A fan-made film drama by Actors At Work Productions that was inspired by a couple paragraphs in the appendices of J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. Set prior to the War of the Ring, this movie portrays the untold story of Arathorn and Gilraen, the parents of Aragorn, and their people the DĂșnedain in a turbulent time of their history.
It can be watched for free here or under one of the links on the film's website.
Tropes used in Born of Hope include:
- Action Girl: Gilraen tries to be this, and succeeds to some extent. Elgarain is a better example.
- All Your Base Are Belong to Us / The Siege
- Almost-Dead Guy: Arathorn managing to gasp out his many last words despite being severely injured (including being stabbed through the head) after traveling some meters through the woods to return to the village seems to show this trope quite well.
- Also, to less of an extent, Elgarain.
- And That Little Girl Was Me
- Arc Words: "Hope," for obvious reasons.
- Birth-Death Juxtaposition: Arathorn and Gilraen's son Aragorn is born about a year after the death of Arathorn's father, Arador
- Cleaning Up Romantic Loose Ends: Seems to head towards a Last-Minute Hookup but actually ends up with a Death of the Hypotenuse
- Every Proper Lady Should Curtsy
- Flashback Nightmare: Used to reveal the death of Arador.
- Fourth Date Marriage: Due to time skips, Arathorn and Gilraen's marriage may seem a bit like this.
- Hope Springs Eternal: Pretty much the entire message of the movie. Also, at the end, when it is revealed that Gilraen is telling the story to Aragorn, she states that he will, for a time, simply be known as Estel, which means Hope in the Elvish language of Sindarin.
- Last Girl Wins
- Leave No Survivors: Said by Arathorn during his Rousing Speech
- Like Brother and Sister: Arathorn and Elgarain. For Arathorn, anyways. (See Unlucky Childhood Friend)
- Love Triangle: At least two.
- Mook Lieutenant: The central antagonist, Shaknar, is basically this--an ordinary Orc who's particularly good at fighting and orders the others around.
- Patronymic: Used during the introduction between Arathorn to Gilraen and her family.
Arathorn: And I am Arathorn |
- Also used in regards to Aragorn later in the film:
Gilraen: ...You are Aragorn, Son of Arathorn. Chieftain of the DĂșnedain and Heir to Isildur. |
"The line is not broken. There is still hope." *kills* |
- Also its monstrous equivalent.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge See Rousing Speech
- Rousing Speech: Arathorn to the remaining Rangers after Elgarain is killed in The Siege.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: A male example in DĂrhaborn for Elgarain. Possibly also Elgarain for Arathorn, although that's more of a First Girl losing.
- You Have Failed Me...: When Shaknar (the Orc leader) kills one of his underlings.