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Bondage Fairies is a 1990-1993 Hentai manga series drawn/written by Teruo Kakuta, using the pen name "Kondom". The story focuses on two young female fairies: sleek, sassy, sex-crazed Pamila, and her girlfriend, sweet, cheerful, (usually) innocent Pfil. The two are Hunter Fairies, serving the Queen directly in the role of patrolling the forest, helping creatures in trouble, arresting lawbreakers & troublemakers, and having lots of sex. Well, that last bit isn't in the job description, but it sure as hell happens anyway. The story is divided into four manga series, described here in chronological order.
The first series, a 10-chapter tale simply entitled Bondage Fairies (or The Original Bondage Fairies for the American edition), covers Pfil's first solo case, as she investigates a missing-person (or rather, missing-stag-beetle) case. She soon stumbles across the home of three sister fairies - Oliga, Marcia, and Ilina - and is invited in. Unfortunately for her, she soon discovers things she shouldn't have, and is taken captive. Things rapidly get worse for her.
The second and third series, called New Bondage Fairies and Bondage Fairies: Fairie Fetish, respectively, are Slice of Life affairs, focusing on various cases and other happenings in Pamila & Pfil's daily life together, as hunters and as mates. With the exception of two back-to-back chapters in New, there is no real overarcing storyline. It is in these that the series' trademark humor comes into play.
The fourth series, titled Bondage Fairies Extreme, is a 15-chapter-long return to the first series' idea of a dramatic, multi-chapter storyline. After Pamila accidentally injures Pfil while trying out a new toy, the two head to a nearby clinic. To their surprise, the doctor - a young woman named Urushira - is an old flame of Pamila's. As the two are coerced to stay the night, things happen to reveal that Urushira and her old "romance" with Pamila are more than they appear...
The series prides itself on funny moments, though these are swapped out for drama in the 1st and 4th. Both work exceedingly well. Characters are fleshed out (pardon the pun) rather well, the art is superb, and the storylines in Original and Extreme are gripping, while many scenes in New and Fetish are hilarious.
The mangas, published in the US by Eros Comix, are somewhat hard-to-find on the Internet, but for those of you who manage to locate them, feel free to alter the above description as necessary, and add more tropes as you spot them.
- Abusive Parents: Extreme reveals that Pamila was beaten by her father as a little girl, and that she was also molested by her uncle.
- And Call Him George: One of the escaped lab mice in New.
- Anything That Moves: Pamila will have sex with practically any creature in the forest. Pfil will be sexually assaulted by nearly everything in the forest.
- Author Avatar: Namely, a dude using a giant condom with eye-holes cut in it as a mask.
- Bad Guys Do the Dirty Work: A drunk monkey inadvertantly saves Pamila & Pfil from Urushira
- Big Damn Heroes: Pamila has pulled Pfil's ass out of the fire quite a few times.
- Bigger Is Better in Bed: Comes up often. Subverted with the monster cicada Titanos; Pfil literally experiences so much pain and shock that she finds herself unable to breathe, and passes out mid-coitus.
- Another example, again subverted, is the sparrow, whose member is too large to remove (from Pamila) pre-ejaculation.
- Break the Cutie: In the original series, Pfil is broken partially. In Extreme, Pamila gets it even worse.
- Breather Chapter: One chapter has Pfil and Pamila show up at the author's home to help him meet his dead line when he's stuck with a rather bad cold. After having a little fun at Pfil's expense he ends up letting them take over while he sleeps his cold off. Pfil and Pamila inevitably decide to experiment with an electric eraser and a air brush respectively. If watching fairies in relations with various insects and rodents isn't your thing, then this is probably a perfect chapter for you.
- Chekhov's Gun: Chapter 3 of New has a throwaway mention/reveal that Pamila's antennae are tiny/underdeveloped, something that she is rather sensitive/ashamed about. Extreme reveals that this is somehow caused by the fact that she was physically and sexually abused as a child; she is now violenty against the very idea of them being touched by anyone.
- Cold-Blooded Torture: What Marcia specializes in and puts Pfil through. Oliga helps; Ilina does not
- Cry Cute: Pamila, in Extreme Chapter 12, when Pfil finally breaks free of Urushira's brain-washing.
"Y-You remember me? You know who I am? ...Th... Thank God..." |
- Darker and Edgier: Extreme; nobody dies, but it's undeniably the darkest storyline of the series.
- Depraved Bisexual: Pamila will, rarely, come off as this. Urushira certainly qualifies.
- Distracted by My Own Sexy: Fairies in general tend to fall in love with their own unspoiled reflections. Pfil gets a dose of this when she encounters a mirror for the first time.
- Dominatrix: Marcia
- Dumb Blonde: Well, sort of. Pfil is not at all stupid, but she is rather naive.
- Embarrassing Nickname: Pamila does not enjoy Urushira calling her "Pammie", and when Pfil asks if she could call her that as well, Pamila snaps "ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!"
- Erection Rejection / Fan Disservice: How Elder Granny defeats Titanos, the dark killer cicada of legend.
- Fairy Sexy: Well, duh.
- Fantastic Arousal: Extreme reveals that a fairy's antennae are their second most sensitive erogenous zone... and not too far behind the first in sensitivity.
- Gorn: Large amounts in the first series, little to none in the rest.
- Heavy Sleeper: Ilina. According to Oliga, "even a bucket of ice water won't wake her up".
- High Heel Face Turn: Inverted; the sisters' slave, Masopik, is won over by and helps Pfil, eventually at the cost of his own life.
- Fundamentally Female Cast: Male fairies are few and far between, and with one exception have had no importance to plot.
- Interspecies Romance
- Intimate Healing: A female fairy's... precious bodily fluids... promote healing and longevity.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Urushira, at the very end of her arc after Pfil saves her life.
- Let's Get Dangerous: The few times Pfil gets serious, she's a force to be reckoned with.
- Life or Limb Decision: Marcia, when chained to a wall, hacks off her right hand to free herself.
- Love Freak: Pfil has shades of this.
- Male-to-Female Universal Adaptor: Everything.
- Mars Needs Fairy Women
- Meganekko: Oliga, Urushira
- The Messiah: Sex aside, Pfil is so kind, sweet, caring, and forgiving as to bring to mind the likes of Goku and Negi.
- Miniature Senior Citizens: The Fairy Elder is tiny; her size compared to the girls is akin to the 3rd Tsuchikage She also, like him, has a rather large nose, but that's beside the point.
- Moe: Pfil. Pamila has her moments, too.
- Mouse World
- Porn with Plot: Especially the 1st and 4th series.
- Psycho Lesbian: Urushira
- Rape as Backstory: Pamila, as a child.
- Black Comedy Rape: Poor Pfil...
- Rape as Drama: Urushira's forcing of herself on Pamila are not played for laughs at all. Especially not when she takes Pamila's anal virginity with a rather large strap-on without lubrication. Seeing always-in-charge Pamila crying out in pain and fear was very jarring. Also, Pam was molested as a child.
- Really Gets Around: Pamila
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Fairies age very slowly. Pamila & Pfil are around 100, yet are physically and mentally in their early 20's. The Elder Fairy is 318.
- The Rival: Takapi, to Pamila & Pfil
- Save the Villain: In the final chapter of Extreme, Pfil saves Urushira from a very unpleasant fate.
- Screw Yourself: Fairies are apparently so narcissistic, they will do their own reflections...which turns out to be a bad thing, since they'll often waste away in the process.
- Spaghetti Kiss: done in an Imagine Spot between a mole and Pfil, using an earthworm for the spaghetti strand.
- Split Personality: Urushira
- Stockholm Syndrome: Masopik loved his 'master' Marcia. This makes it all the more horrible when she casually kills him.
- Stop Helping Me!: Pamila unintentially humiliates Pfil while trying to defend her in New Chapter 3. Pfil gets her back later on.
- Stripperific: Everyone
- Technical Virgin: Pfil possesses Virgin Power despite her sexual history. Apparently a fairy is still a virgin for mystical purposes until one has had genital/genital sex with a fairy of the opposite gender, and never mind the lesbian romance or all those forest creatures...
- Tsundere: Granted, Pamila is almost-exclusively dere when it comes to Pfil, saving all her tsun for everyone else.
- Villainous Breakdown: Urushira has one after Pamila threatens to never speak to her again.
- Villainous Sacrifice: When Marcia is sent flying backward toward a pair of stag-beetle jaws sticking out of a wall, Oliga jumps between her and the wall and catches her; the force of the impact pushes her back, and she is impaled. She collapses dead before her sister's eyes.
- Whip It Good: Pamila's primary weapon. It has a knife hidden in the handle for emergencies. And then she gets an electrified model...
- Winged Humanoid: Every fairy has a pair of insectoid wings. According to the original manga, upon reaching a certain age they develop a smaller, secondary pair.
- Yandere: Urushira