- Acceptable Targets: Linda is overweight. Subverted when you realise Wendy will bully anyone who dares opposing her. In fact, she'll bully anyone she wants to for any reason she wants to. Also subverted in that Bruce, who's described as being fatter than Linda, is easily accepted by his peers.
- Complete Monster: Wendy.
- Designated Hero: Jill. We're supposed to cheer for her even when she's being a bratty bitch, and then we're supposed to see her as the poor little victim when karma comes back to bite her in the ass.
- Unfortunate Implications / Double Standard: Linda is bullied for being slightly pudgier than the other girls, but Bruce Bonaventura is the fattest kid in class and is accepted as one of the gang. The rationale seems to be that Bruce laughs at himself easily while Linda is shy and passive, but still.
- The Woobie: Linda.
- Jerkass Woobie: It is hard not to feel a little sorry for Jill at times, bratty as she is.
< Blubber