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  • Many things you can 'activate' with the Use key give amusing messages.
  • Walking into a walk-in freezer with human body parts hanging by chains from the ceiling and Caleb says "Leftovers..."
  • The second game brings us an interesting Intercom conversation: "Who is it?" "Everybody dies!" "Really? Cool! I'm buzzing you in." That woman must've either been suicidal, or just Too Dumb to Live.
  • The journal log is extremely snarky and quick to point out many videogame conventions you come across.
  • Caleb's reaction to standing face-to-face with an Eldritch Abomination: "Well hello mister fancy-pants. Forgive me if I don't shake hands."
  • The Ancient One attempts to play some mind-games on Caleb by possessing the original (now dead) bodies of the other three Chosen. It backfires.

Aw. You hurt my feelings.
