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BioShock (series)[]

  • Andrew Ryan's death. He knows he is going to die either way, so he decides to go out the way he chooses to. "A man chooses ..." Watch it here. Warning: Crazy insane spoiler!!
  • A Big Daddy giving Suchong his awesomely appropriate Karmic Death.
  • You can launch bees. From your hands. BEEEEEEES.
  • Steinman, before the boss battle with him. He's in the middle of doing his "surgery" on an hapless splicer when he notices you. His response? Instead of cowering behind some elite minions like most bosses in video games do, he gets pissed, picks up a tommy gun and fires at the window you're looking through.
  • Holding off an army of Ryan's splicers while the Lazarus Vector cooks in Langham's lab.
    • Followed by The Reveal that Frank Fontaine's was the mastermind behind the entire thing definitely counts as well, and instantly seals his spot as a Magnificent Bastard. While many such Bastards are indeed Magnificent, not very many have sold themselves as such within the first minute of their entry into the story. Just three words: "Would you kindly?"
      • Don't forget the part where he pretends that his family is aboard a bathysphere that Ryan blows up, just to fuel the player's motivation against Ryan.
      • Except Ryan didn't even acknowledge the sub or any of its passengers. He only states his intention to kill you, a key pawn in Frank Fontaine's Evil Plan, and it is Atlas, Fontaine's alias, who was last seen fiddling with the sub controls. Fontaine more likely rigged the sub to explode beforehand in preparation for Jack's return to Rapture. He is a Magnificent Bastard, after all.
      • The Reveal was even more awesome for this troper: at the very beginning of the game, he actually noticed how odd it was when Atlas said "Would you kindly?" while asking him to pick up the radio. We're in some kind of underwater hell and you're wasting time being polite? After thinking about it for a minute, however, this troper concluded that Atlas was just being somewhat sarcastic and that his line was just a bit of clever writing. OH, HOW WRONG HE WAS.
      • This Troper got the hunch that Atlas was Fontaine all along, but the voice switchover was so unsettling, it was still a CMOA. That should say something about how well the game was done.
  • Setting Sander Cohen's Quadytch on fire after finishing it. This troper has never felt anything quite so satisfying as wrecking that sadistic bastard's "masterpiece" while he's watching it.
    • No, killing Sander and getting the Irony achievement for snapping a picture of his corpse is.
  • Then there's the beginning of the game with the entry into Rapture. Two Words: Scenery Porn.
  • Try looking just up above the first Little Sister you can save or harvest. "The great shall not be constrained by the small," indeed...
  • The scene where Sander Cohen thinks you're mocking his masterpiece and sends several Splicers after you while Waltz of the Flowers plays. It's such an incredible scene. Seriously, try not to be amazed when you whack a Splicer and they go twirling off to the side as if it's some grotesque ballet. And the fact that Sander shouts out "Fly, little moth. Fly!" and "Smile! SMILE!" like it really IS a grotesque ballet makes it all the more better.
  • It is possible to engineer a situation in which two Big Daddies fight to the death while a Little Sister is standing in the background shouting "Hit him, Mr. B!" Doing requires that you die with a vita-chamber close enough for you to run back and watch the action after your resurrection, but it's well worth it.

Bioshock 2[]

  • Getting the Summon Eleanor Plasmid. The weak, frail girl you've been trying to save throughout most of the game is now a Big Sister who can rip enemies to shreds, taunting them the whole time.
    • Even better, as far as the splicers are concerned, this is their Messiah personally killing them while mocking their religion.
    • One plasmid, six words: Bring Your Daughter to Work Day.
  • Pretty much anything Eleanor says while fighting as a Big Sister.

"Stay away from my father!"
"This one died alone and afraid! Stand in our way, and you'll get the same!"
"Just try to stop me protecting my sisters. Please, try!"

    • My favorite? Eleanor uses telekinesis, yanking a splicer across the room onto her needle! What does she say?

"I am not your bloody Messiah!"

  • In BioShock (series) 2, when you learn the 'Drill Charge' technique. Remember the Bullfight Boss that the Bouncer Big Daddies were in the first game? Well, you are now the bull. And it is EPIC. For User:Ultra Sonic 007, it was the moment where you realized that you are a Big Daddy, and you are going to break people with a vengeance.
  • The Handyman tonic. Suddenly your hacked security bots turn into true bros who lay their very lives on the line for you. It made this troper upgrade to Security Command 3 and put on Deadly and Hardy Machines ASAP.
  • The evil ending. Ruling the goddamn world together as father and daughter? Shit yeah! Daughter, I am not disappoint. (Not to be confused with the pure evil ending where Eleanor takes Delta's ADAM against his will. Ungrateful bitch...)
    • Oh, and don't worry tropers, I'll make sure she follows the list.
  • Porter's response to Lamb's invitation into the Family. He may not have known what Lamb was up to, but damn if it doesn't feel good after what she did.

Porter: Dear Doctor Lamb, I received the invitation to your little social club today. In return, I'd like to make you a wager: I wager you need Rapture Central Computing just a little bit more than I need your half-baked metaphysical mumbo-jumbo. I deal in science, not...whatever it is you're up to! You keep out of Minerva's Den and I'll keep this city's automation from grinding to a complete and sudden halt. Sound fair?

  • "Meltzer's Choice", in its own sad way. Mark Meltzer has been captured by Lamb, and she starts giving her usual "ask yourself" spiel to convince him to either be turned into a Big Daddy or be executed. His response?

MELTZER: *dark laugh* ...I wasn't the first to find Rapture, you crazy bitch. And I won't be the last. You do ... whatever you want to me... as long as I'm with Cindy... I'm ... I'm a happy man.
