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See also:

  • Americans Love Iron Tager: Not that he's not popular in Japan, but with American-exclusive memes like "REAL SOVIET DAMAGE" and "GIGANTIC TAGER", being a hulking, manly cyborg and possibly second-manliest man after Bang, and the voice of Jamieson Price (a fan favorite for Badass Baritone voices in America)... anyone can see it coming.
  • Cliché Storm: Gloriously so! Ragna alone could be considered the expy of a gazillion shounen or seinen heroes, and the story just fires off anime cliches one after the other, yet behold how popular it is. Compared to other fighting game series; it's not a high standard to top.)
  • Complete Monster:
    • Hades Izanami, despite the circumstances of her existence, is still her own individual and yearns for a world of death. As Imperator Librarius, she uses her authority to help conspire with Terumi and Relius to destroy Amatersu and bring about Doomsday. In Chronophantasma, Izanami {{spoiler|exploited her part of Saya’s soul]] to beckon Ragna to her side for psychological effect; placed Tsubaki under the effects of Ruby: Mind Eater and forced her to fight Jin, Noel, and Makoto during their attempts to rescue her, including using the Izayoi's Immortal Breaker to inflict overkill on Jin; and compelled Ragna to enter a Black Beast-like state and go berserk, resulting in him critically injuring Jin. In Central Fiction, after Nine seemingly incapacitates her, Izanami appears to inform everyone she plots to bring about untold annihilation within a massive radius. When Ragna and Noel confront her, Izanami tries to tempt Ragna into killing Noel to gain the True Azure and, when that fails, abandons her "dream" to kill him directly. In a last-ditch move to defeat the Goddess of Death, Noel (as Mu-12) tries to assimilate Izanami's soul into her own, but she reverses the process to try and end Noel’s existence instead. A sinister god who’ll dispose of anyone in her quest to kill the Master Unit and destroy everything, Hades Izanami would have brought complete and total nothingness to the universe of BlazBlue if not stopped.
    • Relius Clover, once a vigilante partnered with Valkenhayn, a colonel in the NOL, and One, leader of the Ten Sages of Ishana, is a man who dedicated his life to science. As a researcher, he helped Terumi try and recreate Kusanagi 100 years ago and, later, was present when the Black Beast emerged from a Cauldron. After being swallowed by the Black Beast and flung into the future, Relius eventually regains his memories and reunites with Terumi to pick up where they left off. He manipulates Sector Seven and Kokonoe Mercury in recreating the Nox Nyctores Nirvana and producing an energy core that endangered the lives of the members of the organization. Around this time, Relius killed his own wife and daughter, Ignis and Ada. He turned Ignis into a literal killing machine using said core and left Ada, now Nirvana, unfinished for his young son Carl to complete. He also founded the NOL Military Academy in hopes of observing the students' hidden potentials. While working on Nirvana and Ignis, he saw the "true form" of every person, their soul, and came to view people as mere "things" and lost all belief in the inherent value of human life, making it easier for him to put other people through torment, such as Lambda and Makoto in her bad route. Relius's ultimate plan is to become "The Architect": After ridding the world of all humans, he will repopulate it with his perfect dolls, decree Arakune as the new Black Beast, and Ignis as the new Master Unit.
  • Continuity Lockout: Due to a LOT of things happening in each game, the story is pretty hard to follow if you don't start from the beginning, especially due to some details becoming more important later on. Not only that, the game has supplemental materials and spin-offs that adds to the lore, and the spin-off stories' inclusion to the main games tend to complicate matters. At least CSEX is kind enough to give you Calamity Trigger Reconstruction, and CPEX also gives you abridged versions of CT and CS, although they're trimmed down to their most plot-important details and might miss other details from other characters.
  • Crazy Awesome: Some fans like Hazama despite the fact that he's possibly the most insane member of the cast. Also see Draco in Leather Pants.
  • [[Creepy Awesome: Ragna the Bloodedge is this, along with being an Iron Woobie.
    • Arguably Arakune as well.
    • Izanami in the fourth game is this in spades. She has the otherworldly air around her, both in mannerisms and fighting style, and some of her attacks can be quite freaky looking. She can also break into an uncharacteristic Slasher Smile at worst times.

• Creepy Cute: Taokaka counts due to being a Genki Girl with adorable cat mannerisms despite her face being a black shadow with glowing red eyes and Cheshire Cat Grin

  • Die for Our Ship: Arakune must die for Bang x Litchi, Noel must die for Jin x Tsubaki, Noel and Tsubaki must die for Ragna x Jin, everyone must die for ν-13 x Ragna, and so on...
  • Les Yay:
    • Tao's favorite things in life seem to be, in no particular order: family, food, sleep and big breasts. She enjoys fondling and burying her head in Litchi's "airbags," tells Noel she should eat more meat buns to "make her boobies bigger," and spends much of Continuum Shift eating, sleeping and groping every other female character she comes across, even asking Bang if he's visiting Litchi's clinic to fondle her breasts like she is.

Taokaka: "Oh Boobie Ladyyyy, where aaaare yooou? I wanna play with your bouncy boobies!"

    • In a non-canon segment, Litchi was apparently very... 'thorough' when examining Noel's 'beautiful, lithe, etc.' body in a Teach Me, Ms. Litchi: Reloaded segment...and doesn't realize she was being so 'thorough' because it was like 'a dream come true'.
  • Love to Hate: Terumi, though how you like him depends on how funny you find his trolling.
  • Most Annoying Sound:
  • Never Live It Down: Oh boy.
    • Ragna is having a hard time living down his reputation as an unrepentant mass murderer despite his shitty past and hidden golden heart.
    • Jin is probably going to be forever remembered as 'that brother-obsessed psycho Yandere' no matter what Character Development hit him. Even ASW endorses it in humorous segments.
    • Poor Litchi is becoming very much like Orihime, one unwilling Face Heel Turn due to a nasty, near unavoidable Sadistic Choice and she's forever marked as 'idiot', 'never a good person', 'utterly selfish and obsessed' regardless of the tons of genuinely good things she did in the past.
    • No matter what Character Development hit him, whatever true enemy he realizes, he can fight for justice, try to be a better man, but Bang's Arch Enemy is always going to be Jin.
  • The Scrappy: While it's very hard to see anyone as Scrappies, you'll find it very hard to find fans of Luna (not Platinum as whole), who's considered to be incredibly loud-mouthed and obnoxious, insulting nearly everyone she came across in a worse scale that surpassed even Rachel's haughtiness. People can't stand her and she contributes on how haters express their hate to Platinum (Sena and Trinity was much more well-received).
  • Tear Jerker: In the The Wheel of Fortune Drama CD, Tsubaki dies after pulling a Heroic Sacrifice to save Jin from Nu's stabs. With her last words thanking Jin for calling her by her "First Name" after so long, inviting him to the dinner Makoto had promised her, and ending it with saying "Jin-Niisama" gently one last time.
  • Toy Ship: There are viewers whom viewed many of Rachel's interactions with Carl as a potential case of this, while Ragna X Rachel gets more ship-tease in the series Carl X Rachel is not that far off (however this was mostly in BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger but there was a little bit of this in BlazBlue: Continuum Shift though.)

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