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Bizarre Dinosaurs is a 2008 TV Documentary made by National Geographic. It deals with strange-looking dinosaurs from various continents.

All kinds of bizarre horns, claws, teeth and back-sails get to be covered, as some of the world's leading paleontologists describe in detail what these beasts used their various eye-raisingly awkward body parts for.

Narrated by Peter 'Optimus Prime' Cullen. [1]

Tropes used in Bizarre Dinosaurs include:
  • Feathered Fiend: Epidendrosaurus, the immense Gigantoraptor and the mysterious Deinocheirus.
    • The first one is not especially fiendish, though.
  • Gaussian Girl: A slight blur effect is used for the CGI dinosaur shots, though even these don't conceal the sub-par animation quality.
  • More Teeth Than the Osmond Family: Nigersaurus, but it is a rare herbivore example that has many tiny, tiny teeth.
    • The Masiakasaurus from the DVD cover.
  • Narrator: Peter Cullen.
  • Real Is Brown: While the CGI animals do have unique skin patterns and colors, these are so muted that this trope could easily be applied.
  • Seldom-Seen Species: Masiakasaurus, Epidendrosaurus, Tuojiangosaurus, Gigantoraptor, Dracorex, Amargasaurus, Deinocheirus and Styracosaurus are all here.
    • Also, the magazine article that inspired the show featured a poster that featured Paralititan, Majungasaurus, Sinosauropteryx, Carcharodontosaurus, Erketu[2], Mononykus, Afrovenator and Mamenchisaurus, among creatures featured in the program and more famous species.
  • Shout-Out: To Jurassic Park III, as Prime describes Spinosaurus and how it put The Worf Effect on T. rex.
  • Shown Their Work: All the scenes that focus on scientists.
  • Somewhere a Paleontologist Is Crying: Yes, even NatGeo couldn't avoid this one. The culprits are the CGI clips. One has a chewing sauropod. Sauropod jaws and teeth were unable to do this.
    • The painfully incorrect position into which carnivorous dinosaurs twist their hands.
    • And also the large, well articulated hands of Carnotaurus. While the narration points out how small and insignificant these were, the animation disagrees. For reference's sake: they should appear as nothing more than mere stumps with more little stumps on them.
    • Some experts would rather see the show's Epidendrosaurus referred to as Scansoriopteryx.
    • The crest[3] on the show's Spinosaurus isn't nearly pronounced enough.
    • The phylogenetic tree that appears in several scenes implies that large tetanurans are more closely related to each other than small tetanurans, which is of course wrong.
  • Stock Dinosaurs: Generally averted, but some familiar faces appear, such as Coelophysis, Tyrannosaurus, Spinosaurus, Parasaurolophus and Carnotaurus.
  • Stock Footage: The dinosaur clips are repeated many times. Still, there have been worse offenders.
    • Animal footage from different documentaries is also played, as are scenes from the 1925 adaptation of The Lost World.
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex
  • Use Your Head: Pachycephalosaurs, but the program demonstrates that the did not butt heads together, as they are often depicted, since this would have knocked them out. However, ceratopsians and sauropods are seen doing this as part of their natural behavior.
  1. By the way, that is a masiakasaur on the DVD cover.
  2. A sauropod with the longest dinosaur neck relative to its body size
  3. Not the sail, but an actual crest on the head.