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  • About every other scene in Bolt, starting with the opening and ending with the fade-out.
  • In the deserts of Nevada, Mittens attempts to explain to Bolt that his owner Penny was just pretending to like him as part of her acting job, but Bolt simply says:

Bolt: "Penny is different."

  • The entire "Barking at the Moon" sequence, where Bolt gets to experience the fun parts of being a dog for the first time in his life.
  • One of my favorites is near the end where Rhino, who had always believed in Bolt's powers, even after Bolt himself didn't know it, hears Bolt's bark for help, and simply calls, "It's the Superbark!"
  • Combines liberally with Tear Jerker, but the moment Bolt resigns himself to the fact that he doesn't know how to save Penny from the fire, he lays down beside her... presumably to die with her. Just the fact that he loved her that much... Thankfully, he remembers the air vent trick shortly thereafter.
  • Bolt and Rhino freeing Mittens from the local animal shelter, tempered by Bolt's realization that he doesn't have any superpowers to break her out with.

Bolt: "Are you ready for this?"
Mittens: "No."
Bolt: "...Me neither."


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