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Blocks That Matter is a Puzzle Platformer, made by Swing Swing Submarine.

In the not-too-distant future, in Sweden, the land of independent game design, two programmers have been working on a secret project. Little to nothing is known about it, but everyone has very high hopes. Unfortunately, someone decides they're taking too long, and kidnaps them.

It turns out that these men were working not on a game, but a robot: A little drilling machine called Tetrobot. Now it's up to him to rescue his inventors from their unknown location...

Tropes used in Blocks That Matter include:
  • Block Puzzle
  • Cute Machines: Tetrobot.
  • Frictionless Ice: Ice blocks are made of this, sliding along a surface until they hit an obstacle or fall off a ledge.
  • Helpful Mook: Type 2 in the Fire Slimes and Chocolate Slimes, which can disintegrate "fuses" of blocks.
  • Matter Replicator: Tetrobot, sort of. He can collect up matter and then replicate it in other places.
  • Meaningful Name: Tetrobot builds structures of four blocks at a time (i.e., tetrominoes)
  • Selective Gravity: Only blocks with rounded corners are subject to the whims of gravity. Other blocks will stay where they are placed. This can be handy when you need to make bridges or stairs.
  • Shout-Out: The creators of Tetrobot, Alexey and Markus, are named after the creators of Tetris and Minecraft.