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"Don't believe everything you hear about our boarding schools (Beat) Don't dis-believe everything you hear either."

The misadventures of students at British public schools (boarding schools to American readers[1]) were once a staple of children's literature, but fell out of fashion in the sixties. Recently though, the Harry Potter series, a Boarding School/Heroic Fantasy fusion, revived many of its tropes.

Mostly, the boarding schools depicted were for the aspiring middle classes, so did not have particularly elaborate facilities. The biggest educational difference from other schools was the syllabus, which led to a few jokes about Latin, but the classrooms were typically much like any other, because that wasn't where the story was.

The story was in the fact that they were boarding schools; the children lived in the premises, sharing dorm rooms. The Boarding School genre revolves around the impact of this—children, separated from their parents, growing up together. All the advantages of having a story about orphans sans the tragedy of dead parents.

Quite often, the school buildings would be in fairly bad shape - leaking roofs, faulty heating—leading to stories where the children attempted to raise enough money to save their school.

Common elements in the Boarding School genre include

  • Children/teenagers as the main protagonists.
  • The nice teacher and the nasty one.
  • Midnight feasts.
  • Pranks.
  • Houses within the school, with fierce competition (note these can be found in The Good Old British Comp too, although in selfconsciously modern schools, they're probably called "teams").
  • School sports taken seriously.
  • A spoilt student.
  • A perfect and kind student.
  • Fagging for the upperclassmen

Hell, it's amazing they ever get any work done.

The Good Old British Comp is the other UK school trope. Contrast Off to Boarding School. Contrast this with the Elaborate University High; many genres may be set in that setting, but in this genre, the setting is the point. The Boarding School of Horrors is perhaps the worst example of this kind of setting.

There are American schools fitting this description, mostly expensive, old private schools in the New England area. They make occasional appearances in American movies and (to a lesser extent) TV. Most of the same tropes are present as in the British model, with the addition of an obsession with college, specifically the Ivy League.

In Japan, the boarding school idea shows up a few times... though not in the more realistic media, because boarding schools are a foreign idea in Japan and its only real boarding schools are exclusively for international students. Instead, students who attend a school far from their home tend to either live with other families or have their parents rent rooms and/or small apartments for them.

Examples of Boarding School include:

Anime & Manga[]

  • The deceptively gorgeous Ohtori Academy in Revolutionary Girl Utena. No wonder there's so much Scenery Porn.
  • Duel Academia in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.
  • Kinkan Academy in Princess Tutu (translated as "Gold Crown Academy" for the dub).
  • Mahora Academy in Negima (a big one, too).
  • Ashford Academy in Code Geass.
  • The school in Princess Princess.
  • Saint Paul's Private School in Candy Candy is the starting point of a long arc where Candy deals with snooty students (especially her nemesis, the Alpha Bitch Eliza and her brother Neil), finds old friends again (Archie, Alistair, Annie), meets new friends (Patty) and, most importantly, finds her Second Love Terrence "Terry" Grandchester.
  • The yuri manga Heart Throbbing Excitement At Mononoke Girls Academy takes place in one of these.
  • The setting for the anime adaptation of Enid Blyton's "St. Clare's" series, Ochame na Futago Clare Gakuin Monogatari It was adapted into German, Spanish, Italian, French and Arabic, but never into English.
  • Cross Academy in Vampire Knight.
  • Kaze to Ki no Uta, Natsu e no Tobira and The Heart of Thomas take place in boarding schools which were inspired by the French film Les amities particulieres.
  • None of the main characters live in the dorms, but the fancier school in Aoi Hana is boarding-optional.
  • Garderobe Academy in Mai-Otome.
  • Silver Spoon mixes things up a little and makes it a rural agricultural school.
  • Eyeshield 21: Shinryuuji is revealed to be a boarding school.
  • Here Is Greenwood: is set in the "boarding dorm" of a prestigious high-school. Most of the students live at home, but none of those are in the central cast. Two of the central cast could live at home but choose not to.
  • In The Prince of Tennis, Saint Rudolph is not only a Catholic school but also a boarding one. It's a quite important plot point in their arc, since Shuusuke Fuji's brother Yuuta specifically chose it in his quest for his own identity.
    • It's also believed that Hyoutei is a boarding school, since at least one tennis team member (Yuushi Oshitari) is not from Tokyo, but up until now it's pure Fanon.
  • A two-part case in Private Actress features a boarding school for rich girls, Ryoukyou Academy. The protagonist, the teenage actress Shiho Kobayakawa, must infiltrate it to find out details about the strange death of Fuyuka Sakuragi, a girl from the middle school section; her grieving parents believe that she was murdered by a bunch of girls who bullied her, so they hire Shiho to see what happened. Not only the Sakuragis are right, but the killer was the local Alpha Bitch and Creepy Child Kana Juumonji... who later becomes The Rival to Shiho and the closest to a Big Bad in the story.
  • Ginsei Academy, the school that Kazuki and Mashiro Mutou plus their friends attend in Buso Renkin, has oldschool dorms; the siblings and their friends are seen living there from the start. As the story begins, the school year has recently begun and Mashiro has just arrived as a first year student, while Kazuki is a Second Year Protagonist. Later, the Action Girl and Kazuki's Love Interest Tokiko Tsumura joins the class and Mamoru Sakimori aka Captain Bravo even gets to pose as the dorms manager.
  • Tohou Seika Academy in Taishou Yakyuu Musume has optional dorms, and some of the girls (the twins Shizuka and Tomoe, plus the younger students Kochou and Kyouko) live in there.
  • In Part 5 of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Vento Aureo / Golden Winds, the soon-to-be protagonist Giorno Giovanna initially lives in one of these.
  • In the very dark and dystopian world of Psycho Pass, Ousou Academy is an all-girls boarding school where the rich and powerful send their young daughters to isolate them from such a Crapsack World and keep them pure in body, mind and soul, for the purpose of "good marriages". Some of the girls like the Plucky Girl Mika Shimotsuki, the Ojou Touko Kirino and the School Idol Rikako Oryou, are rather critical of this sort-of Gilded Cage environment... but while Mika mostly rants to her friends about it and Touko attempts to sneak out, Rikako decides to do... more about it.
  • In Spy x Family, the spy Twilight aka Loid Forger adopts a little girl named Anya because his most important mission targets a very rich and powerful man whose kid, the male Alpha Bitch Demian, attends one of these. As such, Anya ends up enrolled as a student there, and refuses to take Demian's bullshit...


  • The Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, which is a seperate place from, and should not be confused with Professor Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. That's right, the X-men had TWO boarding schools (before they moved to San Franscico).
  • The St. Trinian's school for girls, as shown in Ronald Searle's wonderful comics.
  • Morning Glory Academy

Films — Live Action[]

  • Dead Poets Society
  • Cry Wolf is set in one of these, but does not really use its tropes.
  • School Ties
  • Toy Soldiers takes place a boarding school full of kids who've been kicked out of other boarding schools. A ragtag group of misfits, if you will. And then the terrorists come...
  • The St Trinian's series. This series is most notable for creating the "sexy female school uniform" trope. A new film recently came out. Too late for the EMP, then.
  • The cult British film If deconstructs this viciously. Most famous for launching Malcolm McDowell.
  • The Young Sherlock Holmes movie takes place at one named Brampton Academy. The Big Bad is one of the teachers, namely the fencing instructor..
  • John Dugian's Flirting is set in one of these, or rather a pair of them (one for each gender) set across a lake from each other.
  • Scent of a Woman is about a poor boy who has a scholarship at an expensive American boarding school which prides itself on producing good future Officers for the Army, as he takes extra-curricular job looking after a blind ex-officer who teaches him to stop being so driven and to enjoy the finer, simpler things in life (i.e. the scent of a woman). The school itself, however, only becomes a main part of the film towards the climax.
  • The Emperors Club is about an American private school. This one's from the point of view of a teacher, the school is a good place, and it's all thoroughly in the tradition of molding boys into men, etc. There's still some of the "overbearing rich parent damages adolescent son" trope, but that's treated as more of a sad fact of life than an indictment of the whole system.
  • Au Revoir Les Enfants
  • The Hairy Bird, a.k.a All I Wanna Do
  • Almost Angels takes place (and was filmed) in the Real Life Palais Augarten, a former Imperial palace used by the Vienna Boys Choir as a boarding school.
  • Class, starring Rob Lowe & Andrew Mc Carthy
  • Private School, starring Phoebe Cates and Matthew Modine


  • Madeline takes place in a French one. (It's an orphanage in some of the adaptations, but in the original books it's a boarding school; in one of the books we see Madeline's parents.)
  • Spence in the Gemma Doyle trilogy.
  • C.S Lewis' first autobiography goes into great detail about his rather traumatic experiences at two different boarding schools in his childhood.
    • Roald Dahl's autobiographical 'Boy' isn't full of happy moments either.
    • Neither is George Orwell's essay 'Such, Such Were The Days'.
  • The Great Brain at the Academy by John Dennis Fitzgerald. It's mentioned in every book that anyone wanting more than a sixth grade education has to go boarding school in Provo or Salt Lake City, until some parents get together and build a seventh and eighth grade "academy".
  • A Separate Peace
  • Is That You Miss Blue by M.E. Kerr.
  • Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld.
  • Tom Browns Schooldays, the genre-founder.
  • Stalky by Rudyard Kipling: Stalky in "Land and Sea Tales" and then whole Stalky & Co book; with little sequels A Deal in Cotton (in "Actions and Reactions") and The Honours of War (in "A Diversity of Creatures"). Only both the school and protagonist are... rather unusual.
  • Most of the first decade's worth of PG Wodehouse's books, including Mike, which introduces the character Psmith.
  • Billy Bunter
  • Jennings
  • Enid Blyton's had three series centred around this, all of them pretty similar (although the Naughtiest Girl novels were unusually not set in a One-Gender School) - St Clare's, Malory Towers and The Naughtiest Girl in the School. Most of her other series' protagonists - e.g. those of the Famous Five books - are mentioned as attending these as well.
  • Likewise, nearly every one of the over fifty novels of Angela Brazil, who had pretty much the exact same content but for girls of one or two generations earlier. They were the original source of most of the tropes that came to be regarded as boarding school cliches in later years, and suffered badly from Seinfield Is Unfunny as a result.
  • Harry Potter is set in one of these.
  • Brazilian realism novel O Ateneu by Raul Pompéia. In the very first page of the book Sérgio narrates his arrival to the boarding school: "Thou shalt meet the world, told me my father, at the doorsteps of the Ateneu. Have courage for the fight! I later experienced the truth of that warning, which undressed me, in one gesture, of the illusions of a child educated exotically in the greenhouse of tenderness which is the regime of domestic love, different from what is found outside, so different, that it makes the poem of the maternal love seem to be a sentimental artifice, with the only advantage of making the creature more sensitive to the rude impression of the first teaching, burning search for vitality under the influence of a harsh new weather."
  • The beginning of Jane Eyre, though this predates the genre proper. Subverted in that the school tries to pretend that it is for wealthy girls when it's really the exact opposite: Lowood is a textbook Boarding School of Horrors and the girls there are horribly mistreated by orders of the Holier Than Thou owner, despite the opposition of a more reasonable governess. Until an epidemy unleashes there and several students die.
  • The Discworld has a number of these, including the Quirm College for Young Ladies, Hugglestones, the Fools' Guild school, and the Assassins' Guild School. In particular, the opening sections of the novels Pyramids and Soul Music cover most of the stereotypes of the genre at the Assassins' Guild and Quirm College respectively.
  • The Chalet School books by Elinor M. Brent-Dyer.
  • The Dimsie books and the Springdale books by Dorita Fairlie Bruce.
  • Garnet goes off to a boarding school towards the end of Jacqueline Wilson's Double Act; when she writes home, she says it's nothing like what Enid Blyton portrayed.
  • The Agatha Christie novel Cat Among The Pigeons.
  • Les Disparus de Saint-Agil
  • The Bruno and Boots book series by Gordon Korman, set at Macdonald Hall, which is near the fictional town of Chutney, Ontario, a relatively short distance from Toronto. Also featured in the series is Miss Scrimmage's Finishing School for Young Ladies.
  • The story of Rachel Klein's novel The Moth Diaries unfolds in a boarding school.
  • The Catcher in The Rye—boarding school doesn't work out for Holden.
  • The Ciaphas Cain novel Cain's Last Stand features the titular now-retired commissar as a teacher at a Schola Progenium, a sort of state-run boarding school for orphans specifically devoted to educating future members of the Ecclesiarchy and the Commissariat. This being the Warhammer 40000 universe and Cain being a Hero of the Imperium, not much time is devoted to actually developing much beyond Cain's class and work associates before the action starts. However, from the innumerable references to Cain's own experiences in a similar body, its clear that the Scholae Progenia are essentially British boarding schools In Space!
  • Coates Academy in the Gone series is a boarding school specifically for "difficult" kids.
  • Mordantly documented by Nigel Molesworth (with Ronald Searle doing the illustrations) in Down with Skool! and its sequels.
  • Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women in I'd Tell You I Love You, but Then I'd Have to Kill You.
  • Alabaster Prep in The Disreputable History Of Frankie Landau Banks.
  • A Separate Peace is a rare American example.
  • Gordon Korman's Bruno & Boots Series is a rare Canadian example.
  • Miss Minchin's boarding school in A Little Princess.
  • Easton Academy in Private, as well as Atherton-Pryce in the Spin-Off Privilege.

Live Action TV[]

  • Zoey 101
  • Parodied and subverted to hell and back in Tompkinson's Schooldays, the first episode of Ripping Yarns. Actually, Greybridge itself (the school in the story) probably counts as more of a Boarding School Of Horrors, but it's intended as a parody of this trope.
  • Medenham Hall in Hex. That is, until Malachi burns it down...
  • The forgotten teen sitcom Running The Halls was Saved by the Bell IN A BOARDING SCHOOL!
  • USA High, a '90s series from the same people who brought you Saved by the Bell and Running the Halls, was basically SAVED BY THE BELL IN PARIS!
  • The Facts of Life
  • "The Worst Witch" is set in a boarding school for young witches.
  • Tower Prep is set in a boarding school, which none of the students know where it is, or why their there.
  • The Argentine telenovela Perla Negra starts when a newborn girl is left in the care of the greedy owner of an all-girls boarding school, alongside 21 very valious black pearls - each for one year of schooling / lodging there, save for the last one that must be given to the grown-up girl before she leaves. The girl, logically named Perla, spends her first years there, and few before she has to leave the action properly begins as she, her best friend/roommate and said roommate's baby son get into an accident. . .

Video Games[]

  • Main setting of Mana Khemia Alchemists of Al Revis and its sequel.
  • Main setting of Luminous Arc 3, although the students are only shown in class twice and even then they're barely learning.
  • Bully plays with a lot of these tropes, though the game is set in New England. Some of the Preppies even affect upper-class English accents to suit—which they tend to drop when angered.
  • In Persona 3, Gekkoukan High seems to have both day students and student dorms. However, the main characters live in a boarding house some distance away from the actual campus.
  • Warnings at Waverly Academy.
  • St. Frost Academy in Wasted Youth.
  • The Officers Academy from Fire Emblem: Three Houses is one of these, and the Player Character is has just been hired to be an instructor there.

Visual Novels[]

  • Kanenone Gakuen ("Sound of the Bell Academy"), the school in Green Green, which is an isolated all-boys school at the start, but is invaded by girls, making it co-ed.
  • Katawa Shoujo takes place in one for the disabled.
  • Long Live the Queen! begins when Elodie, the protagonist, is brought back from the boarding school she's attended for years after the death of her mother.

Web Comics[]

  • Gunnerkrigg Court. Except so far Houses seems not compete, but give a measure of separation keeping some minimal sanity and safety for everyone involved, given that the students evidently include borderline Mad Scientists, reincarnated Fairies and really unusual cases.
  • Early chapters of Drowtales.

Web Original[]

  • The Whateley Universe stories mostly take place at Whateley Academy, a boarding school in New Hampshire.
    • And the classic British boarding school is the backstory for Beltane. When she manifested as a mutant and got her powers over ectoplasm, she pranked the entire school, creating what appeared to be the worst haunting in British history.
  • Shows up a few times in Survival of the Fittest. Version one had students abducted from schools all over the world, a few of which were boarding schools, while version three's Dorian Sanders briefly spent time at one that may have been a Boarding School of Horrors.
  • Ariadnio in Greek Ninja is a school in Greece, with students coming from all over Europe to study in.

Western Animation[]

  1. At least historically. A British public school is a private school. Some still have boarders, but they will be outnumbered by kids who live at home.