Boobs Ahoy follows the adventures of Clover and Wilhelm of the great ship Boob, two lesbian pirates with only one goal: to capture as much booty as possible.
Needless to say, Boobs Ahoy is not a very serious comic.
Not to be confused with that other webcomic about lesbian pirates.
Tropes used in Boobs Ahoy include:
- Animesque
- Art Evolution
- Bifauxnen: Wilhelm, Kaworu.
- Butch Lesbian: Wilhelm
- Censor Box
- Cheeky Mouth
- Cloudcuckoolander: Clover
- Digital Bikini: Parodied in this strip.
- Dropped a Bridget On Him: Used somewhat literally with Wilhelm's introduction to Clover.
- Eyepatch of Power: Wilhelm usually wears one of these, although she doesn't need it.
- Fan Service
- Girls Love
- Gun in My Pocket: Inverted with the pirates' "pikes" and "cutlasses."
- Inverted in a literal way, too, ifyaknowwhatimean...
- Handsome Lech: Clover
- Hospital Hottie: "Quick! Call a hot young nurse..."
- Hypercompetent Sidekick: Wilhelm, to Clover. Tweeter also functions as a Hypercompetent Sidekick to Captain Lala.
- Innocent Fanservice Girl: Clover
- The Ladette: Clover
- Meganekko: Tweeter
- Mermaid Problem: Apparently, their navels function as genitalia.
- Must Have Caffeine
- Naked People Are Funny
- Pirate Booty: Gyna's treasure.
- Pirate Girl
- Rock-Paper-Scissors
- Schoolgirl Lesbians
- Sensual Slavs
- Shout-Out: One of Wilhelm's admirers is a White-Haired Pretty Boy named Kaworu.
- Sick and Wrong: Clover wants some Brain Bleach after seeing what's on Grandma's computer.
- Sweet on Polly Oliver
- Title Drop: Right here!
- Tomboyish Name: Wilhelm
- Where Everybody Knows Your Flame: Pussylapolus