Blade of the Flame is a trilogy by Tim Waggoner chronicling the adventures of Diran Bastiaan, a priest of the Church of the Silver Flame in the Eberron Campaign Setting. It consists of:
- Thieves of Blood
- Forge of the Mindslayers
- Sea of Death
Tropes used in Blade of the Flame include:
- Action Girl: Makala, Yvka, and come to think of it pretty much every female character ever given enough importance to have a name.
- Anti-Hero: Diran himself, and possibly Makala later
- Face Heel Turn: Makala
- Heel Face Turn: Diran and Makala in the backstory, and Makala later
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Diran begins the series with only Ghaji by his side, and at the end everyone splits up, leaving Diran and Ghaji alone again.
- Sadistic Choice: Erdis Cai tries to pull one on Diran in the first book
- Screw the Rules I Have Plot: The books are good, but the author clearly didn't read the psionics rules. Any psionic character is basically treated as a Game Breaker (Remember, you can only use a number of power points equal to or less than your Manifester Level, no more.)
- Clearly Solus out-leveled the rest of the cast significantly, plus there's the whole issue of what a psi-forged might be able to do in the first place.
- Take a Third Option: Diran's response to the above choice.