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As a Spiritual Successor to Guilty Gear, Blaz Blue has no right to not to have AWESOME music. All hail Daisuke Ishiwatari.
Character Themes[]
- First things first. Ragna's theme, Rebellion. It just screams tough, rebellious anti-hero.
- The Live version, which incorporates elements from Sol Badguy's theme Keep Yourself Alive.
- The LA Vocal Version of Rebellion.
- And then there's Black Onslaught, his boss theme.
- Jin's theme, Lust SIN.
- Noel's Theme, Bullet Dance.
- If that wasn't enough, here's the vocal version, Love So Blue.
- And if that's still not enough, English vocals.
- Live version
- If that wasn't enough, here's the vocal version, Love So Blue.
- Queen of rose, Rachel's theme. Great way to set the theme for a graceful, know-it-all, but fierce Goth Loli Vampire like her. Transylvanian fun ahoy.
- And how could her song possibly get any better? Simple: Add vocals from her the crisp Kana Ueda's dreamy voice. Here's Shinku no Bokansha/Scarlet Onlooker.
- Iron Tager's theme, MOTOR HEAD.
- The mere thought that Tager's theme could possibly get any more awesome is simply Ludacris. Warning: this may be a serious Crowning Moment of Funny.
- Not as hardcore as the previous ones, but still pretty cute and cool, Taokaka's Theme, Catus Carnival.
- Litchi's theme, Oriental Flower, and the vocal version, Hana to Nare/Flower Blossoms.
- Arakune's Theme, Thin RED Line. It really captures just how insane and twisted he is, combining metal with disjointed piano pieces, violins that switch between shreiking and weeping, synthesisers and, oddly enough, flutes.
- Bang's Theme, Gale, is the perfect theme song for manly hero of love and justice.
- And the vocal version, REPPUU, based off a vid from Nico Nico Douga. WARNING: This song is so manly, it's been known to make women pregnant. Exercise extreme caution!
- Just when you got it couldn't get any manlier, the Live version was released. Bang's seiyu nearly lost his voice singing it, but pressed onward for great justice and finished it. MANLY.
- BANG BANG BANG BAAAAANG!!! As if there's any doubt that Bang is awesome, he gets his own Theme Music Power-Up, which is both awesome and absolutely ridiculous, called "Omae no Tettsui ni Kugi wo Ute!"/"Beat a Nail with Your Hammer!".
- The Live version which, although not performed by Kageyama and instead by Bang's VA, is not even an ounce less badass and manly.
- And the vocal version, REPPUU, based off a vid from Nico Nico Douga. WARNING: This song is so manly, it's been known to make women pregnant. Exercise extreme caution!
- Carl's theme, Marionette Purple. Smooth jazz *and* shredding? *faints*
- Hakumen's theme, SUSANOOH. Bad. Ass.
- The LA Vocal Version.
- Nu-13 / Lambda-11's theme, Awakening The Chaos, is good for making anything at all into something epic.
- Now with even more epic live version, which was the perfect encore to an already amazing concert.
- The LA Vocal Version of Awakening The Chaos.
- Condemnation Wings, Tsubaki's theme. Considered by many to be the love child of "Keep the Flag Flying" and a Fire Emblem song.
- The vocal version, Cry Camellia... which was very well received by the fans.
- The Live version, which sounds more Guilty Gear styled, and exceeds expectations. Although it is not the vocal version, it is considered superior to the original in all aspects.
- The vocal version, Cry Camellia... which was very well received by the fans.
- Hazama's theme, Gluttony Fang. Critically acclaimed as "sex in music form", it's THE theme song for a sleazy trolling Jerkass.
- GGxBB Music Live 2011 version, now sexier than sex.
- Endless Despair, Unlimited Hazama's theme. A theme that conveys, quite perfectly, the message that you are now fighting the very evil main villain, he is using his true power, and he is going to kick your ass.
- The LA Vocal Version of Gluttony Fang.
- The LA Vocal Version of Endless Despair.
- The console version gives us a new character: μ-12. She's the True Final Boss of Story Mode, so she has to have an epic theme, right? Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Sword of Doom.
- Alexandrite, Makoto's theme, is very fitting: spunky, upbeat, and leaves a very big impact indeed.
- Here's Butterfly Sky, the vocal version of Alexandrite. Becomes a heartwarmer if you know what the lyrics mean. Check out Makoto's entry under Blaz Blue for more info.
- Howling Moon, Valkenhayn's theme. Awesome, even by Blazblue standards, it cements Valkenhayn as a sophisticated werewolf butler. Keep it classy.
- Active Angel, Platinum's theme. Definitely Platinum's theme.
- Plastic Night, Relius' theme. It gives a boss-like feel while sounding evil and gentlemanly at the same time.
- Not only that, it has one of the most sweet sounding riffs in the series.They're seriously beautiful.
VS. Themes[]
- Under Heaven Destruction, played for Ragna vs. Jin matches. Madness and rage collide!
- The LA Vocal Version of Under Heaven Destruction.
- Imperial Code played for Jin vs. Noel matches. It also serves as the theme of the NOL.
- White Requiem, played for Ragna vs. Rachel matches.
- Weak Executioner, played for Litchi vs. Arakune matches. It really conveys the tragedy of these two characters.
- Nightmare Fiction, played for Ragna vs. Hazama matches. Perfect for two monsters tearing at each other. One sympathetic, the other... not so much.
- Memory of Tears, played for Noel vs. Tsubaki matches.
- Don't Look Back, the vocal version.
- Blood Pain, played for (Mirror Matches). Maybe it should be played with Jin vs. Hakumen matches just to mess with us.
- Continuum Shift Extend Brings us two new versus themes.
- Childish killer, the vocal version of the new Jin vs. Tsubaki theme. The instrumental version is called Cross Line.
- X-matic (Crossmatic), the Carl vs. Relius theme. A song that perfectly captures the sad history of the Clover family, as well as having a string-instrument motif (because they're both puppeteers).
- Here's the Arcade version's intro music-- Calamity Trigger.
- For the console version's opening? Ao -iconoclast- by KOTOKO. As expected, kick ass it does.
- Altar. And this is just the menu theme.
- After a year of waiting, here's Continuum Shift, the sequel's opening theme.
- Blue Beating, the suitably badass player selection music. Please select your character...
- While not in the same style as the rest of the soundtrack, some of the cutscene music is notable in their own right. In particular, this track from Continuum Shift is quite lovely.
- And how did we not list Hekira no Sora e Izanaedo, the console opening from Continuum Shift?
- Continuum Shift 2 gives us a brand new opening theme called Shinsou, or "Deep Blue". It also replaces Hekira as the Astral music in the portable versions of Continuum Shift 2 as well as EXTEND.
- Introducing the intro to Continuum Shift EXTEND, Sokyu No Hikari.
- And how about some of the story mode tracks such as Stardust Memory, Bright and Curse.
- And then there's Flos, THE theme song to good times.
- Stardust memory eventually got a vocal version, Stardust memory ~The Promised Place~, sung by Noel's seiyu.
- Live version of Stardust memory ~The Promised Place~, which turns the lullaby into a ballad.
- Last, but certainly not least, the credits themes:
- The road to hope.
- Limited Again
- Rubble Song
- blue-bloom, and the instrumental version spiral
And did we mention that we just listed the whole soundtrack?