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  • Anticlimax Boss: Non-Unlimited Raggy is the final boss for Hakumen's Arcade Mode in Calamity Trigger. Further reinforced by Nu coming right before.
  • Base Breaker: If you like Bang, you are an idealist on the Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism and you like the silly side of the Sliding Scale of Silliness Versus Seriousness. But some feel he just doesn't fit with the tone of the series.
    • Like Bang, it seems like half of the fanbase loves Carl, and the other half loathes him. The ones who hate him generally find him whiny, annoying, and irrelevant to the overall plot. Other people like him for his relatively unique, cool, and effective playstyle, puppetmaster aesthetic, stylish outfit and an interesting story overall. Also, the fact that some people (mainly the female parts of the fanbase) just want to take him home with them really helps his popularity.
  • Canon Sue: Deconstructed with Noel. Despite her general lack of talents she ends up with a better officer position than Tsubaki, and despite her overall patheticness she's undeniably the most important character in Continuum Shift because she's the inheritor of the Azure. Plus, she's pretty much the target for Mind Rape. Oh, and let's not also forget that she isn't technically meant to exist. She's only alive because of anomalies within the Groundhog Day Loop, meaning that in the original timelines she was never supposed to even exist. By the end of the game, she's emotionally broken because of it all and gets Brought Down to Normal due to losing the power of the "Eye". Oh yeah, and she also finds out that her best friend has pulled a Face Heel Turn out of envy.
    • Arguably, she starts off as a canon Anti-Sue, but by the end of Continuum Shift she's allowed to develop into her own person but even then it's only because Terumi doesn't have any more use for her.
  • Cargo Ship:
    • There's official art of Noel in an...interesting position with a stuffed panda.
    • There is a fanfic of Jin being coupled with his own Nox Nyctores: Yukianesa (in her "Human/Spirit" form).
  • Complacent Gaming Syndrome: Enjoy your Ice Car Jins.
  • Crazy Awesome: Bang. Also Taokaka.
  • Creepy Awesome: Even though Arakune is mostly made up of Nightmare Fuel, he's generally well-liked by the fandom as a character.
  • Crossover Ship: Among all the characters in the series, Jin is the one most prone to this. Yaoi is not an exception, either. There's even a fan-made 4koma comic series where... Jin is the target Unwanted Harem of various girls from different Anime/Visual Novels. See it Here. Also, see Launcher of a Thousand Ships below.
  • Draco in Leather Pants: Jin gets along well with people, even Noel; he just doesn't say anything about his confusion. His jerkassness/partial insanity is a result of the Ikaruga War combined with him finding out that the brother he killed is still alive and remembering his past. This paid off. He's now one of the genuine good guys.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse:
    • Rachel's frog George XIII from one of her attacks, who has been confirmed for god-tier.
    • Bang was but a very minor character in the first installment for the Arcades. When Bang went for the home console release, he already had quite a following fandom in Japan, this resulted in:
      • Him being in many of fan-artworks sent for contests by Arc System Works; keep in mind that only Ragna, Noel, Rachel, Litchi and Taokaka have as much, or more, entries than Bang, for very obvious reasons of course.
      • The vocal version of Gale -Reppu-, Bang Shishigami's 1st theme song was originally written and performed by a user from Nico Nico Douga, the song was so catchy and worthy of Bang's fame that it caught the Blaz Blue's official radio show (Buraji) attention. All the impending success of the song made Daisuke Ishiwatari invite Bang himself (Tsuyoshi Koyama) to perform the vocals for his 1st theme song, this of course with the very same lyrics the original writter envisioned. Oh, and in Guilty Gear x BlazBlue Live Music 2011, Tsuyoshi himself sings this same song with these same lyrics!
      • His Subordinates are even considered this. At least to the people on Dustloop and occasionally GameFAQs. You can definitely expect them on any character wishlists for the next game or as DLC.
      • Even more impressive that Ragna and Jin have their share of fan vocals tied to their themes, still no word on Daisuke Ishiwatari promissing to have the same lyrics whenever he invites the voice actors to perform the official vocals.
    • Taokaka as well.
  • Fetish Fuel Station Attendant: Jin Kisaragi.
  • Foe Yay/Incest Subtext: Jin towards his Ragna, who also happens to be his brother. Lampshaded in Teach Me Miss Litchi where Jin sprouts hearts everytime his brother says something.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment:
    • Remember Tao's alternate ending from Calamity Trigger done in a cheesy trailer style for a non-existant "upcoming movie" that portrayed Litchi being an antagonist? Yeah...
    • Remember when Litchi suddenly sports devil horns when trying to keep both Tao and Carl quiet in her story? Well...
  • Game Breaker:
    • Carl's Calamity Trigger's semi-infinite Clap Loop caused a lot of players to dislike fighting him.
    • Nu-13: 5DD>4DD>236D.
  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff: Tager is a lot more popular with American players than Japanese players. There are a few major factors for this. First of all, he's a Skill Gate Character who takes very little effort to win with in lower levels of play. Second, his character design is one of the least anime-esque of all the Blazblue characters, as he bears some resemblance to some Marvel Comics characters like The Hulk, Beast and Hellboy as a non Marvel example. Lastly, the memes associated with him aren't as prevalent in the Japanese version, if they are present at all.
  • Jerks Are Sexy: Jin.
  • Ho Yay:
    • Combined with Foe Yay in the form of Ragna and Jin. Made even more creepy by the fact that Jin is Ragna's biological brother.


  • Jerk Canon Sue: Subjective Trope as always for Rachel, but: Amazingly powerful? Check. Fights to alleviate boredom induced by being amazingly powerful? Check. Withholds information? Check. Mocks The Woobie? Check. Mocks everyone else? Check. Mocks people stuck in a bloody and depressing time loop for not having the information she's withholding? Check.
  • Launcher of a Thousand Ships:
  • Magnificent Bitch: Rachel. Truly proves to be the most powerful of the cast and shows what a piece of cake it is to use the Tsukuyomi unit to defend Kagutsuchi from Take-mikazuchi's threat, all without ever feeling like a Mary Sue or even a Villain Sue.
  • Memetic Badass:
  • Memetic Outfit: Carl is known by many people as a pimp, mostly having to do with his almost all-purple wardrobe, complete with a pimp hat.
  • Memetic Sex God: See Memetic Outfit above for details on Carl.
  • Non Sequitur Scene: Most character joke endings.
  • Scrappy Level: God damn you, Hakumen.
  • That One Attack:
    • Devoured By Darkness becomes this as Unlimited Ragna.
    • ICECARZ.
    • Noel's Chain Revolver eats newbies for breakfast.
    • BEEZ.
  • Tier-Induced Scrappy:
    • In versus play, nobody likes Jin the Icecar Driver, v-13 the Game Breaker, and Where-the-fuck-is-he-now Arakune.
    • If anyone hates Jin, it's because he is a "scrub" character. His abrasive and crazed personality is actually rather popular.
    • Rachel is hated for being god-tier.
    • Arakune Gets about as much hate as Nu and Jin. This mostly stems from his Confusion Fu style of fighting, which is downright CONFUSING to many, coupled with the fact that he is far easier to use than he looks; most of his moves are executed simply by pushing a direction and a button.
    • Some fans hate Carl because he's very weak. These people tend to not use his drive ability properly, which requires Carl and Ada to attack in tandem. This is very visible with his Astral Finish, as the enemy can easily avoid it unless Carl does some serious work. On the other side of the spectrum, some hate him because of the Clap Loop. Never mind the fact that it's extremely difficult to get the timing and inputs right, or even to set up, since most people with half a brain will want to stay the hell away from Nirvana. Let us not talk about the counter hit -> juggle -> teleport Nirvana in -> claploop setup.
  • Unpopular Popular Character: Oddly enough, the minor characters from Ronin-Gai who follows Bang would avert this if it weren't, well, for their status as minor characters.
  • Villain Sue: Terumi/Hazama lately has been skirting this line. Let's see, he's good-looking with that pimping outfit, he's terribly overpowered as he Trolls people with ease, the world has been made so Crapsack to facilitate to his power (LOTS OF HAAATE!), he was once amongst the heroes, he cheerfully made potentially good people turn bad, and whenever he's canonically beaten, it's always to further his other, much more important plan (Hello, Takamagahara!), and there doesn't seem to be a plan for him to finally get his comeuppance (tell that to I-No about how many times she gets punished for her bad deeds). He's basically an invincible Troll. Oh, and also? He's lately getting much more focus from the author, starting from the Wheel of Fortune Drama CD whereas he once again gets away with kicking a puppy named Tsubaki, and now there will be a novel BlazBlue Phase 1, which can basically be summed up as "Terumi And The Six Heroes". Oh yeah, Aizen can really suck his thumb when compared to Terumi.
  • The Woobie: Granted, unless you are Terumi or Relius, you're a Woobie. The list are as follows:
    • Ragna's life sucks. He says in his story that the destruction of his home and family drove him to bitterly hate everything, which is probably part of why he's destroying the Library, and part of why he becomes the Black Beast. And it gets worse. Terumi draws power from Ragna's hatred for him, meaning his entirely justified grudge is powering a Complete Monster whom he seemingly cannot kill. And despite all of that he never gives up, even when he's been told it's impossible for him to succeed.
    • Jin has shades of Jerkass Woobie thanks to his backstory.
    • Like Ragna, Noel's life sucks. And then Noel was tempered into Kusanagi, the complete form of the Murakumo units.
    • Taokaka gets a substantial Woobie moment at the end of her Continuum Shift story mode. Try as she might, she can't hold her own against Hazama, and it looks like she's not going to survive the fight, at which time she breaks from her usual demeanor and laments that all she wanted to do was protect the village and her friends.
    • Iron Woobie: Litchi... never shared her huge problems to the people near her just so they wouldn't suffer further, taking all her problems by herself. Also, to save Arakune AND herself, she is in the ranks of the enemy (it's either that, or get reduced into a puddle that not even losing her memory of Arakune can help her). She still out and out try to take things on her own, never wanting to burden those dear to her. And despite being and out-and-out Token Good Teammate and still exudes Heartwarming Moment afterwards... the Fan Dumb about her was born, and considers her an utter idiot and a selfish bitch blinded with obsession. Gee, it's like her woobiedom seeps into the Fourth Wall!
    • Arakune. Especially when you realize he's sane enough to understand that there's something wrong with him, but completely unable to do anything about it. It Got Worse after Relius captured him.
    • Carl. The more one learns about his story, the more one wants to give the poor kid a hug.

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