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Lotr Born of hope 01 7762

A fan-made film drama by Actors At Work Productions that was inspired by a couple paragraphs in the appendices of J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. Set prior to the War of the Ring, this movie portrays the untold story of Arathorn and Gilraen, the parents of Aragorn, and their people the DĂșnedain in a turbulent time of their history.

It can be watched for free here or under one of the links on the film's website.

Tropes used in Born of Hope include:

Arathorn: And I am Arathorn
Gilraen: *somewhat eagerly* Son of Arador.
Arathron: *bemusedly* Indeed.

    • Also used in regards to Aragorn later in the film:

Gilraen: ...You are Aragorn, Son of Arathorn. Chieftain of the DĂșnedain and Heir to Isildur.


"The line is not broken. There is still hope." *kills*
