Brats of the Lost Nebula is a puppet and computer animated series originally broadcast on Kids' WB. Didn't last long however as it was yanked off the air after two episodes.
Tropes used in Brats of the Lost Nebula include:
- Adventure Planets
- Earthshattering Kaboom
- Evil Empire: The Shock
- Five-Man Band: The Orphans
- The Hero: Zadam
- Big Brother Mentor: To Tripily
- The Lancer: Ryle
- The Big Guy: Duncan
- The Smart Guy: Tripily
- The Chick: Lavana
- Team Pet: Splook
- The Hero: Zadam
- Genius Loci: The Planetoid, which is also their home base.
- I Will Find You: Zadam and Tripily's Quest to find their parents.
- Nightmare Fuel: Some viewers find the puppetry scary.
- Parental Abandonment: The only way to save their children.
- Planet Eater
- Wing Pull
- Winged Humanoid: Lavana, of the fairy wings-like variety.
- You Can't Go Home Again
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Zadam