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NadiaG 2250



I'm Nadia G, and this is Bitchin' Kitchen!


A half-hour long cooking show starring Nadia Giosia as the loudmouthed "Nadia G". Every episode revolves around cooking three dishes around a certain theme, from break-ups to being broke, with plenty of wisecracks and tips from Miss G and her trio of quirky correspondents.

Originally starting as three-to-five minute episodes on YouTube (all of which are still available), Bitchin' Kitchen proved to be so popular that it was initially picked up by the Food Network in Canada, then by the Cooking Channel in the United States, where it currently airs every Wednesday. The show's website also offers a Supper Club for repeat viewing. Nadia has also written two cook books: Nadia G's Bitchin Kitchen Cookbook and Cookin' for Trouble.

Tropes used in Bitchin' Kitchen include:
  • Adrenaline Time: Liberally applied to show the full prepwork and cooking process within seconds instead of minutes or hours.
  • Alcoholic Parent: Prety much spelled out when Nadia makes Drunken Peaches:

Nadia: My dad used to make this recipe all the time, but instead of port, he'd use homemade wine! ...and there were no peaches. [[[Beat]]] *quietly bites into a peach*

  • Arch Enemy: Yeheskel's is black peppercorns.
  • Canada, Eh?: Nadia, who is from Montreal. Interestingly enough, she DOES finish most of her sentences with "eh", though it's more of an Italian thing than Canadian.
    • Mistaken Nationality: For a French-Canadian born into an Italian family, Nadia's pronounced accent originally led viewers to think she was from New York.
  • Catch Phrase: "Alla prossima!"
    • "Mi!"
    • "Tsaketa!"
  • Christmas Special: The hour-long spectacular aired in 2011.
  • Comedic Sociopathy: When Nadia's response to how she deals with stress is "lash out and take it out on [her] loved ones", you know she isn't the sweetest apple in the cart.
    • Panos is henpecked by his wife to the point that all he can do is cry on a salmon.
  • Fan Service: The camera isn't shy about getting good shots of Nadia. Lampshaded by her once after putting something in the oven with "now that you've looked at my bum." Also the reason why Hans exists.
  • Food Porn: Nadia always samples each of her dishes as soon as they're done. Cue the satisfied moans and description of how all the flavors and textures fit together.
  • Gratuitous Italian: By the loads. The first cookbook provides a glossary and the show has short spots where she defines a word for the viewer. Also, torrents of gratuitous Greek any time Panos' wife appears.
  • Hideous Hangover Cure: Averted in her hungover episode. Even the green smoothie looked delicious.
  • Incoming Ham: Since everyone is a Large Ham, this is unavoidable.
  • I Need a Freaking Drink: When Nadia asks Panos' wife how she deals with her marriage, her response is "a little ouzo goes a long way."
  • Kitsch Collection: The entire kitchen is decorated with porcelain and chrome baby dolls and skulls. Lampshaded when Nadia goes on about her grandmother's creepy collection of figurines while the camera zooms into the set behind her.
  • Known Only By Their Nickname: Yehezkel "The Spice Agent" Mizrahi, only because no-one knows how to pronounce his actual name.
  • Large Ham: Everyone.
  • National Stereotypes: Italians with Nadia, Israelis with the Spice Agent/Yehezkel Mizrahi and Greeks with Panos. Muscleman Hans is Polish.
  • Nice Shoes: Nadia has quite the collection and her website shows you where to get them.
  • One I Prepared Earlier: The majority of the dishes on the show can be eaten right out of the pot or pan. For things like cheesecakes and pies, though, this trope will be used.
  • Playing to The Fetishes: Anything Hans does.
    • Nadia invoked this for the Holiday Special's music video by donning a red latex catsuit and writhing around with presents.
    • Lots and lots and LOTS of gratuitous shots of Nadia's high heels...

Nadia: It's a little obscure, that recipe, no?
Director: Who cares, they're watching for shoes.


"Man, this dish is so good, what more can you ask for? Not be poor, I know, I know."

  • Rule of Cool: Chalkboard cabinets. Zebra print floor. Chainmail handtowels.
  • Running Gag: Nadia has a serious crush on Christian Bale (once represented by Yehezkel in a speedo). Also, she wants a jetpack.
  • Sarcasm Mode: Abused regularly by Nadia.
  • Take That: In the "break-up meal" episode, Nadia said that mosto cotto, or grape must, is a must in balsamic vinegar, and that calling it balsamic vinegar with no mosto cotto in it is "like calling spray can cheese 'Parmigiana' or Nickelback a 'rock band.'"
  • The Cameo: Many internet and celebrity chefs made an appearance in a music video for the Holiday Special, including EPICMEALTIME, Vegan Black Metal Chef, Guy Fieri, Andrew Zimmern, Duff Goldman, Kelsey Nixon, Ben Sargent, and Alie & Georgia.
  • Transparent Closet: The Spice Agent seems to be inside one of these, what with his crush on Tobey Maguire, stealing his mother's stockings while drunk and how his first experience (with soap) was in the men's locker room.
  • The Unpronounceable: The Spice Agent's name is Yehezkel Mizrahi but nobody in the show (even his caption is in Hebrew) knows how to say it. Nadia gets around the problem by having a recording of someone else saying the name play on cue.
    • Even the glossary in the first cookbook can spell "Yehezkel" but can't suggest a pronounciation.
  • X Meets Y: The show could be described as Beakman's World meets a Cooking Show.


Alla prossima, you nerds!
