Brady's Beasts is an animated series, which aired in 2005-2006, about the adventures of 12-year-old Brady Plunkett, who lives in a world where monsters are commonplace and make popular household pets. Brady is the local monster expert in the town of Ravenville; whenever there's a monster problem, be it a rampaging dragon or just a yeti who keeps getting into people's garbage cans, he's the guy you want.
Brady often enlists help from his best friend, 12-year-old Virgil Arp, which Virgil isn't too happy about. Occasionally, he'll also call upon the services of their other friend, 13-year-old Ember Tombs, another monster-lover with a style of dress that suits her name well.
A recurring plot point is Brady's search for his own pet monster, who went missing after being chased off by townspeople.
- Adults Are Useless: Most adults have a close-minded attitude towards monsters, or are just plain incompetent when it comes to dealing with them.
- Amazing Technicolor Population: Marvin and Gaye have pale purple skin, but they seem to be unique in this regard.
- Bratty Teenage Daughter: Arlene, Brady's older sister.
- Butt Monkey: Virgil.
- Celibate Hero: Brady isn't interested in girls yet. In his words, "What 12-year-old needs a girlfriend when you can have a monster?"
- Cool Pet: Monsters. Need we say more?
- Cowardly Sidekick: Virgil.
- Creepy Twins: Marvin and Gaye, Brady's younger siblings.
- Dark World: Crowtown appears to be this, but it's actually a mundane town that just happens to look like a darker, mirror-flipped version of Ravenville.
- The Drag Along: Virgil. Brady, for the most part, seems oblivious to his fear.
- The Faceless: Brady's monster. Its face is always concealed by the hood of the cloak it wears.
- Goth: Ember.
- Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: All the episodes are titled "How to..." following by something related to the plot, except for the pilot, "How the monsters came to Ravenville".
- Idiosyncratic Wipes
- Monster Mash
- Named After Somebody Famous: Marvin and Gaye, after Marvin Gaye.
- Nightmare Fetishist: Pretty much any kid who likes monsters technically qualifies as one of these. Ember is a more obvious example.
- Opaque Lenses: Virgil's glasses have these.
- The Scrooge: Brady's dad. His money-saving ideas tend to inconvenience the rest of the family.
- The Voiceless: Marvin and Gaye, who seem to work on Twin Telepathy.
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair: Brady's mom. The twins and Ember have darker shades.