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These things about Black Panther: Wakanda Forever are subjective - not everyone will agree with all of them.

  • Magnificent Bastard: Namor, AKA K'uk'ulkan, the sovereign ruler of the underwater kingdom of Talokan, is a mutant worshiped as a god. Disgusted by the cruelties of the surface world, Namor resolved to protect his kingdom and people even if it meant invading the surface. When an American crew attempts to harvest vibranium in an underwater deposit, Namor kills them leading to Wakanda being accused of the terrorist attack. Electing to execute Riri Williams for her invention, Namor effortlessly bypasses Wakanda's security system to make an ultimatum with Shuri and Queen Ramonda. Despite his willingness to provoke a war between Talokan and Wakanda and killing Ramonda, Namor expresses genuine respect for Shuri even consoling her over the loss of her brother -- and ends the film in triumph revealing that his surrender was a calculated move to push Wakanda into a corner so that when the time came, Wakanda would be forced to ally with him.

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