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  • Hey, It's That Guy!:
    • Quinn is played by Sean Finnerty.
    • And The Cat was one of the vampires teaming with Blade in Blade II
    • And yet defied. Chupa from Blade II? Part of the Blood Pack? Yeah, he was apparently in Blade I. The guy whose hand gets exploded by Blade's booby-trapped sword. Guy named "Crease". Matt Shulze, and apparently he put on some weight between the two flicks. He was also the beta Dragon in the first Transporter flick.
    • Perhaps we should be calling Dracula Linc-ula?
    • It is incredibly unnerving to see Ron Perlman as a vampire in Blade II, especially after seeing him as Clay Morrow and Hellboy.
    • First vampires, then zombies? Thomas Kretschmann can't catch a break!
    • The drug dealer in Blade II is played by Ladislav Beran, who also played a clockwork assassin.
    • Donal Logue went from a thuggish vampire to a well-meaning, slightly awkward detective in Life.
    • Scud is played by Norman Reedus.
    • Tony Curran (Blade II) would later play another vampire in Underworld: Evolution.
    • Luke Goss (the main Reaper in Blade II) has also played an elf prince and Steve Fox.
    • Speaking of Hellboy, Ron Pearlman is part of the Bloodpack.
    • Triple H is Danica's right-hand man in the third film.
    • Holy shit. Donnie Yen is a vampire swordsman in the sequel.
    • A Blade Hey It's That Guy! section and no one mentioned Udo Kier (Dragonetti in Blade) yet?
  • What Could Have Been:
    • The script for the first film revealed that Blade's sword was originally Whistler's, and was handed down from vampire hunter to vampire hunter. It is also implied the original wielder used the sword to kill La Magra.
    • The original plan of the first film would have had Blade failing to save the world and battling a vampire apocalypse in the sequel. The third film would then be based on I Am Legend.
    • Morbius was originally going to be the main villain for Blade II.
    • Oliver Hirschbiegel wanted to direct the third film but was bound to a contract to direct another film. The film he ended up making? Downfall, which got him an Academy Award nomination.
    • Michael Jackson was originally going to be a creepy vampire sadism-specialist in the second movie. At least some of the scene was filmed, but ultimately cut. There's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it shot of his back left in.

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