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A Multiverse set of book series written by Ted Dekker. Can be read in any order, though it is recommended to start with The Circle Series.

The Circle Series

  1. Black - 2004
  2. RED - 2004
  3. White - 2004
  4. Green - 2009 (Book Zero - it serves as both a prequel and a sequel for the series, though veteran readers recommend to read it last)

The Lost Books

  1. Chosen - 2007
  2. Infidel - 2007
  3. Renegade - 2008
  4. Chaos - 2008
  5. Lunatic - 2009
  6. Elyon - 2009

The Paradise Novels

  1. Showdown - 2006
  2. Saint - 2006
  3. Sinner - 2008


  1. House - 2006
  2. Skin - 2006
  3. Immanuels Veins - 2008

Time travel and Alternate Universe hopping abound, leading to a very mind screwy timeline that only makes sense after reading the novels.

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