The Brave Series (or Yuusha Series) is a toy and animation franchise formed after toy company Takara had ended the animated "Generation 1" storyline of Transformers in Japan. Following a decline in the series' popularity that led to the cancellation of the OVA series Transformers Zone, Takara struck a cooperative deal with the animation studio Sunrise (known for the Gundam series) to develop a new franchise and set of toy lines. This would lead to the development of the Brave Series a landmark Super Robot series in the 1990s.
The Brave Series includes:
- 1990 - Brave Exkaiser
- 1991 - The Brave Fighter of Sun Fighbird
- 1992 - The Brave Fighter of Legend Da Garn
- 1993 - The Brave Express Might Gaine
- 1994 - Brave Police J-Decker
- 1995 - The Brave of Gold Goldran
- 1996 - Brave Command Dagwon
- 1997 - The King of Braves GaoGaiGar
A ninth series The Saint of Braves Baan Gaan was planned but never produced, development was so near complete however that Sunrise considers material from it canonical. The material meant to be used in this canceled series was later recycled into the plots for the Brave Wars Video Game Quantum Leap Rayserver, and later into the unrelated Super Robot anime GEAR Fighter Dendoh.