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"They’ve done their best to keep the sports world on its toes."


Sports talk radio tends to be a bit predictable, if you stop and listen to it. You've got some really boneheadedly-stupid callers, with some really bizzare theories about sports.

Since keeping these callers / listeners happy means ratings, the host or hosts on the show immediately agrees with the caller, because that's really why the callers called in: to hear their voice on the radio, and for someone they listen to on the radio agree with them.

Boers And Bernstein, on the Chicago radio station The Score (WSCR 670AM), was not that kind of show. At all.

Hosted by the titular Dan Bernstein and Terry Boers, the show's main draw was how the hosts interacted with their callers, who rarely remembered that these hosts wouldn't simply agree with whatever they said. Depending on your bent, this was the draw of the show.

The show ran from 1999 to 2016. It was very much Love It or Hate It. The people who hated the show and its hosts listened more. The shows that B&B critics like haven't been as successful.

Tropes used in Boers and Bernstein include: