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Blood Rayne Movie Film DVD Review Unrated Vampire Halfbreed Boll Bloodrayne 1746

BloodRayne is the third video game movie by Uwe Boll, based on BloodRayne.

The first film centers around the Dhampyr Rayne seeking to bring down her vampire father, Kagan. Instead of centering around killing Nazis, the first film is set around the Middle Ages and features a more laid back Rayne compared to her video game counterpart. But after all, Uwe Boll made this film and his faithfulness to source material has always been lacking.

The second film, BloodRayne 2: Deliverance, has Rayne moving to America to hunt vampires in the Wild West, who are led by Billy the Kid.

The third film, BloodRayne: The Third Reich, is in more line with the games as it features Nazis. There is also a good number of historical inaccuracies, and appalling German accents.

Tropes used in BloodRayne (film) include: