease, first at Battleship, then Clue, then Electric Football, and finally Twister.
  • Death to the smoker at the hardware store: "See you real soon."
  • From the Spinning Paper Montage: 'Death Wins Indy 500; "I didn't know I could run that fast."'
  • B&T Melvining Death, of course. Made even funnier in the comic adaptation with this follow-up.

Ted: Bill?
Bill: Yeah?
Ted: Death wears funny shorts.

  • The Good Robot Usses decapitating the Evil Robot Usses is funny in itself, but the fact that the Evil Robot Usses are so nonchalent about it makes it hilarious.
  • De Nomolos's Mooks seizing control of a room using typical action-movie-thug poses and body language, dressed in standard-issue paramilitary black ... and giant floppy black boots made of polyethylene foam, which are apparently all the rage in their time.

Bill and Ted's Excellent Comic Book[]

  • Death enjoying himself at Bill & Ted's playground.

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