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Some or all of these characters need descriptions. A list of tropes is not a description.

Main Characters[]


Blade - daywalker 001 7230

"You better wake up. The world you live in is just a sugar-coated topping! There is another world beneath it - the real world. And if you wanna survive it, you better learn to pull the trigger!"


When Blade's mother was attacked by a vampire it resulted in him being born a half-breed, immune to all of the vampires weaknesses and possessing all their strengths. When Blade entered puberty however the thirst also emerged. When Whistler realized that he wasn't a vampire, he took him in and the two have hunted vampires ever since. Blade is known among vampires as the infamous "Daywalker". Played by Wesley Snipes.

  • Awesome McCoolname: Blade and his even his nickname among vampires, Daywalker, are pretty badass.
  • Badass: Complete with Badass Longcoat and Cool Shades.
  • Cool Sword
  • Curb Stomp Battle: Blade is made of badass! Nearly any vampire mooks that he comes across are going to be ashes within a few seconds and there are only a handful of characters who can challenge him.
  • Daywalker: Not a Daywalker. Blade is the Daywalker.
  • Establishing Character Moment: When the hapless victim falls at the feet of Blade, the terror on dozens of vampires is clear to see. His smile as they run for their lives or whisper in fear tells you all you need to know. The ass kicking that follows is truly one of the greatest character introductions ever.
  • Half-Human Hybrid
  • Heroes Prefer Swords
  • I Am a Monster: A combination of the guilt from his younger years of feeding on people and being an outsider to the very humans he protects makes Blade feel this way, despite attempts to tell him otherwise.

Blade: "I'm not human."
Karen: "You look human to me."
Blade: "Humans don't drink blood."


Blade: There are worse things out there than vampires.
Karen: Like what?
Blade: Like me.

  • Idiot Ball: Blade picks this up when he somehow mistakes a human for a vampire in Trinity. This is kind of ridiculous considering he's instinctively able to discern between the two by how they look, act and even smell from a distance.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills
  • Names to Run Away From Really Fast: For vampires his name is akin to the boogie-man.
  • One Hero, Hold the Weaksauce: The tagline "All of their strengths, none of their weaknesses" is mostly true. However he does age like humans and he suffers from the thirst. The former means the vampires have the significant advantage of outlasting him till he dies of old age and the latter causes Blade no small measure of misery.
  • Pay Evil Unto Evil: "Thought I might try fire for a change."
  • Pre-Mortem One-Liner: The infamous last words uttered to Frost.

Blade:"Some motherfuckers are always tryin' to iceskate uphill."


Abraham Whistler[]

Blade - whistler 001 7502

"You have to understand, they're everywhere. Chances are you seen 'em yourself, and didn't know it. On the subway or in a bar."


Abraham Whistler once had a wife and family before a vampire called round to visit. Since then he has dedicated his entire life to killing as many of them as he can. Mentor to Blade and the man responsible for crafting the various instruments of death the Daywalker utilizes in the war against vampires. Played by Kris Kristofferson.

  • Badass Grandpa
  • Back from the Dead: Apparently killed in the first movie, he is later found barley alive and vampirize. He can still a lot of ass after his vampirize cure takes effect.
    • Back for the Dead: But then in Trinity, he was killed to give Blade time to get out of there and away from the FBI and SWAT.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Turns up to bail out Blade after he falls into a trap.
  • Dying as Yourself: Subverted in that his suicide fails to prevent him becoming a vampire.
  • Killed Off for Real: Dying for the second time via explosion in Trinity.
  • Incurable Cough of Death: His bad cough actually tips Karen off that he's dying of cancer. Subverted in that it never gets the chance to kill him thanks to Frost and his time as a vampire eliminates his cancer altogether.
  • Sociopathic Hero: Much like his student, his actions come across like this.
  • The Obi-Wan
  • Taking You with Me: Takes his would be captures with him in explosive fashion.

Antagonists - Blade[]

Deacon Frost[]

Blade - frost 001 6245

"We should be ruling the humans, not running around making back alley treaties with them. For fuck sake these people are our food - not our allies."


Frost has been making waves in the underworld and his activities have caught the attention of Blade much to the annoyance of the vampire ruling elite. Deacon's ultimate goal is unclear to the Daywalker but there's no doubt he has big changes in mind for the vampire world. Played by Stephen Dorff.

  • A God Am I: When he becomes La Magra.
  • Ambition Is Evil
  • Berserk Button: Bringing up the fact he was merely turned a vampire and not born one.
  • Big Bad: Of the first film.
  • Dodge the Bullet: Manages to impressively avoid few silver bullets directed at his head.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: This is a guy who puts his vampire superiors in sunlight and feeds on his familiars and kills them left and right. Though his idiot sidekick Quinn seems to be the only one he likes. He also seems to care for Mercury.
  • Evil Gloating
  • Faux Affably Evil: Frost will often put on a facade of courtesy just before committing something suitably evil. The most notable being his final conversion with Dragonetti.

Deacon: When's the last time you stopped to appreciate a good sunrise? Oh, that's right, you were born a vampire so you've never had the pleasure, have you? It's okay. It's alright. Least we're here together. Share the moment. Which means a lot to me by the way, I mean that.

  • Foe Yay: He has this with pretty much everyone but especially with Dragonetti.
  • Large Ham: Stephen Dorff's enjoying himself.
  • Ludicrous Gibs: Ultimately gets exploded in spectacularly over-the-top fashion.
  • Human Shield: Uses a child no less.
  • I Want Blade Alive: Justified in that it's not for some elborate revenge or torture but because his bloods the key to becoming La Magra.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: Frost reveals he was the vampire that attacked Blades mother thus making him the vampire hybrid his is today.
  • Smug Snake
  • Transhuman Treachery: While it's pretty much a given for any vampire who's been turned to betray their former race, Frost takes it even further. He wants to abandon The Masquerade entirely in favor of subjugating mankind and relegating them to little more than cattle.
  • Verbal Tic: He seems to like saying "fuck" a lot.
  • We Can Rule Together: Offers Blade a chance to stand with him. However Blade is already aware they need him to awaken the power of La Magra. It's unlikely Frost saw him as a potential ally and probably just wanted an easier means of capturing him. Though Frost did express disappointment in Blade denying his vampirism and defending humans.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Twice. Firstly he feeds on Krieger after his failure to obtain Karen, not to mention leading Blade straight to them. And secondly Pearl just after Frost gets all the info he needs.

Deacon: " Pearl, your history. Have the good grace to die with some fucking dignity."



Blade - quinn 001 6337

"You can slice him. You can dice him. But the Quinn man just keeps coming!"


One of Deacon Frost's most high ranking minions. Whenever he's around it's a clear sign his boss is involved. A fact which earns him the frequent attention of Blade and comes with the implication that it's the only reason he's still alive. Played by Donal Logue.

  • Butt Monkey: Blade has apparently been abusing him on such a regular basis that by the events of the film he's grown bored of cutting him up and decides to set him on fire. Over the course of the film he suffers further punishment at the hands of Blade and even Karen at one point before finally being decapitated.
  • Co-Dragons: Mercury and Quinn seem to serve this role to Frost.
  • Good Thing You Can Heal: Considering what Blade puts him through regenerating limbs is must have feature for any vampire constantly getting their asses kicked by the Daywalker. Not that it saves him in the end.

Quinn: "You took my arm man. But it's cool. I got a new one."


"You want him alive? We've been trying to kill this motherfucker for years! Are you out of your fucking mind?!"



Blade - mercury 001 9117

Played by Arly Jover.

  • Berserk Button: Implying Deacon doesn't really care about her is a bad idea.
  • Co-Dragons: Alongside Quinn. Interestingly, despite being Frost's lover, she doesn't appear have more authority than Quinn and is in fact the more noticeably worried when Frost comes to speak with them after Blade escapes.
  • Dark Mistress
  • Dodge the Bullet: Impressively moves fast enough to avoid Blades machine gun fire at the bloodbath and does it again when avoiding Karen's shotgun blasts at the temple.
  • Light Is Not Good: Often favors white clothes to match her hair and pale complexion.
  • Woman in White / White-Haired Pretty Girl
  • Your Head Asplode: Rendered headless after swallowing some of Karens garlic laced mace.

Antagonists - Blade II[]

Eli Damaskinos[]

Blade - eli 001 6870

"Who do you think God really favors in the web? The spider or the fly?"


Overlord Damaskinos is a powerful vampire elder who seeks out a truce with Blade in order to deal with the Reaper threat. It's clear from the outset however that his true intentions are far more sinister.

Jared Nomak[]

Blade - nomak 001 5860

"Daywalker. What am I to you? Is the enemy of my enemy, my friend...or my enemy?"


The carrier of the deadly Reaper virus and immune to nearly all conventional vampire weapons except ultra-violet light. Nomak and those he has turned are a threat to the existence of vampires and humans alike.

  • Anti-Villain
  • Blood Lust: Significantly more so than regular vamps.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: Everything that happens in the story is a result of Damaskinos' plans, but Nomak is a power unto himself and proves to be the bigger threat after killing his father and becomes Blade's final fight.
  • Enemy Mine: He believes Blade should be fighting by his side against vampires. However, Blade is aware once the vamps are gone, the Reapers will turn on humanity to feed their blood lust.
  • Face Death with Dignity
  • Famous Last Words: Strange. It hurts, it hurts no more.
  • Food Chain of Evil: He's very much sitting right at the top. Much to the horror of vampires.
  • Go Out with a Smile: Welcomes his fatal wounding and the end of his pain.
  • Gone Horribly Right: His father wanted to create a stronger vampire and succeeded all too well.
  • I Hate You, Vampire Dad
  • Mistaken for Junkie: Subverted. A drug dealer recognizes a junkie in need of a fix. Unfortunately for him he's got exactly what Nomak needs.
  • Mugging the Monster: Made all the more awesome by the fact those doing the mugging were vampires.

Nomak: "Vampires! I hate vampires."


The Bloodpack - Blade II[]

The Bloodpack is a group of pureblood vampire warriors originally assembled and trained for the purpose of killing Blade. However the threat of the reapers forces them work alongside their former target if they are to prevail.

Nyssa Damaskinos[]

Blade - nyssa 001 4662

"The only difference between us is that I made peace with what I am a long time ago."


Daughter of Eli Damaskinos, Nyssa is the level headed leader of the Bloodpack. She makes no apologies for what she is having been born a vampire and proves to be one of the more honorable members of the Bloodpack. Played by Leonor Varela.


Blade - asad 001 5052

"We represent the ruling body of the vampire nation. They're offering you a truce."


Played by Danny John-Jules.

  • Black Dude Dies First: Averted. Considering he's the only black member of the Bloodpack in a horror film its surprising that he actually ends up dying after 4 other members.
  • Hazardous Water: How he ends up getting killed.
  • Shoot the Messenger: Narrowly averted but not for lack of trying. Whistler literally tries to shoot them but is disarmed and Asad manages to (eventually) tell Nyssa to back down before someone gets killed.


Blade - reinhardt 001 1372

"Well, like my daddy said right before he killed my mom, 'Want anything done right, you gotta do it yourself'."


Played by Ron Perlman.

  • A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Considers his role "playing nice" with Blade and his allies to be this. He even says as much when he removes the "dud" explosive from his head. He may have also meant his deceased Bloodpack allies as well.

Reinhardt: "The wolf has lain with the sheep, long enough."

  • Bald of Evil
  • Explosive Leash: Has a bomb attached to his head courtesy of Blade, who threatens him with detonation if he steps out of line. Subverted in that it turns out to be a dud, courtesy of Scud's treachery and it was just to give Blade the illusion of power. But brilliantly zig-zags back when Blade coyly revels "its not a dud".
  • Gun Blade: Wields a dual pair of these.
  • Half the Man He Used To Be


Blade - chupa 001 1740

Played by Matt Schulze.

  • Hot-Blooded: By far the most quick tempered and aggressive of the Bloodpack.
  • More Dakka: When he learns that silver bullets aren't lethal against reapers Cupa takes the less subtle approach of emptying every bullet into a single reaper in order to bring it down.

Chupa: "Say cheese!"



Blade - lighthammer 9652

"You ugly little beast."


Played by Daz Crawford.


Blade - verlaine 001 2774

"Do it Reinhardt! Do it!"


Played by Marit Velle Kile.

  • Battle Couple: Alongside Lighthammer.
  • Faux Action Girl: We don't see her do anything of real note except chase off a reaper and later she becomes completely useless when confronted by Reaper!Lighthammer to the point of coming off like a scared little girl rather than an elite vampire warrior. To say nothing of the horror stereotype of females running "upstairs" instead of toward help.
  • Fiery Redhead: She certainly chimes in enthusiastically when Reinhardt's being offered a chance to stake Blade. Plus being a vampire its very likely she has a violent streak too.
  • Taking You with Me: She manages to kill Lighthammer after he turns by opening a manhole cover, shining daylight on both of them.


Blade - priest 001 5809

"Look at them. Half of these bastards, they're not even purebloods. I tell you what, why don't we just fuckin' kill everyone? Just to make sure."


Played by Tony Curran.

  • Eye Scream: The Reaper bites him on the eye...ouch.
  • Dying as Yourself: Subverted. He attempts to have Chupa end his life before he becomes a reaper, but he's too far gone for the silver bullets to the chest to have any effect.
  • Fantastic Racism: Really doesn't like non-purebloods.
  • I Cannot Self-Terminate: Whilst screaming in agony, Priest demands his friend kill him before he becomes a Reaper.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Priest is on the recieving end of a very one-sided assault.
  • Sacrificial Lamb to us, Sacrificial Lion to Chupa.
  • Scotireland: Yes, Curran is another example of a Scottish actor playing an Irish character (or at least one with an Irish accent) but in his defense it's actually a good Irish accent. So despite not sounding like it at all some people, including That Other Wiki, still think Priests accent is Scottish likely in part because the actor is. He probably shouldn't have bothered with the accent sadly.


Blade - snowman 001 6895

Played by Donnie Yen.

Antagonists - Trinity[]


Blade - drake 001 2567

"Look at them down there scurrying around like insects. They don't know anything about honor or living by the sword. Not like you and I do."


The original and most powerful vampire, Drake is the father of the vampire race. His kind have saught him out in the hope he will restore vampires to Daywalkers. Played by Dominic Purcell.

  • Big Bad
  • Daywalker: A trait that vampires apparently lost over the years.
  • Dracula
  • The Dreaded: To the point vamps are equally scared of him.
  • Face Death with Dignity: Takes his death very graciously and respects Blade for fighting with honor. He even leaves him a parting gift.
  • Neglectful Precursor: Abandoned the race he created when he grew tired with the world.
  • Not So Different: He compares himself to Blade frequently, even implying a time when they were much more alike than Blade would care to know. When Drake warns him that the thirst always wins there does seem to be the indication he once resisted.

Drake: "But remember, sooner or later, the thirst always wins."

  • One-Winged Angel: His hideous and much more powerful monster form.
  • Passing the Torch: Drake believes that the future of his kind is safe in the hands of Blade and he is the new breed of vampire that they've been needlessly searching for. By the look on Blade's face, he doesn't seem too thrilled with this notion.
  • Shapeshifter Default Form: After he dies his body eventually reverts to his human form.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifter: Able to take the form of any human at will as well as change into his standard and more monstrous ubervamp form.
  • Worthy Opponent: How he sees Blade.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: The exact reason he gave for killing Dr. Vance.

Drake: "He outlived his purpose."


Nightstalkers - Trinity[]

A group of human vampire hunters that operate in individual cells.

Hannibal King[]

Blade - hannibal 001 2191

Hannibal was once a vampire before being cured and joining the fight against his former masters. Played by Ryan Reynolds.

Abigail Whistler[]

Blade - a whistler 002 1766

The daughter of Abraham Whistler, Abigail has followed in her fathers vampire hunting footsteps. Played by Jessica Biel.

  • Action Girl
  • Amazonian Beauty: Abigail Whilster strikes that rare balance between physique and beauty. Helped a lot by the fact Jessica Biel's gorgeous.
  • The Archer
  • Awesome but Impractical: Archery probably isn't the best choice of discipline against superhuman speed, especially when theres more devastating firearms at your disposal. But still it looks cool. Sure listening to music while kicking vampire ass does sound kinda cool (ignoring the blatant ipod advert). But then you realize hunting super fast monsters while limiting the awareness of your surroundings isn't so great an idea.
  • Badass Normal
  • Improbable Aiming Skills
  • Mugging the Monster: Vampire brats attempt to harass a supposed mother and her child. It ends unpleasantly for them.
  • Product Placement: Her character's apparent brand loyalty caused a lot of groans.
  • Shower of Angst: After a hard night at the office.
  • Shown Their Work: Jessica Biel put a lot of effort into learning proper archery technique and actually got very handy with the bow. During one scene when she was instructed to "aim for the camera" whilst about 40 feet away and 50 feet up. She actually nailed it spot on in spite of a plexiglass cover protecting all but the small area in front of the lense. Destroying a $300,000 camera has never been so awesome. See it here
  • Trick Arrow: She has a whole host of specialized arrows. Including one that shoots round corners.

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