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"If doom had a face, it would look like Braun Strowman."
—Corey Graves

Adam Scherr (born September 6, 1983) is an American professional wrestler and former strongman currently signed to WWE, where he performs under the ring name Braun Strowman.

He made his official wrestling debut as new member of The Wyatt Family on August 24, 2015 episode of Raw attacking Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns.

He was later split up from the Wyatt Family during the 2016 draft and began his solo career in a variety of Squash Matches before getting annoyed and demanding more competition from management. He is a 2-time RAW Tag Team Champion (once with a 10-year old kid named Nicholas and once with Seth Rollins), a one-time Intercontinental Champion and a one-time Universal Champion, the latter titles having won the same year.