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"Like my scrotum, here it is in a nutshell!"
Formed in 1991 in Pennsylvania, the Bloodhound Gang are a rap/metal group; although they originally began doing hip-hop, they evolved into a more traditional rock band format while still retaining a DJ. Their style tends to be a little all-over-the-map as a result, but it's tied together by their lyrics. Usually considered more of a comedy band than anything, the Bloodhound Gang specialize in off-color humor, dick jokes and many, many, many puns.
Their Discography includes:
Dingleberry Haze (1994)
Use Your Fingers (1995)
One Fierce Beer Coaster (1996)
Hooray For Boobies (1999)
Hefty Fine (2005)
Fishin' For Hookers (to be released in 2012)
Bloodhound Gang provides examples of the following tropes:
Album Title Drop: The hidden track from Hooray For Boobies sees two opera singers do just that.
I hope you flip some guy the bird, He cuts you off and you're forced to swerve In front of the Beatles' tour bus A Bookmobile and a Mack truck...
It goes downhill from there. And sure enough, in the last verse...
And when you finally regain consciousness, You're bound and gagged in a wedding dress, And the prison guard looks the other way,
'Cause he's the guy you flipped the bird the other day!
They also did a punk rock version of "Along Comes Mary" by The Association.
And they vastly improved 'Weekend' by Scooter.
They also covered the theme song for Kids Incorporated in a punk rock theme on Use Your Fingers, the same album that saw a similar rendition of Kim Wilde's "Kids In America."
Listing Cities: "Going Nowhere Slow," until the addendum: "But nowhere in New Jersey, that's the only place we won't go!"
Loony Fan: "The Ballad of Chasey Lain", about a fan of said porn star which eventually kidnaps her as she doesn't reply his letter.
Madness Mantra: "THE DRUMMER FROM DEF LEPPARD'S ONLY GOT ONE ARM!!" is screamed several times on "Why's Everybody Always Picking On Me?" It's as weird as it sounds.
Motor Mouth: Jimmy Pop is capable of some serious tongue-twisters.
"I hope he grins like Jack Nicholson/And forces you to play a game called "Balls On Chin"/And whatever happens next is all a blur/But you remember "fist" can be a verb..."
"I hate Spin Magazine, 'cause they never ever plug me."
Three Minutes of Writhing: The video for "Screwing You On The Beach At Night," although the bikini girl's antics are completely offset by Jimmy Pop being... well, Jimmy Pop. The video is actually a parody of the infamous "Wicked Game" video by Chris Isaak.