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Board James (James Rolfe)[]
A pretty normal guy, Board James is a kid at heart who collects board games as a hobby and plays with his sorta-friend, Motherfucker Mike.
- Alter Ego Acting: Board James is a character, just like the AVGN, though it's probably a safe bet that he's much closer to the Real Life personality of James Rolfe.
- Author Avatar
- The Cameo: His appearance in Kickassia, in which he briefly appears to explain how to play Risk.
- Catch Phrase: "Hey, I'm Board James. And when Board James is bored, I play some board games!"
- Subverted. It seems as if that was going to be his catchphrase, but actually he only said it in one episode.
- The Danza: Verges on "As Himself", as Board James isn't that different from the real James Rolfe.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Nice Guy
- Beware of the Nice Ones: You wouldn't believe that such a nice guy could create such a sadistic board game.
- Nice Hat: Several of them, actually.
- Platform Hell: Deadly Danger Dungeon, which he designed himself.
- Punny Name
Motherfucker Mike (Mike Matei)[]
- Character Exaggeration: Mike Matei also does videos on the Cinemassacre site about game glitches, and implies that he's good at finding them because he likes trying to break games and cheat his way through for the challenge. The character he plays on Board James is this turned up to 'dirty cheater' status.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Laser-Guided Karma / Cool and Unusual Punishment: All the time, he's been cheating. The karmic whiplash? Mr. Bucket sucks his balls!
- Despite cheating a lot, it's usually Board James the one that wins in the end.
- Jerkass: Cheats a lot.
- Lazy Bum: Sits on his ass while James in busy setting up Weapons and Warriors.
- Mean Character, Nice Actor: Motherfucker Mike is basically a caricature of those people you knew who would be poor sports, cheat at games, refuse to help set it up, or get bored mid-way. If you played a lot of board games, you knew someone like this.
- Unusually Uninteresting Sight: Board James rarely seems to notice him cheating, even when it should be obvious.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Mike gives James a really hard time when they play board games, but as seen in the "Mister Bucket" review, they get along just fine otherwise.
Bad Luck Bootsy (Brendan Castner aka Bootsy Spankins, P.I.)[]
- Butt Monkey
- The Ditz: By the Splat! episode, he seems to have cemented himself as this kind of character.
- The Friend Nobody Likes: It sort of makes you wonder why Board James keeps allowing him in his house, anyway...
- The Jinx: Though it's his clumsiness and carelessness that causes bad luck for others.
- The Klutz
- Paste Eater: He ate all the playdoh, just because it smelled nice.
- Too Dumb to Live
- Remember the New Guy?
Mr. Bucket[]
- Animate Inanimate Object
- Catch Phrase: "Hi, I'm Mr. Bucket, and I want to suck on your balls!"
- Depraved Homosexual
- Gag Nose:
Motherfucking Mike: Looks like a drunker. Or a child molester or something. |