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Basic Trope: A combatant is covered in blood while fighting.
- Straight: Sir Simon Slaughter is covered in the blood of his enemies during battle.
- Exaggerated: Sir Simon's entire body, from head to toe, is coated by blood.
- Justified: Sir Simon is using the blood to increase his ferocious reputation and as a tactic to frighten his enemies.
- Inverted: Sir Simon has no blood on his clothing, but his enemies are splattered in their own.
- Subverted: Sir Simon makes sure not to get any blood on his clothing so that he will not be mistaken for the enemy by one of his allies.
- Double Subverted: ...but he can't help it.
- Parodied: Simon, a Dirty Coward, smears fake blood on himself to scare his enemies away without having to fight.
- Deconstructed: Sir Simon Slaughter, a ferocious Blood Knight, smears himself in the blood of his enemies to frighten those who oppose him. However, he is accidentally killed by one of his own soldiers, who is unable to recognize him through the blood and shoots out of fear.
- Reconstructed: Sir Simon makes sure to keep his skin clean so that both friends and foes recognize him, raising his status as The Dreaded.
- Zig Zagged: However, Sir Simon has difficulty restraining himself from smearing his body during battle.
- Averted: Sir Simon does not get blood on himself, or it is not remarked on.
- Enforced: "Let's make Sir Simon Slaughter really scary by having him go into battle covered in blood!"
- Lampshaded: "Why do people fight when they're covered in blood? Wouldn't it start to smell?"
- Invoked: "If I add some blood to my uniform, the enemy will be afraid of me, allowing me an easier victory."
- Defied: "I need to keep blood off my uniform. After all, I have to clean it later."
- Discussed: "Let's keep away from Sir Simon Bloodknight. I heard that he wears the blood of his enemies."
- Conversed: "Why is that man covered in blood?" "I don't know, but I'm glad he's on our side."
Back to Blood Splattered Warrior, and be sure to clean your armor on the way out.