Black Vulcan is the result of the creative genius that is Danielle applied to an old Super Friends character. Originally intended to be a Black Lightning expy, Danielle took Black Vulcan and made him into his own character. He'd previously appeared in a comic in 1999, but in a different context. This comic does him justice.
Basically, it's set in New York during the late 70s, and starts during the July 1977 blackout. A young African-American man named Michael Johns realizes the power is out, and goes to look for who caused the outage. However, the streets have become so dangerous he is unable to do so. Michael is attacked and recovers in the hands of a mysterious woman named Rai, who is apparently the Goddess of Lightning and praises him for his courage. Rai takes Michael to her master, Supervolt the God of Lightning; he calls upon Michael to protect the world from danger and gives him electricity powers. Following the Lightning Laws, Michael uses these powers as Black Vulcan.
Black Vulcan is arguably one of Danielle's best works (DC Comics or not) and where her unique sense of humor shines.
Contains examples of[]
- Action Girl: Donna, kicking ass and made smart by her autism. There's also goddess Rai.
- Adaptation Distillation:
- Black Vulcan's costume apparently lacked pants from the start here.
- Black Vulcan also has to deal with static crackling against his skin every time he's restrained, which wasn't present in the original series and explains why he hates being captured.
- Adaptation Expansion: The most heavy expansion of Black Vulcan ever since the Harvey Birdman version. He's got an entire backstory, a lore akin to Green Lantern's, and his own allies and a full-blown rogues gallery. Not to mention a real name. Black Vulcan is also kleptomanic.
- Adaptational Badass: Black Vulcan becomes a fucking badass and fully-developed.
- Agony Beam: Electrode's electricity-zapping ray.
- Angry Black Man: Subverted with Black Vulcan, who's only angry when his right buttons are pushed. Don't go around testing his temper.
- Anti-Climactic Unmasking: When a thug unmasks Black Vulcan, he has no idea who he is and thus leaves him alone. Black Vulcan puts his cowl back on before anyone sees him.
- Artistic License Biology: In issue #26's story "Germ Warfare," sentient germs are scheming to take Black Vulcan's life. When Donna and Rai go inside Black Vulcan, his body is well lit and they are able to communicate with him over a walkie talkie.
- Badass Creed: The Lightning Laws, which go as follows: 1. never use lightning for evil 2. never shock someone sentient with lightning unless they are evil 3. never corrupt anyone with lightning whether you mean it or not.
- Berserk Button: Black Vulcan hates being captured especially because of the annoying, itchy static that trickles against his skin thanks to his binds' friction.
- Big Applesauce: The series takes place in New York City circa the late 70s. The first issue is about the 1977 blackout.
- Black and Nerdy: Black Vulcan seems to be smart, but not as much as Donna. Michael has a bit more brawn than brains.
- Blaxploitation: Meant to be a homage to all the blaxploitation movies of the late 70s, the character being made during that time. Black Vulcan knowing kung fu, his jive speak, etc.
- Bound and Gagged: Black Vulcan has been tied up and even gagged a few times. However, it's usually without the gag. Sucks even worse for him that the ropes create friction against his silky skin and thus release particularly annoying static that makes him itch.
- Brains and Brawn: Donna is the brains, Black Vulcan is the brawn.
- Brought to You by The Letter "S": Black Vulcan has a "V" on his outfit's torso part.
- Captain Ethnic: As evidenced by his name, Black Vulcan is a black guy. Specifically because his original counterpart from the Super Friends was meant to be the Token Black Guy.
- Catchphrase: Black Vulcan's "Great lightning!"
- Chekov's Gun: In issue #26, Black Vulcan gets a cut on the side of his face in a fight. This turns out to be the way a group of germs enter his body and carry out their scheme to destroy him from the inside.
- Clark Kenting: Black Vulcan's human identity is Michael Johns.
- Clothes Make the Superman: Black Vulcan only uses his powers when he's dressed in his suit; he's learned quite fast to control them when he's in civilian attire as Michael Johns.
- Color Character: Black Vulcan, because he's... black.
- Cool and Unusual Punishment: Black Vulcan ends up having to suffer an intense, annoying itch thanks to electricity on his skin when the planned electric torture his captors had for him... well... didn't work out too good.
- Could Have Avoided This Plot: In issue #26, if Black Vulcan had bandaged his cut, there'd be no way for the germs to enter his body unnoticed and there'd be no need for Rai and Donna to go inside him.
- Cuffs Off, Rub Wrists: Black Vulcan always rubs his sore wrists after being released from restraints, as well as his back or any other body parts that itched due to static.
- Determinator: Black Vulcan will never give up, even if his leg is broken as is shown in one issue.
- Didn't Think This Through: In issue #15, Black Vulcan is captured and his captors plan to electrically torture him. Clearly they don't know what his superpowers are. However, it ends up Gone Horribly Right because the electricity annoys Black Vulcan's skin and his captors see how long he can last before confessing.
- Editorial Synaesthesia: When Black Vulcan breaks his leg in issue #11, we see the screen flash photonegative monochrome in order to represent the pain, alongside of a weird, X-ray shot of his leg as it's breaking. This is immediately followed by Black Vulcan shouting "YOWWWW!!"
- Eldritch Abomination: Electrode in his super form. Black Vulcan is terrified and shouts "GREAT LIGHTNING!!" upon seeing it.
- Electric Torture: This fails on Black Vulcan because his electrical powers are able to absorb the current, so the least it can do to him is tickle his skin in a particularly annoying manner. Of course, that ends up being the form of torture his captors use on him.
- Elemental Powers: Black Vulcan, Rai, and Supervolt all have the ability to manipulate electricity.
- Elemental Shapeshifter: Black Vulcan can turn himself or his lower half into a bolt of lightning to fly. This also goes for Rai and Supervolt.
- Energy Absorption: Electrode's gimmick. He has the power to drain electricity from entire cities and even Supervolt, and he uses it to make himself stronger and in one case, go One-Winged Angel.
- Fantastic Voyage Plot: You knew this was coming. In issue #26, Donna and Rai must go inside Black Vulcan to cure him of a copious amount of germs that entered his body and were planning to destroy him from the inside.
- Genki Girl: Donna is constantly hyperactive and unable to sit still, implying she has ADHD in addition to autism.
- Godiva Hair: Rai, the Goddess of Lightning has godiva hair to fit her status.
- Green Around the Gills: Black Vulcan's face begins turning green when he gets sick in issue #26.
- Gross Up Close-Up: A few occur in the twenty-sixth issue, where Donna and Rai chase down some sentient germs inside Black Vulcan's body. For example, there's the close-up shot of Black Vulcan's infected cut after the germs invade it. When you see gangrene, you know something's serious.
- Handicapped Badass:
- Donna is mentally handicapped, but that still doesn't stop her from being a badass; even though she learns slowly, she excels in certain fields because she puts her mind to it.
- Black Vulcan breaks his leg in one issue, but he can still fight crime due to his "never give up" spirit.
- Inconvenient Itch:
- Thanks to the feeling of static against his skin, Black Vulcan finds it very uncomfortable to be tied up or restricted in any manner. The entire time, the static will cause him to be itchy.
- In issue #8's story "Somebody's Manipulating My Powers!" when Lightning Rod is controlling Black Vulcan's powers, he brings them out while Black Vulcan is his civilian identity. Michael feels the familiar itch of static on his skin (thanks to the clothes he's wearing) and his first reaction is, paraphrased, "Jesus Christ, I thought I mastered my powers this can't be happening."
- This ends up being the form of torture Black Vulcan's captors use on him when their planned electric torture doesn't work out well. The electricity just tickles Black Vulcan, in an itchy way, and pretty soon he gets more than fed up with it...
- Jive Turkey: Black Vulcan, in true 70s style. Done as a sign of the times.
- Kleptomaniac Hero: Michael Johns was diagnosed with a slight form of kleptomania, which results in him stealing things sometimes. Yes, even as Black Vulcan.
- Kung Fu: Black Vulcan, in true 70s black style, knows kung fu, which he uses extensively when he's drained of his powers by Electrode in issue #5.
- Large Ham: Black Vulcan is meant to be cheesy and all because the series is a homage to 70s comics and the cartoon where he originated from.
- Latex Space Suit: Donna's battle gear resembles a skintight suit. To say nothing of Black Vulcan's spandex outfit...
- Luckily, My Powers Will Protect Me: Black Vulcan speaks in Exospeak as a sign of the times. Danielle has said xe tried very hard to emulate what a solo Black Vulcan comic would be like circa 1978.
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: Black Vulcan's powers act as a defense shield; if he gets electrocuted by any outside sources, they absorb the current, reducing the harm level of the electricity and allowing him to survive.
- Mythology Gag:
- In issue #9, Black Vulcan says "...In my pants." No points for guessing what this is a reference to.
- The God of Lightning's name being Supervolt. This is why Black Vulcan says "That's SUPERVOLT!" in issue #10.
- Oh My Gods:
- "Great lightning!"
- In issue #3, Black Vulcan says "Great soaking mops!" instead for no reason.
- One-Winged Angel: Electrode's super form, which resembles some... alien creature not from this universe.
- OOC Is Serious Business: From issue #15, Black Vulcan ends up angrily shouting at his captors to end his torture. They're truly intimidated.
- Our Gods Are Greater: Supervolt and Rai, the god and goddess of lightning respectively.
- Perfect Poison: Pythcobra's venom attacks the immune system without fail.
- Portmanteau Couple Name: Pythcobra is a cross between a python and a cobra.
- Pungeon Master: Black Vulcan talks in electricity-related puns. "I'll electrify you with the shock of your life!"
- Reptiles Are Abhorrent: One of Black Vulcan's enemies is a cross between a python and a venomous cobra, appropriately nicknamed "Pythcobra."
- Retraux: It's in the style of a serious comic and a ridiculous comic from the Bronze Age (like the Super Friends comics) all at once.
- Robotic Torture Device: The device used to try and give Black Vulcan a painful electric shock in issue #15.
- Say My Name: "BLACK VULCAN!!" This has been given a reason - those who harness Supervolt's lightning powers must shout their names in order to reach their full potential. "RAI!!"
- Scooby-Doo Hoax: In true Hanna-Barbera style, some of the criminals Black Vulcan finds himself up against are disguised in an elaborate hoax.
- Security Cling: Done, in a very cowardly move, by Black Vulcan himself in the issue where he's depowered by Electrode. After Black Vulcan's drained of his electricity, he's so shocked he forgets he has an arsenal of kung fu moves. Electrode starts advancing toward him, which leads him to cling onto Donna nearby.
- Shock and Awe:
- Black Vulcan's main gimmick is that he can manipulate electricity. Rai and Supervolt share the same ability, due to them being the goddess and god of lightning respectively... ya know?
- Electrode can zap electricity from their sources, which works wonders against Black Vulcan in issue #5.
- Shout-Out:
- The password to Donna's pad is "Freaky ghost bed," which is a reference to "Bustin" by Neil Cicierega.
- In later issues, it's been changed to "POTAPA."
- A really obscure reference, but Black Vulcan asks in issue #20, "Wouldn't that be PARP?"
- The password to Donna's pad is "Freaky ghost bed," which is a reference to "Bustin" by Neil Cicierega.
- Some Kind of Force Field: Black Vulcan has been caught in a force field where he can't use his electricity more than a few times. In one case, if he tries to use his powers, the field will end up absorbing it and eventually electrocute him, as his defense shield is rendered null.
- Strapped to An Operating Table: Black Vulcan gets strapped to an operating table in issue #15.
- Surprise Slide Staircase: Done on a couple of occasions. Black Vulcan ends up sliding down with a look of "WTF is going on" on his face.
- Sweater Girl: Donna wears a pink cardigan sweater.
- Talking Is a Free Action: For example, when Black Vulcan is against Pythcobra, "Got to keep from getting any closer AND FAST!" Pythcobra doesn't even try to do anything during this.
- Tickle Torture: Played for Drama in issue #15, where a failed electrical torture attempt on Black Vulcan ends up tickling his skin intensely, and his captors decide that will be his torture. Black Vulcan is just annoyed by the itch. Eventually, he can't take it anymore, in one of his most OOC moments ever.
- Time Travel: Black Vulcan can shroud himself in electricity and travel back in time by fluctuating himself and flying at the speed of light.
- Token Minority:
- Subverted. Black Vulcan was a classic example of the Token Black Guy in the Super Friends cartoon, but here his ethnicity isn't paid attention to at all.
- Donna is autistic, probably one of the first comic book characters to ever openly be so.
- Unusual Euphemism:
- Black Vulcan has once said, verbatim, "Oh ding ding blathering blithers!" It's hilarious as fuck even though it's meant to be a reference to an episode of Super Friends (and Black Vulcan didn't even say the line; it was before his addition.)
- Of course, there's also his classic "Great lightning!" and the variant, "Great soaking mops!"
- "Where the Milky Way are we?"
- Vomit Indiscretion Shot: Poor, poor Black Vulcan in issue #26...
- What the Fu Are You Doing?: Averted. Black Vulcan knows actual kung fu, as it was popular amongst black people in the 1970s (black theaters would show kung fu movies and thus it became a form of blaxploitation.)
- You're Nothing Without Your Phlebotinum: In issue #5, Electrode zaps Black Vulcan with his lightning siphon ray and says "You're nothing without your electrical powers!"