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  • Awesome Music: See Awesome Music: Film.
  • Crazy Awesome: The actual makeup of the band:
    • Lead singers/guitarists are time traveling rock and roll messiahs.
    • Bass player is Death. Literally.
    • Bongos played by the most intelligent being in the universe, which happens to be two Martians.
    • Drummer and Keyboardist are medieval princesses
    • Backup dancers are super-strong robot versions of the leads, built by the bongo player(s).
  • Funny Moments: Collected here.
  • Genius Bonus: Sigmund Freud's corndog-on-a-stick gag, the references to The Seventh Seal.
    • The guys spotting some weakness in Napoleon's plan for the Battle of Waterloo. Made funnier because their tone implies they're not using historical knowledge; two idiots just noticed a flaw that the emperor didn't.
  • Heartwarming Moments: At the end of Bogus Journey, Bill names his son after Ted, who names his son after Bill.
    • Minor one in the first movie.

 Dude!! You're not dead, I'm so glad you're okay!!

Man Hug

(Embarrassed) F**!!

  • It Was His Sled: The fact that Rufus's future is based on Wyld Stallyn's music is a bit of a Reveal at the end of Excellent Adventure, but anyone explaining the plot mentions it right away.
    • Not exactly - Rufus does mention in the opening blurb that it's thanks to Bill and Ted's music that the future is what it is, and that it very nearly wasn't the case. The film further emphasises the importance of Wyld Stallyns when they accidentally visit the future and get another hint of their importance.
  • Memetic Mutation
    • "Be excellent to each other... and party on, dudes!"
    • "Strange things are afoot at the Circle K."
    • The Wyld Stallyns guitar riff and accompanying hand motions.
    • The picture for Conspiracy Keanu comes from Excellent Adventure.
  • Moment of Awesome: Collected here.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Various denizens of Hell in the second film, such as the Easter Bunny and Granny.
  • Values Dissonance: When Bill and Ted hug, they always push each other away and humorously shout "F**". This was okay for an 80's movie that was rated PG. That term is less acceptable now.
    • The same goes for the sequel, where the guys attempt to talk the Evil Robot Usses out of killing them by saying "We love you!", prompting the ERUs to say "F**s!" and then kill them anyway. Though that might have slipped under the radar because it kind of sounds like a sarcastic "Thanks!"
      • The sequel might actually be hanging a lampshade on the word not being acceptable to use. After all the ones using it are the evil Bill and Ted, who are overall more immature and mean than the real thing. The real Bill and Ted hug in the sequel without a real problem, indicating they've grown up a bit.
      • Because of the above, the running gag was removed from the third movie, and indeed that movie shows that Bill and Ted have no problem showing affection towards each other.