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Recurring Characters of Blacksad

John Blacksad[]

Blacksad 8618

"I had chosen to walk the dark path in life...And I'm still on it."

Blacksad is a hardboiled and successful Private Detective. He can be cynical and harsh but he has a good heart and is dedicated to justice. He is incredibly unlucky in matters of the heart, but has a wide network of connections.

  • Gang member moves to put black paint on Blacksad's white muzzle.*

Blacksad: "You give me so much as a freckle and I'll end you."



Weekly 6791

"Your good friend Week is here full of good vibes."

An Intrepid Reporter with an odor problem and a perverted mind. Weekly befriends Blacksad during the latter's child abduction case in 'The Line.' Despite Blacksad's initial dislike of Weekly the two have become good friends and they work together often. His name comes from an office rumor that he changes his underwear only once a week.

Commissioner Smirnov[]

Smirnov 3563

"Truth is John...I used to see clearly, but now..."

A police commissioner and friend of Blacksad. Because Smirnov realizes the failings of the justice system, he helps Blacksad to reach criminals that he himself cannot.