Marla: Let me tell you something, let me tell all of you something—the reason I've had I is because I have to go into a room day after day after damn day and try to break through to a bunch of kids who don't want to listen, don't want to learn and don't want to give me the decency of being quiet! Harry Senate shot off a gun; I woulda rolled in a big cannon if I knew where to get one! I would've tried anything! And you show me a teacher who doesn't almost lose his or her mind sometimes, and I'll show you a teacher who's not trying! I can show you some parents who aren't! You send 'em to school thinkin', "Job's done—it's up to the teachers now." Well, it doesn't work that way! You gotta get in this, too! Kids comin' every day, singin' that jingle—"Those who can't do, teach." They get that from their parents! I know what you think of us! Well, let me tell you—we're in there doing every damn day! And a lot of the doing we do is PARENTING! You want to compare failures? Step right up! Who's first?
Board Member: Thank you, Miss Hendricks.
Marla: (to Superintendant Shinn) And that little whirl you took coming through the school so you could come to this meeting and say "I've been there"—lady, you ain't been there! (as she goes back to her seat) Stuck-up, intellectual, superintendant, frappuccina bitch!