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Super Mario Bros.[]
- I think logic is thrown out the window. (episode 1 at 7:15)
- I know the goombas! (episode 2 at 4:48)
- It's ruined! (episode 2 at 5:25)
- Koopa Jump Kill (episode 4 at 5:33)
- Hug the Buzzy Beetles (episode 4 at 8:33)
- Mousetrap! Yahtzee! (episode 5 at 0:34)
- Damn you Lakitu! (episode 5 at 2:41)
Super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels[]
- Lewis freaks out at World 9. No, really. His reaction to the underwater Lakitus must be heard to be believed.
- Part FAIL. Just... Part FAIL.
- The fire porn gag, which completely baffled Johnny.
Johnny: How do you fuck fire?!? |
- In part 8, when Lewis couldn't see the video because of a YouTube bug, Ryan and Johnny take the opportunity to play around with what they were seeing in the video.
Solaris: I will have my revenge. |
Super Mario Bros 2 (USA)[]
- Ryan singing to the overworld music when Johnny first uses Toad. The other two begin cracking up after the second line.
Nayrman: Toad! *starts singing* |
- Johnny getting fed up with Ryan uttering "Failure" repeatedly, calling him out on it and making him shut up for a short time.
- Johnny repeatedly failing at world 5-3.
- The small conflict between the three commentators over when talking about the new end boss at the end of world 3-3 in the GBA port. Ryan absolutely cracks Johnny up by the power of randomness:
Ted: Actually, his name is Rusty-robirdol |
- Johnny channeling his inner Kingdom Hearts.
Super Mario 64[]
- Ryan's reaction to realizing that updating his homebrewed Wii has made it impossible for him to complete his 100% run.
- Lewis's reaction to Ryan singing the first few bars of "A Whole New World" from Aladdin after Lewis says, "Cue the damn Aladdin song..." when he noticed that Mario was riding on top of a magic carpet in Rainbow Ride during part 19.
Pokémon Yellow[]
- The last part has plenty, including Naryman's fake Rousing Speech:
Nayrman (as Mewtwo): Greetings, Pokémon trainer. You have traveled this land fighting the strongest trainers and Pokémon. I humbly challenge you to a battle worthy of our time! |
- And of course, the joke everyone was waiting for:
On-Screen text (After catching Mewtwo): So, are we done now? Nope. (Footage of Exand battling a Seaking rolls) |
- Here's something from part 5 that was pretty funny:
Johnny: (addressing to Ted) You know what? I poke fun at you for not getting the "Koffing" and "Weezing" reference until late, but you know what? It took me a while to realize that Ekans and Arbok was "snake" and "kobra" backwards.
Ted: Meanwhile, what's Muk spelled backwards? |
Pokemon Crystal[]
- The entire Lt. Surge battle. From the callback to the Yellow Commentary (Nyeeeeeeh), to the use of Street Fighter 4's version of Guile's Theme as the background music for any Pokémon that's not Electrode, at which point it changes to the original Guile Theme.
- Just the idea of Jason Voorhees singing THAT song about his favorite day of the week.
- Anything involving the Pokémon Fan Club President and his Rapidash.
- Part 32 involves Ted getting a phone call, with Ryan and Johnny thinking it's the Pokémon Fan Club President.
- The Call Back to the Rousing Speech before tossing the Master Ball in Part 37.
Nayrman (as Raikou): Greetings, Pokémon trainer. I am here to give you your biggest challenge yet of catching a roaming legendary that can also remove you from battle. Causing this the greatest challenge of catching Pokémon ever invented! |
- Johnny imitating Raikou trying to struggle to get out of the ball seconds after said Call Back.
- Johnny's ideal marriage to some girl named Veronica in the middle of Mt. Silver. [1]
- The return of Fuck Yeah, Seaking!
- The many marijuana jokes made during the Erika battle.
Sonic the Hedgehog[]
- Solaris's klepto moments (and the increasing exasperation of Nayrman and Johnny) make for one hell of a running gag.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2[]
- Johnny manages to repeatedly impale himself at Oil Ocean. Solaris and Nayrman are rather amused.
- Johnny's satisfaction with speeding through Slicers in Metropolis Zone as Super Sonic.
Johnny: "Yeah! Where's your god now, you Mother Fucker?!" |
Sonic 3 & Knuckles (Sonic & Tails)[]
- Solaris gets absolutely fed up with Ryan's repeated failure at finding Special Stage rings.
- Ryan fails at Lava Reef Act 2. Repeatedly. This leads to yet another instance of the "It's STORM EAGLE" gag.
Sonic 3 & Knuckles (Knuckles Playthrough)[]
- Through the magic of clipping, Solaris gets murdered by a ring box at Mushroom Hill Zone. It should be noted that if Solaris had broken the ring box, he would have gotten a extra life.
- Solaris's kleptomania earns him a much higher score than a lot of people would've had from playing the game. Oddly enough, neither Ryan nor Johnny are amused nor impressed.
- Giving the Beatnik and Rastafarian Knuckles twins (from Johnny's End of Month of Sonic 2) the names of Junkles and Knuckers.
Sonic the Hedgehog 4[]
- Johnny edits the sound effects of the bumpers in the Special Stages with "PINGAS!" Hilarity Ensues.
- At the third act of Mad Gear Zone, Johnny transforms into Super Sonic a little too early, getting crushed by the wall as a result.
Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode II[]
- The voice overs in the end of Episode Metal
Nayrman: (The Animals): Thanks for freeing us from the Bad Guys Metal Sonic, we like you. |
- Ted Vs Skype.
Sonic Adventure[]
Johnny: (As a drunk Sonic): All right Eggman, Yeah I taught you good, YEAH HAHA I´m Sonic The Hedgehog!, oho God, Damn it I didn't see that coming, Yeah aha, I´m Sonic the He- Oh god there go my legs" |
- In part 9, Johnny as Tails takes a short cut and ends up flying and falling slowly through half of Windy Valley.
Johnny: This is exciting! |
- In a blink-it-and-miss-moment in Gamma's walkthrough; Johnny adds in a scene of Sonic from a different game. The other two commentators catch it, and spend nearly two minutes laughing.
- On the note of Gamma's commentary, Lewis freaking out to realizing that Big is voiced by the same actor that voices Duke Nukem. Johnny and Ryan's quotes afterward are a laughable parody of Duke Nukem.
- During the second sky chase in Tails's story. Johnny decides to spice things up and go to Ludicrous speed.
- Lewis's immodest orgasm when Johnny gets Tails killed.
Lewis OH GOD YES! |
- Tikal advising Johnny not to fall off the bridge in the Hot Shelter; complete with him falling off the bridge in the Hot Shelter.
Johnny: (mimicking Tikal) I said not to, hey wait, God dammit! |
- The Tale of Tails and his missing penny. It was a running gag that lasted throughout the Tails portion of the game, and Ryan requested that it be added to this page during the Symphony of the Night Play-through.
Nayrman: Angst, angst, oax, angst. |
- On Tails' play-through, Johnny and Nayrman's dirty minds point out that Eggman looked like he was "whacking it" in the Egg-mobile.
- We find out that Knuckles loves to "get it on with himself".
- Solaris points out Amy Rose's orange clipping through the bag.
- Solaris' explanation on how jump cuts are born.
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle[]
- Solaris's usage of the overused line, "Long time no see".
Solaris: (as Tails) Hey Mr. President! Long time no see. |
- Solaris questions the name of the ARK. Ryan's suggested answer: "It's an Act of Random Kindness?" This makes the whole group crack up. Bonus points for an "act of random kindness" being remarkably in-character for Gerald Robotnik before he went insane.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2006[]
- The creation of Silver's nickname: Pothead the Porcupine.
Clement: Who're you? |
- Silver launching Sonic to the moon definitely counts as this. However, it is later topped by tablerape.
Solaris: SUPER MACHINE GUN TABLE ATTACK! *grabs several chairs as Silver and tosses them at Sonic* |
- Solaris continues being a klepto, leading to one memorable instance where he repeatedly manages to off himself (and also waste a lot of time) in a series of futile attempts to get one Silver Medal. The rest of the gang can't decide whether or not they should find this amusing.
- "Perfectly positioned for a victory shot!"
- In Part 38, Solaris wastes a fair bit of time to improve game score to earn a better rank in the level. Five seconds into part 39, he pilots the vehicle right into the water, causing him to die and lose his score. Ryan got pissed off as a consequence.
Sonic Generations[]
- At one point, Nayrman rips off of FTA's line where the city is absolutely destroyed at the end of Sonic Adventure. FTA has not let it slide.[2]
Lewis: It's been fucking destroyed. |
- Solaris's introduction of the game.
Lewis: 6 commentators, 5 Hours, 4 People trying talk over each other all at one time, 3 eras, 2 Hedgehogs, 1 Epic Adventure, it's the Sonic Generations Commentary! |
- When Johnny goes to Classic Seaside Hill, he uses a technique that lets him break the level by skipping one of the level checkpoints
Mario Kart 64[]
- One of the first lines is Johnny lamenting on how the crew learned nothing from the F-Zero GX run of the same genre.
- At around twenty seconds into the video, Johnny starts to read Pepsi ingredients off a bottle to "Get it out of the way".
Johnny: Well I better get started now. Lets see, Pepsi. Carbonated water. High fructose corn syrup. Caramel colored sugar. Phosphoric acid. Caffeine. Citric acid. |
- At the end of Johnny's rant, Solaris shouts "Greenly", calling back to the GX playthrough.
- Nayrman tells the crew about the comic he read on Dueling Analogs where Cloud and Sephiroth are playing basketball, only to end with Sephiroth murdering Aerith. The sheer change in storyline from the comic had the other commentators laughing.
- Found here for quick reference.
Final Fantasy VI[]
- Lewis temporarily leaves his post to deal with a mosquito, multiple times in the same part, for the same mosquito. That's not the funny bit, though; every time this happens, Ryan sings the Monty Python intermission tune. It gets funnier every time.
- This comes back in full force once Johnny activates the sketch glitch. Only this time, Johnny actually added the intermission screen and theme.
The Legend of Zelda[]
- Ted dies an unexpectedly large amount of eight times in part one alone, some deaths not even a minute apart.
- Matthew's scenario of a "heal-job" gone awry:
Matt: (As Bo Rt) Oh BABY! What's your name? |
- Solaris, as stated in the Only Sane Man entry, is a nut for pointing out logic deconstruction in games; however, in part 2, in an ironic turn of events, he got confused as to how fire hurt Bo Rt when Ted made him walk into it.
Matt: Lewis, Lewis, fire hot. Remember that fire is hot. |
- The introduction to part 2, where Lewis welcomes the viewers back:
Lewis: Once again, our dear friend Ted is trying to beat the monsters by slamming his face into them. |
- Ted allegedly stops to set up a new recording in the Legend of Zelda playthrough, performing a jump-cut in the process. However, he already established that a jump-cut means that he is looking at a strategy guide to beat the game. When he does this in-front of dungeon 3, absolutely nobody believed him and Matt claimed that Ted got lost on the way to dungeon 3 when he was two feet away from it.
Ted: I don't get it, what are you guys claiming? |
- Johnny's repeated exasperated cry of Ted's name whenever Ted dies or unbelievably screws up while playing.
- Matt in general; he has been keeping the fans laughing their asses off, and they also want him in another commentary afterward.
- This little gem from Part four:
Matt: Johnny and I were playing Majora's Mask by ourselves, and I told him: Look, if you're not comfortable with the aliens, then I'll do it... and then I end up getting her abducted. After that, all day Johnny would look at me and say ROMANI!!! |
- Matt makes an accusation about their love lives. Ted steps up to defend them. Ryan shoots them down.
Matt: That's probably why you don't have a girlfriend... |
- Ryan shouting "I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!" whenever Ted tries to defend himself.
- Matt bragging about how easy dig-dogger is and that nobody should die from him, ending with Ted dying to Digdogger right at the end of his speech.
- Ted constantly going back to dungeon five repeatedly.
Ryan: I've never seen anybody spend so much time trying to get OUT of the dungeon. |
- Matt holding Johnny to different standards than he does to poor ol' Ted:
Johnny: I'm saying that you're having no problem with Ted killing everything on the screen, but you call me the fucking sociopath on our Let's Play, you fucking hypocrite! |
- Ted gets into a "metaphorical cock-fight" with the wizrobes in Dungeon 6, and loses.
- And then suddenly Vegeta.
Castlevania Rondo of Blood[]
- "So, Dracula likes poontang?"
- "Also, I'm on fire."
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night[]
- The Underground Garden: Sweet Rave Vampire Killer, and the various quotes Ryan drops throughout the area.
- Johnny's Happauge starts to shit out on him, causing what can only be described as teleportation throughout the castle. Rather than give Johnny shit about it, Ryan, Johnny, and Ted just roll with the footage as is, and make comments on it. This is noticeable when Johnny fights the optional boss of the game, culminating with...
- Johnny singing the Shaft Theme when The Ghost of The Ghost of Shaft appears.
F-Zero GX[]
- The gang getting so bored that they resort to reading ingredient labels to entertain themselves. Complete with randomly inserted clips from Animaniacs!
- Solaris eventually looks around his room to see what he could read and ends up reading the horrifying the-thing-that-shouldn't-be-named.
- Nayrman, during a track in outer space, begins singing Jews In Space, in which he explains that he is Jewish and therefore the joke is appropriate.
- Johnny suddenly plays the Poké Rap.
- He suddenly realizes that his mom is looking for the meatloaf.
- The team (along with Big Al) tearing apart the "touching" ending with such lines as "Team Rocket's blasting off again!" (Big Al) "Twinkle." (Ryan), "Hewpoe you bastard/liar." (Lewis), "I regret nothing!" (Big Al), and "Suckality." (Johnny). Other lines like this follow suit.
- Lewis furthers this claim by munching on chips during Klonoa's banishment.
- Johnny pointing out the Final Boss of the game looks like Grimace from the McDonald's commercials.
- PONTS-KOOPEE!!! And the various phrases that drove Johnny up a wall.
- Big Al's weird dream involving pie and lube.
Batman: Arkham Asylum[]
- In part 17, the video experiences the Fake Screen Crashing included in the game, then an actual video crash. For the rest of the part, Nayrman instead plays a bit of Adam West Batman while playing Benny Hill music. Needless to say, this has the other two commentators in stitches.
- Within the same part, a small bit of Ho Yay between Solaris and the Joker:
Joker: Say goodnight, Bats! |
- Solaris gets strangely turned on as he hears Harley Quinn stating that she's gonna spank Warden Sharp.
- As noted by Ryan during the second TV tropes reading, the added music during the following parts because of a sound malfunction, including Joker's Theme from the Animated Series, and the Adam West Batman Theme Song that interrupts it solely because of a combat section. Moments after the last enemy is knocked out, the music returned to the Joker's Theme.
Mega Man 1[]
- When Ryan dies to Fire Man, Clement comments on how he looks like he scored a touchdown, with Johnny imagining Fire Man doing a Charleston to boot!
- Johnny's reaction to Solaris's roboticized Namekian trees line
- in part 1 when Ryan fails a dropping platform section and megaman drops like a rock
Mega Man 3[]
- Ryan grinding for weapon energy at one part in the play-through, and intentionally leaving the work he had to put in the game. As he put it: "If I have to suffer playing through this part of the game, you have to suffer watching it!"
- It starts off mildly entertaining, but eventually becomes totally aggravating. Eventually, Solaris dives into insanity, going as far as to hallucinate drawing magic. Meanwhile, Johnny just expresses his growing boredom with the subtlety of a flying sledgehammer.
- Solaris' reaction to Doc Robot copying Airman's powers with Nayrman once again editing in Airman ga Taosenai.
Mega Man 4[]
- It's Toad Man.[3]
- Ryan grinding for life energy, only to die, then to get back to where he was before... and die again.
Johnny: I'm calling this the 'dick' part. |
- Within the same part, Lewis makes a "Krogan" reference. When he tells them to go look it up, Johnny does so only to find out it's a plumbing repair service.
- In Soviet Russia, castles invade you!
- The rest of the gang complaining about the incredible wrongness of Johnny's joke.
- This bit from Part 9
Mega Man 7[]
- Nayrman's exceptional use of the Nostalgia button to show the comparison between boss stages.
- Any conversation when Mega Man goes back to see Dr. Light.
- Revealing the secret area in Slash Man's stage:
Ted: "Remember Mega Man, only you can prevent forest fires." |
- Replacing Protoman's theme with an impromptu version of the theme to the Andy Griffith Show.
- All the times they start singing.
- "I'm afraid I'm gonna have to burst your Bubbleman."
Mega Man 8[]
- All of their commentary on Clown Man (whom they've dubbed Molestation Man)
- The Pie Discussion
- Any time they make fun of the anime cutscenes or Dr. Light
Mega Man X[]
- Failure to Hadoken any Mavericks, but succeeding in Hadokening Sigma's Dog and his first form only, to which Solaris is taken aback from the sudden success.
Mega Man X2[]
- The loss of everyone's best friend, Green Biker Dude. He will be forever missed.
- When all three power trio members yell out "Whee"! G La DOS randomly joins in.
- A sudden stalker is spotted by Johnny IRL.
- While Nayrman sings Still Alive in the Credits. Solaris tries to get him to stop.
- When Nayrman starts to narrate Half Life: Full Life Consequences style.
Portal 2[]
- Lewis getting intercepted by the sphere, knocking him out of midair and into the septic acidic sludge.
- Nayrman sings the ending credits song, while Lewis berates him for ruining the song. Nayrman completely ignores him.
- In part 12 of the Co-op playthrough, Johnny goes on a rant saying that they canceled the DMC 4 playthough because Nayrman sucks at it for their Portal 2 Co-op playthrough where Nayrman and Lewis are dicking around. Listen to it here.
- In part 15 of the Co-op playthrough, Johnny plays the Final Jeopardy music while Lewis and Ryan struggle to complete the test chamber they were stuck on since the previous part.
- In that same part, Johnny also plays the following tracks: Can You Feel The Sunshine and Regal Ruin, and a unspecified track from a Castlevania game.
- On Part 17 around 12:50, Johnny's minor breakdown at figuring out how to solve the puzzle that Naryman and Solaris Paradox are failing to see right in front of their faces is a pretty good one.
- In part 19, Nayrman and Lewis are trying to destroy some turrets in order to continue the puzzle, what happens at the 4:46 mark must be seen to be believed.
- "What..."
No More Heroes[]
- In part 12, when Nayrman and Johnny find out that Solaris has never seen Rocky.
- In part 10 of No More Heroes, Ryan goes out of his way to use all of the fire extinguishers while not on fire. Lewis gets angry at this.
Solaris: I freaked out on Johnny for the whole Hadoken thing in Mega Man X, but this is more infuriating because it has no point! |
No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle[]
- In Part 30 of No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle, Solaris puts his own spin on the "Why so serious?" line from The Dark Knight.
Resident Evil 4[]
- Solaris remembering Yuji Naka's final words on American soil thanks to Sandler during a codec conversation with Leon.
Sandler: Do you REALLY believe I would trust an American? |
- In part 21 of the Resident Evil 4 playthrough, Johnny forgets to edit out the part where he changes his Wii remote's batteries, with Solaris coming up with odd answers as to what the hell Ashley is giving Leon.
- Solaris's attempt to sing during a ladder climb, in which Johnny plays the song in sync with him.
Solaris: SNAKE EATER!!! |
- And when they decide to sing the song backwards: EAT THE SNAKE!!!
- Again, Solaris epically replying to one of Johnny's lines during the "midget Nepolean battle".
Johnny: Can you make it over here, Leon? |
- Ted's introduction to the commentary and group, seemingly left in the dark as the game was underway.
- A nice dialogue between the team that is kicked off by Ryan's utterance of Queef:
Solaris: I always have Ashley do that. (referring to turning the crank) |
- In part 23, Lewis and Johnny were making a Sonic Adventure joke which Ryan then explains what they were specifically referencing from that game. Which then cuts to a Simpsons clip of McBain saying, "That's the joke."
- And of course, the transcribe audio part.
Random Ramble: IGN's Top 100 Animated Series[]
- Solaris's reaction to seeing the picture that IGN chose for Mighty Mouse is just win. It must be seen to be believed.
- During the second TV Tropes reading, all four commentators end up forgetting what the image looked like, and need a refresher. You can hear Solaris's original reaction when Solaris sees the picture yet again.
Random Ramble: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic[]
- The accuracy of Johnny singing the famous "Trololo" song is both hilarious and frightening (He hits THAT high note at the end of the video).
Brainscratchcomms Q & A session[]
- Dinnnerrrrrrrrrrrr!
Pokémon Retrospective[]
- When the trio of Nayrman, Johnny, and Exand Shadow begin speaking about the remakes of Gold and Silver. Exand begins expressing his love for the remakes.
Exand: Oooh... Heartgold! |
- In their Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 impressions video, the female guest commentator remarks that she enjoyed the sgblikestoplay run of Resident Evil, Matt in particular because she feels joy in not feeling like she is the only ADHD kid.
- FTA's epic burn on the new girl in the Sonic 4 Episode 2 impressions video.
Amanda: Well, I only own the 3DS version, and I'm trying to save up money to inject the XBOX version. |
- And minutes later after Sonicand Shadowfan 15 had her rant.
Amanda: I hate Shadow the Hedgehog (The Game) The game is....Meh. I honestly don't understand why you gave him a car? |